By Mrs. Dina Polter
This Shavuos is the first yartzeit of my twin little granddaughters who were born conjoined sharing a heart, K’ish Echad Blev Echad.
Just as we finished reading the Aseres Hadibros in shul, how we yidden were all standing by Har Sinai, like one man with one heart, K’ish Echad B’lev Echad and following that we read how Hashem revealed Himself and we received the Torah, that’s when my little girls Fraida Geulah and Miriam Maryasha returned their holy souls.
The message of these two holy neshomos was very clear to me. The demonstration of their unified presence is one that actualizes the greatest mitzvah in the Torah, and the life of chassidus, in the most real way: K’ish Echad Blev Echad
While the mitzvah of Veohavto Lreiacha Komoicha is associated and has many similarities to Vayichan Shom Yisroel Neged Hahar K’ish Echad Blev Echad and both ideas express the overwhelming importance of Achdus Yisroel, at the same time they each have their own unique aspect of Achdus.
It is clear that K’ish Echad Blev Echad is not one of the 613 mitzvos as Veohavto Lreiacha Komoicho is, rather it describes the moment and state of Klal Yisroel at this awesome historical event of Mattan Torah. Hashem has created each and every one of us with different characteristics, desires, talents, goals, and based on how Hashem created us individually, is the way we understand, view relate and feel. And that’s not a bad thing, rather, that is a gift because each and every one of us with our unique gifts can collectively bring about the purpose for which the world was created.
Yisroel is the acronym for Yaish Shishim Reiboi Oiseyois La’Torah. There are 600,000 letters in the Torah. If one letter is missing from the Sefer Torah the Torah is pasul. If one Yid with their unique way of thinking or feeling is missing, the purpose of creation cannot be fulfilled.
However by Mattan Torah, where in order for the major event, The Transformation of Earth, to take place, the indifference between one and another had to literally disappear, had to become comatose. This was a moment where Hashem Achad was giving his precious Torah Achas to his Goy Echad and the only other Echad that was needed was K’ ish Echad Belev Echad and if not for Lev Echad the Torah could not be given.
Well, then the question arises, how? How, if Hashem created us differently for a purpose, as the Chazal say, “No two people think alike “ if so much about us is different, how can we possibly reach Lev Echad?
The answer is standing at such a monumental event, an event that inevitably causes a tremendous self-nullification where the whole world was trembling together with a massive excitement joy and happiness for a new era; where heaven and earth for the very first time are connected. A mitzvah down here rings volumes and reaches directly up to Hashem. On the contrary, it’s impossible to be aware of my individuality and my indifference from someone else while in such a heightened state.
Because of our humility for something far larger than all of us and our shared excitement and joy for this great revelation and new time period, that’s about to take place.
There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the period we are now in with changes in every aspect of life is unprecedented. No schools, no shopping, no household help, no big Simchas, no family for Yom Tov, lack of cream cheese for Shavuos, no Pesach hotels, no trips to Israel… Something huge is about to happen.
The long-awaited promise and the many hundreds of years of tefilois and avodah of Klal Yisroel is coming to fruition. Something we’ve been waiting for 1900 years. A period of the Geulah Shalaima in which our lives will change for the good beyond our imagination in every single way.
The last three months no one has been living a life that even resembles what we considered as little as six months ago, “normal.” The Rambam writes anyone that looks at an event that took place in the world and says it’s merely coincidental is nothing short of a heretic. Another option is to pin this occurrence to a special reason or shortcoming of Klal Yisroel. However, this historical change and impact would seem a far greater measure for the called for lesson. Additionally, one really has to be a tzaddik of the highest stature to be able to proclaim with certainty how this life change is due to a specific reason.
The other option is to see it for what it is. It is a new era, and that is all of our life habits and needs that we’ve become so dependent on over so many years, all of the necessities we were not able to live without, all of the negativity we were able to fester towards others is obsolete. I can live without all of this.
You may ask yourself, why now? Why today?
30 years ago The Rebbe told us that the Time of Moshiach has arrived. Moshiach is imminent. And when Moshiach comes we know that our deepest greatest pleasure will be in ruchnios as the Rambam notes in the end of Hilchos Malochim the possuk “The world will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem.”
We know there won’t be hatred jealousy and competition. We know we will all together be Blev Echad in our common experience, excitement and self-nullification because of the great revelation of Hashem and the Bais Hamikdash Hashlishi. Would this past three months not be a great and most fitting preparation for such an awesome period we are about to experience? Actually it would be the greatest travesty to go back to what was and act as if things are back to normal and lose the shock and awe of the moment even more so as it had been said by Rebbe that the only possible reason Moshiach has not yet arrived is because of our failure to usher him in by living to the best of our ability in the mode of what it will be when Moshiach comes. Let us seize this opportunity as a stepping stone to true greatness K’ish Echad blev Echad with no feeling of separation one from another because we are about to experience something much larger than all of us as individuals that we will share equally. And so we are each humbled and wait with tremendous excitement and joy for the coming of Moshiach now.
To learn עניני משיח וגאולה which will help get us into the joy excitement and anticipation of Moshiach go to
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לע״נ מרים מריישא ,פריידא גאולה בת אברהם צבי הכהן
Dina. Very touching. Moshiach NOW!!
Beautifully written! Thank you!