Tsion Goldstein, a husband and father from Crown Heights who bravely battled a terrible illness for many years, passed away on Shabbos, 20 Av, 5777.
He was 43.
Tsion was a devoted Chosid who was active in outreach to the Spanish Jews that visited and lived in Crown Heights.
Even while battling a terrible illness for the past 10 years, he did Mivtzoim with doctors and patients in the hospital.
He is survived by his wife, Devorah Leah (nee Prager) and children Shaina Rochel, Esther Brocha, and Menachem Mendel.
His father and 2 sisters live in Argentina.
The levaya will pass in front of 770 on Sunday, 2:00 pm.
Shiva will be at 858 Eastern Parkway
Shacharis 10:00 am
Mincha 7:30 pm
Mariv 8:30
Visiting hours 11 -3
5:30 -9:00
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
what a man. what a man. he taught by example
Baruj Daian Ahemet Que buena persona!!!
Estuve en crown higth en guimel tamuz y quise conocer un shil en la calle troy y empaire que nunca lo había visto fui en Shabes a la tarde cuando salía el entraba con un amigo y noto que yo hablaba español y me preguntó sos Argentina llegó a ser que conocía a mi flia fue muy cordial
Lo lamento muchísimo hamakom ierajem etjem vetoj shear abelei ierushalaim mashiaj ya! el esta junto al Rebe
Débora Mizrahi
Tzion Z”L, fuiste y serás el gran amigo de mí juventud en la Ieshiba de Buenos Aires,en la Ieshiba de Tzafat en Eretz Akodesh. Les deseo a tu familia consuelo y fortaleza. Que lo veamos pronto con nuestro justo Mashiaj, en tejiat ametin.
Jaim Ashkenazi.
an incredible person
any fund created to help family?
Very sorry to hear about the huge loss , he was very sweet , kind and quiet person ,and we always met together on the block greeting each other with a big smile ,l sure will miss him , may his family have strength and be strong and go forward without hardships and sorrows , and always have simchas. Hamokoim yenachem eschem b’soich shaar availei tzion veyerushalayim !! And only ach toiv vochesed !!!
M. Moskowitz ,former neighbor from the block, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it in person I’m in l.a. now for a while,.
Tzion Tzion,what am I going to do now without you…
Best friend,best fellow,like my own brother, we became so closed to each other within the last 5 years, although i knew you from working together in Gan Isroel of Argentina.
Please Hashem…Rachmonus on his kids, I only ask for happiness from now and on for these kids and that they should see their father as the best chosid and soldier of the Rebe.
Going to miss you forever till Moshiach comes and will announce us tchias ha meisim!
Gaby Fail
I had the privilege of teaching piano to the daughters of Rabbi Goldstein. They are shining examples of devoted daughters with good midos, true values in Yiddishkeit. Their parents always encouraged them to be the best they could be. I am so sorry for your great loss. Baruch Daayan Haemes.
A noble heart and soul as he,
A warrior for Hashem- who can find?
May we merit the immediate resurrection
No words can describe how much of a true tzaddik Tsion was.
We love you Tsion ,our hearts are with you ,we will never forget you. Soon we will all be united with Moshiach in ir hakodesh. MOSHIACH NOW!!!
I am so sorry for your loss,
This family is incredible,
His daughters are shining young ladies who babysat for my children,
My heart is with you.
He will always have nachas from you.
May you be reunited soon with the coming of Moshaich now!!
A former neighbor.
I have the honor to be his friend , we share a lot of simchas together and not only simchas he was always there. And how the say said In the bad situations R”L you find the real friend. He was a real chosid of the Rebbe an exceptional person who never give up even in the most problematic situations he fight because until the last moment he want to be here for his wife,kids,family and friends. Today the world seems to sad to me. As I told him last tisha ve av , I love you Sion you were… Read more »
Boruch dayen Emes. Tsion was such a special sweet man. Him and his wife Devora Lea and their children are just shining with light and goodness. May Hashem comfort them and bring moschiach now
We had the Zchut of being hosted by the Pragers many times throughout the years on the Yomim Tovim. Rabbi Goldstein and the entire family is so warm and giving. May Hashem comfort all of you among the mourners of Tziyon and Yersushalayim.
Will this tzar never end? Hashem Yishmor
Great loss to Klal Yisroel.
Hashem comfort Devorah Leah and her family. They should be strong and proud of the husband and father they had.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים ולא תוסיפו לדאבה עוד ואך טוב וחסד, בטוב הנראה והנגלה, ימצא אתכם תמיד כל הימים, ויקיצו וירננו שוכני עפר, והוא יקירנו, בתוכם, תיכף ומיד ממש.
Every day to live for his family, to do another mitzvah, mamsh kasis lamaor.
Halevay we should reach his pyatehs.
I had the special opportunity of davening Kabolas Shabbos with him Friday night’s in 770. He always had a smile on his face despite the difficulties of his illness. He always sang and danced during davening. BDE May his family be comforted knowing how special a person he was.
Such horrible news,BDE, You will be missed dearly big brother.
Gavriel Pollack
estoy con el corazon quebrado por el dolor de tu partida tan temprana.
Fuiste mas que un amigo, Fuiste mi hermano de la vida. Estaras por siempre en mi mente y mi corazon.
Ricardo Bondorevsky
May Hashem have mercy on the family!!!
Baruj Daian Haemet
What amazing chasid..what amazing nashama
Even when he walked around with a medical backpack and in pain he would thank hashem and give you chizuk He would listen to prople with their own challenges and give encouragement. His emuna was in hashem when most people in that spot listen to science. His faith in the rebbe was monumental He strengthened many people in their faith that gd runs everything and that we should become better chasidum
Zion, i can feel we are closer yo reaching the goal that we both know and want. The ultimate farbrangen in yetushalyim with all of us together dancing
What a special man he was as you can see on his children’s shining faces. His wife was always positive and a true fighter. Wishing them all the comfort from above and may they never endure anymore pain
Excelente, persona que tuve la suerte de conocer y compartir, de nuestra vida de juventud en Metzada (buenos aires). Mucha fuerza para la familia.
I knew him he was a family friend.
Very nice man always with a smile on his face.
Wishing his family all the best with the coming of Moshiach now!
Ed will miss you Tzion
This family always walked around with smiles on their friendly faces. I had no idea of the terrible nisayon they were going through. May they be comforted among the mourners of Tzion.
He was the sweetes, happiest, nicear person I met in my life.
We should try to at least be half as nice, leilui nishmaso…..
Baruj Daian Haemet
Many years ago we sat and learned Gemara and sichos. Tsion always would stop and recount an argument to understand what is being discussed. Patiently, the learning made sense. Years later Tsion helped me out moving to my new apartment or with rides to where I needed to go, etc. Even after getting sick, he almost always open the door of his home to have me as a guest – save for the moments when the illness rendered him to weak to get up. Always patient, generous, with a sense of humor, aware of other people’s misfortunes, concerned, and a… Read more »
BD”H. You can see for many years how Tsion was suffering, but he ALWAYS had a smile on his face and was always upbeat. How many HEALTHY people can say the same of themselves?
May Hashem comfort the family and provide them with everything they need physically and spiritually. They should never know of pain again, and may they be reunited with Tsion when Hashem returns us to TSION!
Fuiste un gran amigo, estudiamos muchísimas veces siempre para fuiste para adelante, que Hashem le de consuelo a la familia. Baruj DaIan a emet
Devorah, I am with you in spirit!
May you find comfort during this terrible sad time:(
Henny chanina
just like Reb Levik, as he had mesirus nefesh to live. It was very difficult for him to stay alive for the past 10 years but he was a real meisras nefesh yid! May hashem give his family the strength to continue with Moshiach now!
From a friend who knows.
He was such a refined humble chosid….
עד מתי!!!
His ben yochid isn’t bar mitzvah yet. He’s an amazing child that is in my son’s class, they just finished 5th grade.
עד מתי….
We need משיח now……
He was so hardworking and such an emes person. Hashem please take care of his family!
I can’t believe this I have tears in my eyes…. I always saw him. All over crown heights always with a smile… we are really gonna miss him… Shaina I feel so sorry for you, if you need help with anything I’m always here 😘
to the goldstien family: we are so saddened, as are all who knew him. he was a very fine, unassuming person, and a sensitive husband and father. with mrs. goldstien’s never-wavering encouragement he put up a valiant fight ; there can be no feelings of could’ve/should’ve. our hearts are truly with you.
may the Aibershter give mrs. goldstien nachas from her wonderful children and simchas for the entire family in the future.
So sad, Such a special person. I am so saddened by this heartbreaking news.
Such a beautiful family with kind, happy, wonderful kids.
DL and family may Hashem comfort you and may we be zoche to the final Geulah immediately!
Hashem please have mercy on his beautiful family. He was a tremendous person, Chosid & Yirei Shomayim. A tremendous loss to our community. May we merit the coming of Moshiach with Techias Hamaisim now
Moshe Haber
I had the privilege to meet him on numerous occasions, positive, grateful, humble, chassidish person. A deep loss.
Boruch Wolf