Why We Are Running As a Slate
Dear Friend,
Many people have been asking us, why are you running for the Vaad Hakohol/Crown Heights Jewish Community Council as a slate?
It’s no secret that this year’s election for leadership of the CHJCC is a unique opportunity for our community. Over the past number of years our community has experienced tremendous growth, B”H. There are many more families that live here, our schools and mosdos have grown by leaps and bounds, and many new community shuls and organizations have sprouted up.
At the same time we face many challenges. From the high cost of living, to safety and security in our streets, to the cost of housing and tuition, there is much to be done.
The Vaad Hakohol and the CHJCC have the ability to rise up to these challenges and make real changes in many areas that will affect us all for the better.
But to make these changes, the Vaad must be united, have a very clear understanding of what we face and a clear vision for the betterment of the entire community.
In the past, in-fighting within the Vaad and a lack of clarity of vision made it difficult to work together to actually tackle the issues and affect real change.
Our slate is a group of yungerleit from Crown Heights who have experience affecting real change in the areas of business, practice and community service. Our unified goal will be to implement processes to easily and effectively obtain government funding and successful programs for the benefit of every segment of our community.
By electing us, we will have a Vaad that has experience working together and creating real change without the machlokes and dysfunction that has often plagued the community in the past.
We plan to work every day to make the shechuna an easier and better place to live, a neighborhood and community that truly embodies the Rebbe’s blessing and promise of “kan tziva Hashem es habrocha” for every part of our community.
Together, we can work to implement our vision for a community living together beharchava ubeachdus, in material comfort and true Chassidishe unity.
On June 2, 25 Iyar, please vote for the unified slate of candidates running for the Vaad Hakahal: Meir New, Berel Hildesheim, Dovid Leib Halon, Zalman Friedman, and Shmuel Rosenstein, five yungerleit committed to actively representing the interests of the entire Crown Heights Jewish community.
To contact the slate, email [email protected]
5 people from the same shul doesn’t sound diversified and greater public interest at hand
Knowing how to work together and unified goals is key to actually getting things done
Firstly, they aren’t all from same shul. Secondly, it isn’t a class shul- it’s a shul for anyone who lives in the neighborhood. The platform they’re running on is things that will benefit everyone- what difference is it that most of them daven in the same shul?
Maybe we should keep it the same as it’s always been. Perhaps we should stay the only community who doesn’t help it’s own. Maybe people from CH should continue to have to go to Williamsburg or boropark to get the help they need. Maybe people in CH should not be helped because everyone is from the same shul. I don’t see anyone else stepping up to the plate who is trying to make changes.
Exactly! We don’t want 5 people on the same page, only focusing on THEIR agenda. We need a mix, young and old, experienced and fresh, to work together and collaborate!
They are probably all very nice guys, but some clearly lack enough life experience and expertise to do the job.
They are not all
From the same shul
You are open to run if you’d like
Be a united not a devider
They are not all from the same shul though…?
And did you notice their age range?
4 out of 5 are the same Shul.
It’s 5 people from 5 different shuls 😂
The Shul they represent is accepting of anyone and besides why didnt you try to apply for the position
As someone in their general age group, I happen to know that’s not true.
(And also–you think they’re in this whole thing to help a specific shul?! A bit out there…)
Thanks for this information
They aren’t all from the same shul!
3 of them are…
Maybe if you join the shul too you may just start also caring about the community instead of putting them down!
One issue is that the vaad does not get along.
This achdus can accomplish a lot
They were all from anshei ( and two arent- berel is from tzeirei anash and meir new from bais gimpel) anshei has proven itself to be all about the community at large and doing good for the community at large. They dont have a specific agenda, they are looking to improve the community of ch for all of us. Instead of bashing, speak out abt what exactly bothers you here. Housing? Tuition? Mental health? Relevant to us all. The fact that a few are all from the same shul only shows that this shul is community oriented in a way… Read more »
They’re not from the same shul
Not from same shul.
And what type of conspiracy are you infering? And why?
What do you think they are running to do–build themselves a bigger shul?!
Each one has an organization and or business that money can go through etc and benefits that can go through it, tell me about the people who work on the books and are choking and don’t have access to live this way
I personally find it outrageous that no matter who is running, the women of the community don’t even get to have a vote.
Do we live in the 1800’s? Does the 19th amendment mean nothing to the Vaad?
The 19th amendment has no say in community affairs and I don’t think you want the government telling us how to run our own community’s
Looks like a group of young guys with a plan. I wish them much success
i want to say that i was particularly impressed by an individual, berel hildesheim.
he seems to have the right attitude, and will be a good asset to the community.
also meir new, seems like he has what to bring to the table.
i hope they get elected, and bring unity, and cohesion, to our long waiting community.
A group of yungerleit with a common goal can bring positivity to our community!!!!
Make Lefferts Park great again!!
We bless you with success beyond and thank you for stepping up for the community.
Do you want to run?
Most people don’t have the drive or desire to run/change things
Kol Hakovod to them for being willing
What real actual experience in running a significant communal organization have any of the 5 possess.
They list lists, but tachlis.
They can think about their future desires but no record of achievements
Hope is good but experience is what counts..
Choose the experienced candidates like Rabbi Woolstone and Mr Kamman then add on a few of the young hopefuls.
Overrated – how did those people get “experienced”? And how long do you think it takes for a young, capable, competent group to be “experienced”?
Sounds like a swamp thing to say tbh.
Probably if we keep doing what’s been done for 40 years things will shape up?
Sounds like it’s time for some change and have young blood bring change to the community
What can the community do to make it affordable to own a house or at least a 4-5 bedroom condo in crown heights proper? Answer that and you have my vote
Probably not..
Landlords know that splitting that in 2 one bdrm appartment brings double money and you can raise rent every year or two because people has to move….
On top of that, it seems like ch is focused on building big shuls right now, for example beis shmuel and empire shtiebel…
Boruch Hashem there is finally election. The SLATE idea is wrong especially mixing in the Rabonim .
It should be a totally FREE NON PRESSURED ELECTION and only after the election the newly elected VAAD must definitely seek advice and direction. From our Rabbonim
It should be בהצלחה and everyone has a responsibility to vote and have your voice heard in the ballot box
Have a wonderful day and thank you to. ALL the candidates who are ready to accept the challenge of צרכי ציבור באמונה it will definitely be הקדוש ברוך הוא ישלם שכרם …..
We Want Moshiach Now!!!
Time to give a fresh group of people a chance. Those that say they were working for the communitu for many years need to have what to show for it. If youve spent decades in communal work and cant point to how it benefitted the community, your experience is more of a liability than a benefit to us!!
All candidates are from the SAME shechuna.
Does that make them not diversified ?!
Step out of your machloikes mindset and appreciate young , optimistic and energetic yungerleit who are willing to give of their time to better the ENTIRE community !
Looking forward to seeing them implement their ideas.