We are all brothers.
We have one Father.
But what happens when brothers fight?
How can we truly love our brother if we sincerely believe his behavior violates our father’s wishes?
Is there a limit to Ahavas Yisroel? Are we ever justified in rejecting a fellow Chossid because we disagree with his view?
Rabbi Yehoshua Binyomin Gordon, Head Shliach to California’s Valley, will attempt to answer these questions Sunday night in the second instalment of the online classes by the Achdus group.
The classes will be streaming live on COLlive.com – the Lubavitch Community News Service.
8:15 PM Eastern Time: A class for women delivered by Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, a Mashpia and teacher in Machon Chana in Crown Heights.
9:00 PM Eastern Time: A class for men delivered by Rabbi Gordon, Shliach of the Rebbe in Encino, CA, and teacher of a daily online Chumash class.
The Achdus group is an ongoing initiative undertaken by a group of Anash and Shluchim to promote international Lubavitch unity. For more information visit FamilyofChassidim.com.
The Achdus group:
+ Video: First Achdus Class
+ Achdus Group Begins Activity
+ I Will Try to Love Them Too
+ New Group to Promote Achdus
Women @ 8:15 Rabbi Yossi Paltiel
Men @ 9:00 Rabbi Yehoshua B. Gordon
For the sake of achdus I’d like to see future speakers include: Rabbi Majesky, Rabbi Kalmanson of Cincinnati, Rabbi Levi Garelik, Rabbi Chaim Miller, Rabbi Liberow of Flatbush.
So glad I can watch this now, a few days later. Thank you for making this available to us.
the link isn’t working to watch the replay. Can you pleeeease get it working so we can watch it. Thanks!
I think at familyofchassidim.com there is a donate page
I think these shiurim and other efforts are not trying to deal with the Machlokes problem. Rather its an oppurtunity to be mecazek are real brotherhood. We are all one family. In russia and even in America, even where we has serious diffrences, Chassidim would get together at Simchas, etc. as one family.
This brotherhood is worth being mechzek in every way!
Thank you to COLLIVE for boradcasting these shiurim. Is there a way to donate to this effort?
Thank you Rabbi Paltiel, your sincerity and practical chassidishkeit is an inspiration!
Yasher Koach. To do ‘one’ thing is a good start! a managable start!
If the Chabad community would start ” Fargining” each other and let others succeed as well, then maybe their would be Ahavas Yisroel. If the Chabad community would treat their own community as they would treat their mekuravim then maybe their would be Ahavas Yisroel.If the Chabad community would teach their children at home about Ahavas Yisroel like what they preach out of their homes then maybe their would be Ahavas Yisroel.
thanks for these inspiring words. rabbi paltiel and rabbi gordon thank you for giving of your time to give us a lot to think about and alot to work on.
Wag the Dog – create a war to improve the situation. Who shall we attack? Satmar – they are being so nice to us. The misnagdim – it would be beneath our dignity. The only ones “worthy” of fighting with is our own neighbours, relatives and anash.
yup – it’s called the yetzer hara/golus, etc
To have achdus we must have a common enemy – someone or something we can all fight together against, in unity.
he was practical and that’s what we need more of it and working in that direction
thank you for inspiring me all the way in sydney! from your former talmidah
Tznius tznius tnzius, that’s all you guys talk about and you are totally wrong.
Tznius is but a symptom on a larger issue. It’s not the source but the effect of lack of inspiration etc etc. So the true lubavitcher’s answer is to inspire those who are not inspired.
To light a lamp, not to beat darkness away with a stick.
thank you rabbi paltiel, that was very inspiring- despite the fact it was given over through a machine!! That point of Ahavas Yisroel- like Besht says is the Melacha that wtihout it, Torah is batul, never hit me that not just that we need koch in it, but that it’s actual Work- which included effort and hard labor. like another mitzvah that might not come easy, but we work hard on doing it- Avodah. Thanks for the inspiring shiur. Moshiach now!!
Wow! Rabbi Yossi Paltiel is fantastic!!
Thank you so much to the organizers for aranging this!!
Hershel S is that you on the right?
that’s a topic we need more of around here.
Answer: They make a huge Chillul Hashem!
The Gemara in Succos says Tofasta Meruba Lo Tofasta. Only deal with one problem at a time otherwise you will not solve either problem For some skewed reason anytime the klal gets together to try to combat an evil prevailing character trait someone takes the opposing side and finds what they feel as a more important issue. If we would UNITE in our cause and go with the flow we would succeed in turning the tide on one level which would gain momentum towards other such endeavors and challenges that present itself along the way. I know I would gain… Read more »
Achdus is always important, but the problem was much worse several years ago. Achdus lectures are not going to solve the outrageously disastrous tznius problem we have. (And general lack of inspiration that seems to be growing..)Ooops I said that word that so many hate to hear. But come on, it gets worse and worse every year and I always say, It can’t get worse than this, and than it does. Maybe when you speak about achdus you can make some noticeable progress in inspiring people in this area and in yiddishkeit in general.