Wednesday, 3 Adar II, 5784
  |  March 13, 2024

Why Is The Pain So Deep?

From the COLlive inbox: A Crown Heights mother writes about seeing Nadiv Kehaty OBM daily when he brought his children to school. Full Story

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$1 Million To be Raised for Kehaty

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March 11, 2015 2:09 pm

Very well said! Instead of walking in the street on ur cell……….Why don’t we greet the person we meet with a smile???

to curious #4- family's number
March 11, 2015 2:05 am

you have a very nice thought of helping the family/little children out after shiva as part of your chesed from bnos menachem. instead of posting their number here in a public forum, please email [email protected] and the shluchim in new orleans where he is originally from will give you the phone numbers etc that you need. may we always help each other for simchas!!

me too!
March 10, 2015 9:10 pm

I’m not someone who posts my feelings on the web, but I also couldn’t sleep last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about nadiv and his family! May the Aibershter bentch them with strength.

I donated to the family fund, nadiv mean to donate….

Smile in memory of nadiv
March 10, 2015 8:49 pm

I have plans to make a campaign
With big advertising
“Smile to a stranger in memory on nadiv”

This warmth and smile is realy what u need
To be a true chosid the rest is all

Special person
March 10, 2015 8:11 pm

Nadiv stayed at my house when i was little, and i rememeber he was so kind to me. Very special person!

Beautiful words
March 10, 2015 6:15 pm

Yes, it’s so important commit in some way to continue the life’s work of those precious departed souls. Whether it’s “being in the moment” or whatever it is we can find in our hearts to do to keep them alive, to make the world a better place. Someone passed away not long ago who was not the most popular person on the block. Someone who carried a very big pekel. A million people did not come out for the levaya or shiva. But I knew that this person did mivtzoyim, always taking literature wherever they went. It’s not the easiest… Read more »

March 10, 2015 5:49 pm

I didn’t know Nadiv personally, I actually don’t know how I know him but I knew his face so I must have met him somewhere. I really believe he wouldn’t want us to be depressed and down, but he’d want us to do positive things and genuinely feel positive. Let’s take a lesson from Nadiv and cherish the special people in your lives. When you see someone in the street, genuinely ask how they’re doing, instead of walking away. Put your phone down and talk to your spouse, children, parents- anyone. Let them know they are the most important thing… Read more »

Bringing our thoughts into Action
March 10, 2015 4:51 pm

Your Comment: Just read the above Very touching! This is something we all can improve on in Nadav”s memory- Take a moment of each and every day to ” be there in the moment ” with a family member or just any random person be it a neighbor , friend and even someone you don”t really know Show that person you truly care , be real and truly in the moment by connecting with that person. All it really takes is just a smile, kind word or gesture Let”s do this together K”ish echad ubelaiv echod” And bring about the… Read more »

March 10, 2015 4:44 pm

great thing to try to emulate

Shoshana Silver
March 10, 2015 3:36 pm

Thx so much for sharing. My son was married a year and a half ago in New Orleans and the Kahaty family attended. I remember how he introduced himself to me in a local supermarket before the wedding and the his level of genuine happiness a being able to attend. As you said his level of true Ahavas Yisroel was indeed real and one we should all emulate

March 10, 2015 3:30 pm

What’s there number ? Because in Bnos Menachem High School We have this thing that once a week we have to do Chesed for 1hour so I was thinking about all what happened this past week all the lives that where taken from us and I desided to make a difference to help those people out there that lost someone especially those four kids who just lost their father I want to be at least once a week and help out . So whoever sees this message should take something appon themselves to help the people that need there help… Read more »

March 10, 2015 2:56 pm

it just brings to mind how fragile life is, we don’t know HaShem’s ways or plans. We have to remember to be kind to each other, considerate, and try to run our life in the ways of Torah and Mitzvos. May H’ grant Nechama to the family.

The pain is deep for all of us
March 10, 2015 2:25 pm

Even those of us who didn’t know the niftar. Every time we lose a young person in our community, of course we grieve for the families and young children left behind. But we also grieve for the loss of potential, the loss of people who made and continue to make an impact on the community. And that’s why the only way to really relieve our grief is to commit ourselves to continue the life work of these wonderful people who left us in the prime of their lives. Not to let their children grow up alone and neglected. Although we… Read more »

Thank you
March 10, 2015 2:20 pm

This is beautiful. May we all aspire to this genuine quality. Surely it is a gift that his children will carry forth in his path.
May his memory be for Blessing.