Abuse is wrong. It is horrible. And it happens in our community too, unfortunately. (All abuse is horrible; here we specifically talk about spousal, or domestic, abuse.)
Too often, members of the community unwittingly add to the suffering of the victims with judgment or distancing or siding with the abuser. Sometimes that happens because people simply don’t understand what abuse is and how they can be a support.
It could be your loved one, your friend, your neighbor, someone you sit next to in shul. And they can really use your support – if only you knew the situation and how to help them.
Adai Ad and Shalom Taskforce tackles this issue from some important angles in this 2 part series. https://adaiad.org/power-of-community/
Part 2: How You Can Help Someone is Abusive Situation. with Avital Levin, LMSW, education director of Shalom Task Force
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 8:45 PM eastern
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84701564537
Call in: +1 646 558 8656, webinar ID: 847 0156 4537
Part 1: What is Abuse Anyway? with Dr. Shana Frydman, executive director of Shalom Taskforce
Recording available – https://adaiad.org/power-of-community/
You can send in your questions anonymously before, during and after the call to www.adaiad.org/ask-anonymous-question.
Check Adai Ad’s website for upcoming calls and events at http://www.adaiad.org/events or recordings of past events at www.adaiad.org/past-events.
These events are part of a series of workshops and education organized by the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council under a grant by the New York City Council Domestic Violence Initiative awarded by Council Members Matthieu Eugene and Chaim Deutsch.
how about adults being sensitive to children in these situations.
Adults talking to their kids or kids freinds can be very hurtful.
+1 646 558 8656
Webinar ID: 879 8038 5814