Wedding: Hildeshaim – Vishedsky
The wedding of Mendel Hildeshaim of Thornhill, Ontario and Moussia Chana Vishedsky of Crown Heights took place at Razag Ballroom in Crown Heights. Photos
The wedding of Mendel Hildeshaim of Thornhill, Ontario and Moussia Chana Vishedsky of Crown Heights took place at Razag Ballroom in Crown Heights. Photos
Was a real Chasidushe lebdik wedding.
May the young couple have the Brochos
so beautiful
Mazel Tov Mendel and your Kallah
Special Mazel Tov to Rabbi Chaim, will never forger your Farbrengens in Toronto when I was a young Bachur.
Mazal Tov to Mendel and his Kallah, we know your wonderful grandparents so well here in Toronto.