Sunday, 30 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 10, 2024

Urgent Gathering in Crown Heights

Over 2000 people attended the "Urgent Gathering" in Crown Heights, with speakers calling to find salvation in Chassidus. Full Story, Photos, Video

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Thank you for posting the video
December 26, 2013 2:48 pm

Thank you very much for posting the video. Rabbi Schochet’s address was wonderful, showed clearly his empathy for the struggles that seem to have driven many to participate in COTS, with clear advice about the chassidish way to address these struggles. Beautiful ahavas yisroel combined with incisive thinking.

R' Shochet's Own Words
December 26, 2013 12:29 pm

“The end hallows the means is a pagan concept.”

From his COL article “The Call of the Void”.

To 216
December 26, 2013 11:52 am

ze ma shekatvta, nachon me’od. yesh harbeh anashim shegam choshvim kach, veatah amarta (katavta) ze berabim.
ani lo yishlach et haben sheli lemosad efo shehu sham. Gam tzrichim lachshov im yeshivot shemekablim shluchim mishom (eifo she”hu” melamed acherim) tafsiku lekabel shluchim mishom.
Gam, hayeshiva shelo toenet she’ein lahem kesef – aval yesh lahem kesef leshalem (chaimishim achuz) mehotsaot lekol melamdim shehalchu lesham. ma koreh poh?

Emphasizing Words in English
December 26, 2013 10:39 am

It’s not an accepted practice to capitalize words to emphasize them when writing in English. It comes across as yelling and detracts from whatever point you’re trying to make. Emphasis should be conveyed through phrasing.

December 26, 2013 9:33 am

for those who are wondering why Dr. twerski endorsed this program- HE DIDNT. they used his brother- cuz they knew the name would get ppl and ppl would think its the other one!

Lets Be Clear
December 26, 2013 9:10 am

I don’t think this Asifa was about average yungeleit going to the Call of the Shofar (which I personally think is a bad idea, but I believe in Live and Let Live, so if people want to go, they can). I believe the Asifa took place specifically in Oholei Torah and was addressed by a Rosh Yeshiva and Mashpia, was because the concern here was for the BOCHURIM that were getting mixed messages from the staff at the school. If it was an issue for the CH community, it would have been led by the Rabbonim. But it is not… Read more »

Reb Yoel's Speech
December 26, 2013 8:43 am

Reb Yoel’s speech was a masterpiece! I highly recommend listening to it on the computer – even if you were at the event.
Very powerful words!

inspiration map guarantee!
December 26, 2013 8:04 am

dear fellow chassidim and friends the issue at hand in one word is: HAPPINESS! it is normal and healthy to want to be a happy person. to want to live a happy life reality is that happiness is achieved when a person lives a life of purpose, clarity, satisfaction. we need to first create an honest destination, so we can use the best road map to arrive to our desired destination. since we are a composite of body and soul, we need to make sure that both , body and soul, come along with us to the destination. if only… Read more »

The Dark Side
December 26, 2013 6:45 am

Practically every positive comment is a plant from a COTS shill. There’s a famous Gemorrah in Yuma that speaks of a tzidukki kohen gadol who did the nissuch ha may’im by pouring the water on his feet; the entire azora pelted him to death with their esrogim. The tzidukkim had so deeply infiltrated the kahuna that the ziknei bais din had to make each Kohen Gadol swear before the Yom Kippur avoda that he was an emesdicka ehrlicha Yid. Despite this, for years, the bodies of dead corrupt kohaniim gadolim were dragged out of the Kodesh Kedoshim. The dark side… Read more »

cots is not healthy for anyone its DANGEROUS
December 26, 2013 6:18 am

I posted before and I will post again warning people. My wife is a prominent phsycologist in NJ. We have read the posts. From what has been written on this website she told me that cots is DANGEROUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

217 I loooove u and ur idea!!!
December 26, 2013 4:31 am

Very pragmatic and Appropriate conclusion!

Let’s take the positive from what works at cots and bring it back to its natural native place Chasidim and chasidus

To Sum It All Up
December 26, 2013 2:28 am

What Is ‘Call of the Shofar’? | Luke Ford http://www.lukeford.net/blog/?p=51429‎ Dec 17, 2013 – The program “Call of the Shofar” is an Orthodox Jewish version of EST … of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, new-age nihilism, and narcissism, … WHAT IS ‘CALL OF THE SHOFAR’? Posted on Dec 17, 2013 in Cults The program “Call of the Shofar” is an Orthodox Jewish version of EST aka Landmark Forum. It is popular with many Lubavitchers and is a form of LGAT – Large Group Awareness Therapy. As such, it is very dangerous, according to this one rabbi. Is The Possible You seminar a… Read more »

Simcha Quotes Tao. Taoism Is Idol Worship
December 26, 2013 1:59 am

One of the comments quoted from one of Simcha’s pages online a quote from Tao. If you google Taoism idol worship you will see that that is what it is.

to 203
December 26, 2013 12:58 am

i guess you got sucked in, rachmono litslan what are you going to do unprogram yourself. you now have no mind of your own, the guru owns it

to #97
December 26, 2013 12:42 am

Really cute poem.

December 26, 2013 12:40 am

Awesome idea,or maybe Yagdil torah should start making farbrengens?

December 26, 2013 12:38 am

U are definitely from cots, to cool off someone and make fun of the chassidus I smell a big problem here, not coming from Torah.

to 216
December 25, 2013 11:44 pm

im yesh lecha ahavat yisrael az taazov oto . ani betucha shehu mitcharet tov tov vlo yada bechlal ma zeh . harei lo masbirim lifnei chen vlo notnim rak lirot bli lhishtateif.

to 168
December 25, 2013 11:33 pm

i didn’t get that tanya was supposed to take away your emotional issues. i undertood that to struggle is normal bec. of the two nefoshos we have so it is not right just to give simcha to your behamis not through kedusha not through your nefesh elokis . yes we should learn tanya so we see that we are all normal and it is ok to feel a void etc. bichlal, the smarter one or the more learned one is the more pain he has(shlomo hamelech) this is our avoda, the behamis should get affected from neshomo – no quick… Read more »

Possul and Usser
December 25, 2013 11:26 pm

The whole thing is possul just based on the CEO’s resume!!! It’s mekor is A”Z, it’s founder is steeped in A”Z, and therefore IT is completely usser b’gufo mammish. If you listen to Rav Shochet you will understand why this is yetzer harah and in fact denies the very essence of chasidus and what the Rebbeh taught. This man’s name and his teachings and exercises should be banished from the anash. Those who attended did so in sincerity and innocence. They should not be scorned or punished or looked down upon in any way. They should be embraced with ahavas… Read more »

December 25, 2013 11:17 pm

very very cute. loved your three part series. you really expressed yourself clearly and it is so true. everyone screaming we need leadership and all, so go be a leader etc. everyone feels az skumt zei epes

Lets farbrang !
December 25, 2013 10:56 pm

I have a suggestion! Lets make a farbrang house !
Just like there is a foundation called yagdil Torah, we need a institution called yagdil farbrangen, every Thursday night crown heights should be filled with small farbrengs, not speeches and not even to get inspired, just people should speak over a bottle, and increase there yiras shamayim and ahavas yisroel, we could make a basement for farbrengs just like yagdil Torah and bring in that geashmak in being alive and being connected !

והיה מחניך קדוש
December 25, 2013 10:39 pm

לא יתכן שמשפיעים שמקבלים ממון הקדש והכניסו בלבולים אצל התמימים, ינצלו את האהבת ישראל שיש לנו כחסידים.
הם מתנהגים כאילו כלום לא קרה ועדיין לא הודו בפומבי ששייכים הם לכת.

אני מרגיש בדעה זו עם עוד חברים, שמשפיע מסויים צריך לקחת חופשה מיידית!!!!
כאן לא נכתוב את שמו.
חילי הכת מסתובבים פה ואפילו משפיעים הולכים ובהם

to #3
December 25, 2013 9:42 pm

You say about taking care of all the tzoros?
The Torah tells us “V’Hoyo machanecha Kodosh” ”כי ה’ אלוקיך מתהלך בקרב מחניך להצילך מכל אוביך ולתת אוביך לפניך, והיה מחנך קדוש ולא יראה בך ערות דבר ושב מאחריך!” (דברים כג:טו
& “Hatzneh leches im Elokecho” , Do we need more? If we want H’ in our midst and that He should protect us, we need to be b’tznius.
If you’ve read through the Sichas and Igros you know well that the Rebbe points to Kedusha and tznius countless times as the source and segulah to do away with our tzoros.

to all those intimating that we - chassidim are the cult
December 25, 2013 9:28 pm

There was no psak din that one may not go to COTS. There were thousands of people that came to hear Rabbi [Yoel] Kahn and Rabbi Schochet’s opinion, and we got it. Anybody that wants to go, is welcome to. I choose not to.

More so, in cults, they have retribution against you if you don’t conform, or especially if you leave. Anyone was punished for going to cots? Moreso, do people who fry out, get castigated in Lubavitch, or we continue loving them? (or perhaps even show them increased love)

to 67
December 25, 2013 9:24 pm

those that went to cots thought it was waste of time- cuz their minds have been far-shtupped.
those that didnt found it wonderful and inspiring.
unclog what theyve done and youll enjoy it too!

to 164
December 25, 2013 9:14 pm

because we DONT JUST go to any mind-controlling, meditation place without FIRST getting a psak that its kosher (from a Rav who KNOWS)
and 2: RED FLAG: they did not allow any Rav to just watch- they said if he comes he MUST participate- so no one could check it out and once you go…you’re their korban and they can do what they want with your mind- and then you can no longer make an objective opinion- cuz now u are “HAPPY”.
This was SATAN trying to take down Lubavitch.

December 25, 2013 9:08 pm

1_ a clear psak from a large group of Rabanim since many of us follow one but not another….(this is for those who went who are having dificulty seing anything wrong. those that didnt go know that this is not for us at this point)

2- maybe a letter from a doctor that we look up to that can explain if these methods are really healthy or not?
breathing until fainting…..

some people need this clarification!

to 168
December 25, 2013 9:04 pm

ok…so ur saying that shrieking and dancing inspired by a buddhist is the better solution to ur emotional issues…sure…Ill take Tanya thank you!!

to 162
December 25, 2013 8:56 pm

if you believe for a second that Rabanim are after power, your in the wrong religion. the panic was that many are going to tuma for inspiration cuz they are failing to see what we have. your comparison to those other ‘urgencies’ are baseless. if you dont respect rabanim, you dont respect Torah, and you dont respect Hashem.
sounds like you went to COTS?

There are no solutions up for the grabs
December 25, 2013 8:47 pm

Only G-d has the solutions. So if you are hoping to have all your problems solved you’re going to waste much precious time chasing after an elusive goal. What you can get is a different attitude and different way of living which can give you purpose, fulfillment and even joy. That does not come from a quick-fix. You have to work hard at it- that includes really learning, looking for the right type of mashpia, acknowledging that the occasional failure is there to help you go forward, and that your life situation is there custom-made to help you achieve your… Read more »

Thank you #199
December 25, 2013 8:40 pm

You said it all in three simple sentences. Thank you for empowering the confused instead of telling them that they are victims.

So what did the assifa accomplish???
December 25, 2013 8:31 pm

1> The fact that so many of us came kish echod blev echod to listen to divrai hisorerus even if nothing was accomplished is a great feat. Ilu kairvonu lifnai har sinay vlo nosan … 2> I beleive no bochurim will again be urged by their mashpia to attend COTS. 3> No Chasidisher Bochur will even think of attending COTS. 4> No Chasidisher Yungerman will think of attending COTS. 5> The thoughtfull Chasidim will begin learning the daily Tanya with the thought how does this apply to me how do I Change myself how do I change a character flaw… Read more »

Shofar Misunderstood
December 25, 2013 7:48 pm

The Rabbis unfortuntaly did not do a proper chakira and derisha into the philosophy of Call of the Shofar before they attacked it. If you just watch the video of Simcha posted originally he does not say anything about doing or not doing your responsibilities. He’s talking about getting to a place where you have FREE CHOICE…i.e. serving Hashem out of choice not out of desperation to fill an emotional void (going out of mitzrayim) And then to accept the Torah i.e. accept your responsiblity but as a conscious chooser, not a parroting robot. Chabad chassidus agrees you need both… Read more »

To those of you who say cots has rabbis endorsements
December 25, 2013 7:06 pm

אנשי הכת, שכאמור שבויים בתוככי ההגנה על הכת בכל מחיר, ולא אובים לשמוע כלל שיש כאן בעיה, אומרים כל הזמן שיש להם גיבוי מרבנים ומשפיעים. והנה, התברר למפרע שהכל שקר וכזב. שאין להם גיבוי מאף דמות רוחנית ממשית, לא רב, לא משפיע, לא ראש ישיבה. אף אחד. אף לאחר שהפעילו לחצים גדולים בדרכי מרמה ובאיומים, לא הצליחו להוציא מכתב אחד! מאיזה רב בשכונה, או איזה משפיע. בלית ברירה הם נפנו למנהיגם היושב במרחק, ועל פי דרישתו הם הציגו שלושה מכתבים של רבנים שאינם מאנ”ש. אולם בקריאת המכתבים עולה ששניים מהם כותבים בפירוש שאינם מכירים את הכת, ולא יודעים מהותה, אלא… Read more »

I am clinically depressed
December 25, 2013 6:48 pm

I’m in clinical depression over a strong loss I’m going through right now. All the fluffy chassidus “everything is for the good” and “Hashem is running the world,” is nice in an intellectual way, if anything.

Once i went to COTS, it brought out the emotional understanding to my plight. I’ve learned Tanya, chovas halevovos for months, but it didn’t help me get past it. It remained in my intellect.


let's make a Lubavitch version of COTS
December 25, 2013 6:44 pm

Let’s make a lubavitch version of COTS
Call it Call of Moshiach
We have plenty of people who are good at emotional support (blackmail)

To Genius #183
December 25, 2013 6:38 pm

You said it all. Nothing else has to be said.

I’ve been saying this all along but you articulated it perfectly. Colts has been helped by all this talk of does it add to yiras shamayim, chassidishkeit or not? It is a diversion.

The psychological damage this program has caused is the only issue!
My son went and it had a very negative affect on him.

To #183
December 25, 2013 6:34 pm

You said it best .
Take well meaning naive people for a ride and ripping them off!!!!
Thank you

stop demanding
December 25, 2013 6:11 pm

to be SPOON-FED, and stop blaming the “system’ that it hasnt filled your void. YOU need to be proactive- there is PLENTY out there if you would really want t learn, just go and youll find the right inspiration. there is no person out there whose job it is to drag you.

To #183 You Do Make a Solid Point About The Dangers
December 25, 2013 5:48 pm

But please forgive me it seems you aren’t aware of the complex laws of avoida zora and the techniques of COTS taken from Landmark formerly EST which uses excersices from Zen Buddhism etc. Another point, Tanya and Chasidus arguments aren’t a smokescreen here but a real issue as the application of Chasidus to motivate us and help us deal with various issues in our lives as it was for many in previous generations could solve many of the problems a lot of us face in our daily lives. This is not to say that sometimes professional help isn’t needed or… Read more »

December 25, 2013 5:47 pm

Many big rabbanim endorsed COTS, including Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky. For me, that puts the Halachik question to rest.

Thank you comment #183
December 25, 2013 5:34 pm

The real issue about Call of the Shofar is that it is run by layman who offer “therapy”. No one at Call of the Shofar (look at their website if you don’t believe me) is a licensed psychologist/social worker/mental health professional. And that is a MAJOR RED FLAG and is the sole reason PEOPLE SHOULD NOT GO TO CALL OF THE SHOFAR

People use your brains. You are being taken for fools if you believe for one second that COTS is legit.

Sheesh, I thought you people were smarter then that.

184 LOL
December 25, 2013 5:33 pm

Your sarcastic right?

Either way this is nuts…Just live and learn guys sometimes you just need to deal with pain. THATS LIFE.

The truth hurts?
December 25, 2013 5:24 pm

To # 170 I assume that you must have been one of those at the head table and you recognise the truth and the truth hurts. There is a smart way to do thins and there is an opposite way. We live in a world today where there is very little respect for those who should be respected. Call it “Dor Shfot Hashftim” , where if an assumed respected person tells his constituents to remove a toothpick from between his teeth, he answers back to “the judge” why don’t you, yourself, remove the bolder from between your eyes, first? Why?… Read more »

December 25, 2013 5:16 pm

Here was finally a response. They are finally getting it. They arranged an Asitfa. They came. So are we going to still complain? Or do we actually say Thank you, We like, We want more. If all we do is add the same old belly aching, we don’t want change. Each one of us is responsible. Each one of us can add to the problem. Each one of us can add to the re’fua. Each one of us is human with feelings. Yes, You, Me, The Rosh Yeshiva, The Mashmpia The Rabbeiyim, The teacher The students The Mother The Father… Read more »

העיקר חסר מן הספר
December 25, 2013 5:13 pm

עכשיו מרגישים העדר של הרבי כמה הוא חסר לנו מעדארף באמת מיתפלל זיין פאר ביאת המשיח ליידער ליידער כמה צרות יש אצל אחינו בני ישראל שמחכים אוף א ביסעלע ליכטיקייט לאמער אלע ציזאמען מיתפלל זיין

to 187
December 25, 2013 5:11 pm

Your sarcasm is a bad cover up for the only issue that is NOT being addressed and the only issue THAT matters:

Unlicensed group therapy with no accountability to any board or supervisory process, which includes highly questionable and possibly damaging exercises.

That is the only issue.

The day that shofar becomes licensed by The American Board of Licensed Psychology is that day I will support the community availing themselves of its services.

Until then, stop bashing everyone around you because they wont buy your snake oil.

Sam Sapozhnik (to 168)
December 25, 2013 4:39 pm

The one claiming to be sam sapozhnik here is Simcha with his ZERO psychological training

To #90
December 25, 2013 4:28 pm

I got the book free as an app for my iPhone: inspiration at the ready. From #32

December 25, 2013 4:13 pm

You are so correct in your lengthy comment. We tend to over react and despair with everyday problems. Kvius item, good friends and asei lecho rav reduces tension, sholom bayis difficulties and is oxygen for the soul and body.

The Asifa Worked!!
December 25, 2013 4:12 pm

I am totally convinced now. Chassidus HAS all of the answers!

I am giving away all of my cookbooks, burning my phonebooks, and shredding my parenting books.

No need for these treifeh things. I’ll be consulting with Tanya 31 for what to eat for supper tomorrow and Igeres Hatshuva 4 for the best way to lost weight. Next time my kid does not want to go to sleep, Maamar Basi Legani will let me know how to deal with it.

The final ruling?
December 25, 2013 4:12 pm

It’s obvious lots of people need help and the help is not coming from inside our institutions. Regardless does anyone know what or if there was a ruling from these “experts”??

December 25, 2013 4:03 pm

if call of the shofar is in any way influenced by Landmark, it should be avoided like the plague

Rabbanimout of touch?1?
December 25, 2013 3:55 pm

is it really the Rabonim that are out of touch? or maybe it is us that are out of touch stop putting at the Rabonim for our failures , Suck it up cupcake and take responsibility, if our kids go off the derech its our fault not the Rabonim, its golus its a myriad of things but STOP blaming others. any fault you find in another is proof of its existence in yourself so think and resolve your issues with the help of your mashpia not some crazy organization I did my research and found that COTS employs cult like… Read more »

Follow the $$$$
December 25, 2013 3:37 pm

To 155. As a certified mental health professional, I cannot believe your rant. Shofar is run by lay people who are UNCERTIFIED in mental health. Uncertified, unlicensed and irresponsible. Stop preaching about Tanya not being the answer to the solutions. You are a hypocrite!! You are advocating an uncertified, unlicensed entity that uses highly questionable and possible damaging techniques with no supervision and no accountability to any certified board. In other words, you are advocating snake-oil salesmen. The worst thing that happened in this entire discussion was when this group was accused of Avoda Zarah – (which is ridiculously false),… Read more »

asifa opinion poll
December 25, 2013 3:24 pm

I liked it a lot. I appreciated the balance of English, even Reb Yoel’s segment was somewhat translated by the other Rabbi. And the keynote speaker, the Rosh, I liked that he was simple. I think speeches like the ROshes, should be more common-place, and as well some of the high-profile shluchim should come in periodically like that; I think that would be a good way to foster the achdus, which perhaps we need. to show shluchim on the same page as CH. maybe also this is a good way to “represent” the rebbe, by having some of his most… Read more »

December 25, 2013 3:23 pm

B”H you and your psychology textbooks were there to help Reb Mendel and Reb Lazer in siberia, they would have been broken empirical wrecks if all they had were farbrengens and chassidus

To 161
December 25, 2013 3:21 pm

Great points regarding secular books. They can be read but filtered, of course.

December 25, 2013 3:19 pm

In the Tanya’s introduction, the alter Rebbe qualifes what is meant by “all answers…” in each generation Hashem will provide accessible menors who have the ability to deliniate the “hidden” answers included therein! The Rebbe via his igros etc certainly qualifies as one of those reliable mentors to follow for “how to apply tanya in situations not explicitly specified in tanya”. Agav: The Rebbe told us that we can and must “designate a personal Rav” Aseh Lecha Rav! Through whom bsayaata dshmaya H’s answer (moishe ish elokim’s) answer and bracha will come through. Cautionary note: Not everone fits with the… Read more »

December 25, 2013 3:19 pm

Oh, everyone including the alter rebbe himself in Tanya says that help is needed to extract the advice.

If you really think your question makes room for cots, then pretend everyone is saying “answers outside of chassidus” instead of “outside of Tanya” and you will find your delusion clears up immediately.

to 165
December 25, 2013 3:15 pm

At least he had the … To sign his name. Where is your name?

Why was it called as an "Urgent" Asifa?
December 25, 2013 3:14 pm

The urgency of the meeting was only because, the organizers feared the truth to come come out, within a few days after the Asifa, after the Rabbonim’s clear Psak Din, is expected, which will most probably before Shabbos or by next week at the latest. Knowing full well, that there is no way that any Rav could ever possibly issue a blanket Issur, forbidding anyone and everyone from ever attending. The expected final psak is expected to be somewhat similar to what Shea Hecht had said that it is Kosher but should be used only by those who feel they… Read more »

#168 You said it best
December 25, 2013 3:01 pm

but I don’t agree with COTS. That is not the answer. It fills a void that we have created, lets work on repairing it – Ish es reyeihu ya-azoiru ulachiv yomar chazak.
May there be meaningful farbrengens – multiple topics where we each can get chizuk in the the areas we need.
as the Rebbe said- umala haretz farbrengen….. every single person who is following or posting should take the achrayus upon himself to help out arranging and spreading the message.

We NEED Moschiach now!

Wake Up
December 25, 2013 2:42 pm

Just check out the background of Simcha’s training and today with the web anybody can do this and check out websites about cults and you will see the dangers involved begasmius and beruchnius. A lot of info about the dangers have already been posted in the comments of these articles and a lot of ways to check into including some links have been posted so please just check into it and I’m sure whoever does seriously check it up will realize the severity of the dangers involved. So please if you have any reservations or doubts do check it out… Read more »

Who Benefited from the Asifa?
December 25, 2013 2:00 pm

Who Benefited from the Asifa?

Any one who is open minded (as in there mind is open to hear the truth, objectively) was uplifted and inspired leaving the event with a good feelings of empowerment

Any one who is “OPEN MINDED” (as in they lost their mind and will not listen to any thing that doesn’t fit the way their “OPEN MIND” thinks/wants to hear), will not benefit from this event or anything alike, you will use any petty reasoning to bash the program.

Get real, and be OPEN to the truth, we welcome all

Habo L’taher Mesayin Oyso

To all "Nitel Nacht" Observers
December 25, 2013 1:36 pm

All those that are very bothered and disturbed that the Assifa was held on Nitel Nacht…. no were does it state that we are “SUPPOSED” to play chess, or do this or that we are not supposed to learn Torah, but that does not mean that we are supposed to waste our time or do anything unproductive there is no problem with talking and having dissensions that increase our Yiras Shomayim… if you are LOOKING for ways undermined & find problems with the Asifa I’m sure you can find many…no food..Nitel..Yidish..but come on lets grow up. if i am mistaking… Read more »

Igros Kodesh
December 25, 2013 1:35 pm

If Tanya is the only answer to all challenges
do you think the Rebbe would have spent time writing all the Igros & have them printed?

Playing with fire !!!
December 25, 2013 1:23 pm

The eiberchochom with a good pen that is writing the long winded comments in favor of cots, could be considered a maysis umadiach !!!!
No good deed goes unpunished and the opposite … V’dal.
The choichos and brachos that our Rebbes put in us Lubavitchers is not something to play with.
You know who you are.
Don’t play with fire!!

December 25, 2013 1:23 pm

If 2000 people would show up to support their children’s schools, or for Safety Kid, we’d look a lot better as a community. Not just sensationalism “Anti-Shofar” wave. This community needs leaders and I’m glad someone woke them up, but waaaay over due and totally not getting the point, as usual.

# 155 - Hit the Nail On the Head
December 25, 2013 1:13 pm

The entire Asifa was broadcasting a message that Lubavitchers have no need to go to Shofar. because all the answers can be found in Tanya, Chassidus and with “The Mashpiim”. Now think about the flip side of this coin. What are they really saying? What they are saying means, that if any Lubavitcher does go anywhere “outside”, such as to Shofar, he obviously disagrees, with what all the Mashpiim, had said last night. Just think about this: Whom were they “complaining about”? Who are the ones who did indeed go to Shofar? It seems that the majority who attend Shofar… Read more »

don't blame others part 3
December 25, 2013 1:06 pm

I see so many good people in the community who are working so hard to help others and give to others, teachers, principles, Rabbanim, mashpiim, and more who work tirelessly from morning to night to give to others, sacrifice for others, guide others, etc. Do we say “thank you”? Do we show them our appreciation? Instead of “blaming” them for what is failing why don’t we thank them and get on board and try to contribute too? Each person has to ask themselves: what can I do to help the problems I see? — not blame others who are already… Read more »

givers and takers (continuation of don't blame others)
December 25, 2013 12:49 pm

you have a community where there are many “givers” i.e. people who put themselves out there to guide and help others, to lead in whatever capacity. then there are “takers”– which is a natural role– not bad– but people who benefit from the “givers” and turn to them for guidance etc. The problem is when the “takers” start blaming the “givers” that they haven’t “given” them enough. They say the “givers” didn’t do enough for them, didn’t guide them enough, didn’t sacrifice everything for them, didn’t make enough programs for them, didn’t inspire them enough, didn’t give away every last… Read more »

to yitzchok wolf
December 25, 2013 12:48 pm

I am from chicago and think you do not know the depth of the problems nor the depth of the solutions needed and therefore you have a parent body of varying adherence to the program. We need skills like you mention, but more importantly, we need mentors and friends, who care.

Go Find Out
December 25, 2013 12:38 pm

My son who had gone to the program last Fall was strongly encouraged to attend at the behest of his very level-headed wife. He enjoyed it. There was also, as far as I can see (we daven together on Shabbosim) no negative fallout. My son’s only beef is the foloowing, “Ta, why don’t they go, then they can judge for themselves?”

stop blaming others, grow up, and take responsibility
December 25, 2013 12:36 pm

1. Stop blaming “Mashpiim”, “Rabbanim”, “the schools”, “lack of leadership” etc. etc. for “everyone’s problems”. Each mashpia is an individual. Each Rav is an individual. Each teacher is an individual. Each leader is an individual. There is no “system” that failed you. A “system” is made up of many independent people. Each person is an individual, a human just like you and me, doing the best they can with the tools they have in their realm of influence. Who are you to judge them? They are human too (i.e. limited). They have families to raise too just like you. They… Read more »

The big LIE: Why did they cry "WOLF"? Why the Panic? Why was it an "emergency" and an "URGENT" call? Where is the fire?
December 25, 2013 12:21 pm

Only those who learned Jewish history know about the mass hysteria of allegations that the Rambam’s Seforim are all not Kosher and that they were burnt in public bonfires because of misguided Panic Attacks by those who had an Agenda to pull the wool over the eyes of the public that it’s VERY URGENT and we must take action immediately – an “urgent asifa”. Similarly we all know that when Chassidus was started the Misnagdym with a deliberate Agenda tried to create a mass hysteria of false allegation by instilling fear in to the mind of the public, that this… Read more »

December 25, 2013 12:09 pm

to 145: RAshab obviously didn’t think Freud was avoidah zara otherwise he wouldn’t have gone. We don’t try and elevate shalosh kelipos hatmaiyos.

Does that mean we should never take practical, hands-on advice from goyish therapist who write books and give speeches etc??



seriously?! read them, go these secular programs if theyre helpful. finished.

Response to 155
December 25, 2013 12:03 pm

You do realize that everyone at the asifa agrees with you. The question is why if as you claim COTS only helps to understand chassidus healthily is it necessary at all? The whole asifa was about the need to recent and understand chassidus properly without the need of cots. So you’re basically in agreement.

Listen To The Comments
December 25, 2013 11:54 am

We live in a society where everyone and everything is judged toan imaginary standard. We forget that everyone is a unique individual with their own strengths and capabilities. From a young age we are being taught to be competitive and survival of the fittest. Yeshivas have standards and charge tuition. If teachers must keep up with a curriculum that considers quantity above quality, where teachers may not be trained properly, where every student may not be capable of fitting the curriculum, where every parent may not be capable of affording the tuition, because they had an upbringing that did not… Read more »

December 25, 2013 11:47 am

Wouldn’t it be fair to say that if Lubavitch embodied a message that they welcomed, and were better equipped to handle, the complexities and dynamics inherent within their group, far fewer people would have the need to go elsewhere. Just saying….

December 25, 2013 11:46 am

As one who has been around Chabad for forty years in different communities saw the Rebbe many times etc etc .Chabad better wake up quick because Kollels are opening around the country to counter the “Chabad cult” and many others even false like Open Orthodoxy are stealing away many Jews form the Torah truth….This seems to be one of the final tests before geula to keep the faith and for each and everyone of us to reach down deep inside and stay the course .

The Hypocrasy
December 25, 2013 11:41 am

If learning Tanya alone and going to these mashpiim worked so well nobody would be running to COTS. There is a HUGE burden lifeted from the people who go to COTS. And it largely related to an unhealthy APPROACH to chassidus. The problem is not that they don’t learn enough chassidus. But that the chassidus has become for them the “sam hamaves” as the R. Rashab explains can happen. Making them feel worse about themselves than better. Serving G-d because you’re trying to fill an old wound from your past. That’s not the path of chassidus. When you can heal… Read more »

to #146
December 25, 2013 11:34 am

What’s a farbrengen if not a bunch of unlicensed lubabs trying to help one another?
Hope you find a real group to farbreng with

Grow up people!
December 25, 2013 11:34 am

My close friend went to the original weekend retreat, and I spoke to him for hours, in great detail, so, I have some understanding, as to this discussion, and came to this conclusion… Why is it such a huge deal, that on Nitel Nacht, when we are supposed to play Chess, something that our Rabbein did. Stop the whole world, fly Rabbis out to this very important Assifa. A. If it’s a cult or not? Who cares? B. Should a Chossid go to such a place? That’s a personal question. C. Has the organisation that COTS is copying caused people… Read more »

to 101!
December 25, 2013 11:13 am

you obviously went and are brainwashed. yes, in order to be Lubavitch, you need to believe chassidus has all the answers.- if you dont believe it, find another derech, but dont call yourself Lubavitch. obviously tuma has a tremendous power and stole many! but now Tanya is their only cure- and had they learned ENOUGH, would have prevented the need to to go to such shtusim. and if someone needs medical help, chassidus does not oppose doctors. but to go to a guru who tell you to scream out your issues till your hoarse and to breathe till you faint…PLEASE!… Read more »

Some Thoughts
December 25, 2013 11:02 am

I would like to add some of my thoughts on this subject. Being in Chinuch for over three decades, I have had countless discussions with parents, representing all diverse factions of Anash with issues they are facing that can be rectified if they are addressed properly in a timely fashion with proper assistance and guidance. I will not attempt to discuss mental illness which needs to be handled professionally. Yet, there are other issues that do not necessarily require psychologists or psychiatrists and can be handled by Rabbonim, Mashpiim and even laymen who are Yedidim. Here are some of the… Read more »

The money
December 25, 2013 10:52 am

The thing that smells fishy to me is the fact that they charge so much money and that it is such a lucrative business for the owners. That seems like the biggest red flag.

____ Anonymous for Jews?
December 25, 2013 10:47 am

To #115 or anyone wondering if ____ Anonymous is for Jews.

In his book “G-d of our Understanding”, Rabbi Shais Taub talks about addictions and spirituality and has a list of various Anonymous organizations for various addictions. I doubt he is a xtian recruiter.

Did NOT like this Asifa!!
December 25, 2013 10:47 am

It was an opportunity missed. Only R’ Yoel – at the very end spoke clearly. They should of had more powerful down to earth speakers – not a long dragged out speech.

Reality Check
December 25, 2013 10:36 am

Very disappointed to how this has been summarized here. You could think that all Rabbi Schochet spoke about was “witch doctors”. False, false, false. Watch the video and decide for yourselves. Not true at all. I challenge you to listen to Rabbi Schochet. I don’t understand Yiddish so Rabbi Yoel Kahn’s talk was completely unhelpful to me. For the record, I was initially appalled that there was to be an Asifa on this issue. I was afraid that it would be like a witch hunt against Shofar – and I was very troubled by the hype and hysteria and the… Read more »

December 25, 2013 10:08 am

Going to a Unknown weekend with unlicensed COTS guys with unprofessional lubabs running it must make people think…

How would anyone go? Would you go to an unlicensed unregulated unknown therapist for help?

Rebbe Rashab
December 25, 2013 9:59 am

To #3, who mentioned that Rebbe Rashab visited Freud: Without getting into the merits or faults of COTS, I hope you realize what an offensive Chutzpah this is, for the following reasons: 1) No one here is a Rebbe. In Tanya Perek Ches, the Alter Rebbe talks about how the Rambam and the Ramban were versed in studies about which we are told, in that very Perek of Tanya, not to study. This is for they, and only people like them, knew and know how they could be used in the service of Hashem. For someone to use the Rebbe… Read more »

very inspiring
December 25, 2013 9:54 am

Very nice tanya shiur, but what about practical answers. I will give credit to those that have questioned the wisdom of making this asifah on “nitel nacht” . You are not aloud to learn torah on nitel nacht,period. For some reason they “the rabanim” totaly missed the boat on this one. Its known that when rabanim make a mistake in public, Its not by chance , Its a message from hashem. We are living in such dark times that anything that can be done to get yidden together which is the cause of us being in galus aka ” sinas… Read more »

To #102
December 25, 2013 9:52 am

That must be the REAL question
…and you are really a Shliach…

To 88 and 94
December 25, 2013 9:45 am

Chabad.org and Rabbi Gordon live

December 25, 2013 9:43 am

I have a question on this whole “emergency asifa”, aren’t there more important issues in CH today? What about our children’s education & safety? What about Tznius? Ahavas Yisroel?

December 25, 2013 9:36 am

Its great to see you woulda love to here you speak your apinyon ..

Victims not participants
December 25, 2013 9:21 am

As one who knows and understands frishlings methods. I am very sure it was on his orders that Nachman and sternberg showed up Biresh Gileh to last nights event.

Out of 50 to 75 active full time maspiam them being the only 2 up there is a very telling testament as to the cult like control cots has on its victims.

December 25, 2013 9:20 am

This is the first time I hear about this organization and started reading more and more about what they do and who they are I have the feeling that the so called ‘urgent opposition among Lubavitcher Rabbis had more to do with the threat of competition then the need to “save soles” I don’t know if this KOTS is any good, if it’s a cult, if it’s harmful or harmless. I know it is run by non Lubavitchers and some Lubavitchers are joining in and participate in search of self fulfillment and / or happiness I think that if Lubavitch… Read more »

deep down
December 25, 2013 9:18 am

i truly don’t understand how this is ossur HOWEVER if people, chachomim knowledgeable people i trust say it is then i have no argument, period.
all those claiming it is OK and what is the urgency etc. just don’t want to accept that Y.Kahn, Rabbi Shochet Etc. might know better then us??? A bissel seichel, o my!!

December 25, 2013 9:14 am


Stupid Move
December 25, 2013 9:13 am

I never even heard of the call of the shofar until these rabbonim publicized it….maybe they should’ve ignored and instead focussed on getting their own act together…

December 25, 2013 8:59 am

Was there a Question and Answer session after the speeches?

December 25, 2013 8:51 am

No one was saying that true psychic issues shouldn’t be treated by doctors. Of course, nowadays all human behavior has become some sort of psychosis according to the professionals and therefore requires professional help. Back in the shtetl when half your kids would die and the other half would be killed in pogroms and you never knew on Wednesday if there was food for shabbos, it was an easy life and no one was stressed, damaged, or unbalanced, and therefore with bitachon and chassidus they were happier than we are now. Stop trying to get everything excused with a doctor’s… Read more »

December 25, 2013 8:31 am

Everyeone is fighting a “holy” war… Meanwhile, everthing else is going to …. in a hand basket! Im all for chasidus. That is how I live my life. It the emes. BUT all this accomplished, it created a greater devide between those that dont go and those that WILL continue to go. When you come swinging the party you are trying to reach out to: you lose immediately and it only creates greater controversy and lashon hara etc. I just wonder how many hours of learning, davening, and shabboss table time… was waisted on talking lashon hara and worse. We… Read more »

Rabbi Heller
December 25, 2013 8:29 am

I think a lot of people came they thought that Rabbi Heller will speak, why didn’t he? He always has a very CLEAR way of looking at things and life in general.

To number #101
December 25, 2013 8:23 am

I truly am thankful for your bold words, it is scary how selfish this community is sounding by saying that its ok to have Rabbaim generalize Mental health by saying alternative techniques outside of chassidis is like going to “Witch doctors” and therefore furthering the stigma that mental health should not be dealt in as a serious a manner as physical health…Do these rabaim turn to Tanya when they have a sprained ankle?..I am not saying that Chassidus does not hold the inner key to life’s true meaning but not everyone can decipher it appropriately to help resolve deep set… Read more »

to 118
December 25, 2013 8:14 am

Unfortunately whoever went to cots do in fact speak very well Yiddish

To #48
December 25, 2013 7:57 am

I agree. I wonder how many comments are COTS

December 25, 2013 7:54 am

An end to this terrible shofar cult!

Fresser Rebbe says
December 25, 2013 7:34 am

Sho-Far Sho Good

chapter 41
December 25, 2013 7:27 am

Seems to me the problem with COTS (and maybe CAY as well) is explained in perek 41 of Tanya. “The first step of the avodah, themost important, and the foundations” of al future steps of conecting to Hashem is Yirah! An aproach based soley on Ahava seems wonderful but does work. Rather “it is necessary to first a activate the natural awe/fear of heaven hidden within each jew”. Only then can the ahavah be real.

if you didnt hear the answers
December 25, 2013 6:53 am

or did not apreciate the beauty of this event: you are still under the spell of COTS. the first step is to admit you did wrong and open your mind to HEAR what the issues are. ALL THE ANSWERS WERE ADRESSED. if you didnt get it, HIRE A MASHPIA who will explain it to you on YOUR level.

We Owe A Big Thank You
December 25, 2013 6:35 am

to Rabbis Shea Hecht and Yitzchok Shochet. They were the ones who flagged up the concerns. And while Hechts back peddled a little Shochet at least was the one who called for introspection about what is available to us in chassidus. Of course the biggest thanks goes to COL for putting up those articles and bringing this whole thing to light before it destroyed.

If these rabbonim would have "bittlul"
December 25, 2013 4:07 am

they would support those who they failed

Please post the pamphlet mentioned in the article
December 25, 2013 3:53 am

Can you please post the pamphlet mentioned in the article? Thanks very much. 🙂

to #43: Amerika iz nisht anderesh
December 25, 2013 3:52 am

Just like Amerika iz nisht anderesh, eykhet der yingere dor iz nisht anderesh. To say our Rebbeim don’t speak to the younger generation is sadly like the people who rakhmonu litzlan say Torah and mitzvos was for the old country, it no longer applies.

To 105 (Mr. Urgency)
December 25, 2013 3:36 am

Excuse me, but what AZ? I didn’t hear any authority figure say a word about AZ. And your are saying it as a FACT?! What the Rabbonim in CH said was they need to look into it. That’s it. To go and make it like the world has come to an end, AZ, and Lubavitch would be over if not for the 3 days of noise and chaos we just had? I’m glad you panicked and the world was saved. Reminds me of the guy who bentched gomel. Why? His pants fell of the clothesline. “Nu, so what?” says his… Read more »

A worthwhile gathering but please consider...
December 25, 2013 3:20 am

The first problem is at the beginning of this article!
The wonderful Reb Yeol Kahn SPOKE IN YIDDISH!!!

START speaking in the language of the ordinary people and you will perhaps have their attention!!

And Chassidus & Tanya might have all the answers… but the answers need to be decoded somewhat!! MAKE THE UNDERSTANDING accessible to the average person and problem is solved!!!

(speaks a person who learns Chassidus AND Tanya regularly and STILL needs secular self-help books to work through the complexities of the emotions and mind!)

To all of those criticising, or suggesting other things that an Asifa is needed for......
December 25, 2013 3:04 am

Olam Helem VeHester. Comments sections on website sand blogs let any Am Ha’aretz express their opinion. and I certainly feel that I am no less an Am Ha’aretz than anyone else…….. Firstly, this was a fantastic and extremely positive event. To those who criticise it because it was Nitel etc. …….. It brings to mind the Rebbe’s famous comment about a Chosid Shotah….. To those who think there are more pressing issues, stop complaining an go organize! Anyone who thinks that COTS is the same as psychotherapy as practised by licensed psychotherapists who have the academic, professional and clinical qualifications… Read more »

just listen to r shchot speech
December 25, 2013 2:56 am

amazing event thank you.
if anyone just watches the speech, will see that it wasn’t a hack a chenik, or a agenda. rabbi shochot was speaking from the heart, even shears pearsonl situations that he struggled with etc.. so stop with all this non sence and listen to what was said

What hypocrisy!
December 25, 2013 2:02 am

It’s interesting to find Rabbi Sternberg sitting there on the dias. Just two years ago he spoke to the same crowd about the CH asifo regarding the internet, and he said the very antithesis of what’s being said here. He said that Chassidus doesn’t help and that if you need answers, don’t rely on Tanya, but instead, you should go to group meetings (like AA). AA and all of it’s subsidary organizations (SA) aren’t just avizrayu d’avoido zoro, they clearly come from avoido zoro mamosh! Just do a simple Google search on the origins of AA and the “oxford group”… Read more »

December 25, 2013 1:32 am

With over 100 comments and counting. …
If you are still reading. …
I am plugging an advertisement for Insidechassus.org . In clear and succinct English Rabbi Yossi Paltiel teaches Tanya, Maamarim and misc. Learning this is a life changing experience ! EVERYONEA CAN afford to listen 15 -20 min a day.
It’s FREE! And it will brighten your life like only well taught Chassidus can.

December 25, 2013 1:22 am

chasidus via the Rebbe instructs us to utilise the benefits of meditation for those who need it

the source, is a ltter from the Rebbe posted on collive re extracting the meditative tools from their unholly use by variouse AZs and cults

nittel nacht and a fishy smell to it all
December 25, 2013 1:19 am

Sounded like a very inspiring Tanya shiur; it would have been nice, had it not been on nittel nacht. In Hayom Yom we read: My father once said: those diligent students who begrudge those eight hours and cannot tear themselves away from study – I am not fond of them. What was the emergency? HAVING THIS ASIFA ON WED NIGHT INSTEAD WOULD NOT DO? THIS HAD TO BE ON NITTEL?! Remember the story of Shmuel Munkes dancing around with a plate of food and then discarding it? He sensed in everyone’s intensity that something was amiss. That same ‘strange energy’… Read more »

Chassidus contains all the answers for life
December 25, 2013 1:10 am

Ashreinu Ma Tov Chelkeinu!

everyone read 105
December 25, 2013 1:09 am

yes,- this was written clear and to the point what we all need to know

great event
December 25, 2013 12:52 am


for those that misse
December 25, 2013 12:51 am

i would like to ask for a video, for those that for some reason missed it.
thank you

To # 66 What a klutz
December 25, 2013 12:39 am

Puste kaile
Go learn chassidus
You could benefit

December 25, 2013 12:34 am

If all the people on the dais (and in the audience) would respect each other, maybe our kids would respect them too and start paying attention to what they have to say.

for those who cant understand the urgency!!!
December 25, 2013 12:32 am

Lubavitchers were flocking to this guy, each one being totally brainwashed by Avoda Zara. get it? it was URGENT to stop cuz all these ppl kept trying to convince others and had this continued, Lubavitch could have been lost chas vshalom!!!. it was a serious sakana from the satan. BH this was dealt with and all of us who DIDNT go are relieved. while those who did hopefully understand and realize what was wrong- though some of them are so brainwashed and stubborn and unwilling to admit- its frightening! the issue is that he convinced them “do what feels right… Read more »

To 36
December 25, 2013 12:30 am

we are afraid of outside influence because we know that we have a yetser hara and don’t know everything. and we might fall into a trap The rabbeim fought the haskala movement for example because they knew that it can influence jews in a negitive way. If something might be avoida Zara we have to make sure no one does it. But the point that they were making was: we have to learn chassidus and look for advice from the Rebbe Tanya chassidus. People think that chassidus doesn’t have all the answers. that means they didn’t try it for real..… Read more »

Out of touch?
December 25, 2013 12:28 am

Any person who has a negetive comment about the event or what they spoke about, & thinks that the speakers are out of touch…. IS JUST OUT OF TOUCH of what Chasidus is teaching us, and how Chasidus tells us to look at & deal with day to day real Gashmiyus life issues The points spoken at the event were not focused on bashing COTS, it was a reminder call, that Chasidus is a direction to the alltimate real solution for any challenge a person will encounter & it’s not just something in heaven… in the books.. for old school… Read more »

the real question
December 25, 2013 12:28 am

the real question is why are chasidim playing chess in 770, nitel nacht or not, its not really an acceptable thing to do in a shul (from a shliachs perspective who has’nt been in crown heights for nittel nacht and is wondering what is going on)

What nonsense !
December 25, 2013 12:23 am

How can anyone expect anyone to believe that if anyone has any emotional problem which requires psychotherapy that a Mashpia can provide psychotherapy instead? Does anyone in their right mind consider even for a second that the Alter Rebbe meant to say that his sefer hatanya was to be used instead of Psychotherapy? Absolutely not ! Tanya was never meant to be used instead of a Psychiatrist. If a person is not ill, and is 100% normal and is not “damaged goods” because of whatever trauma they went through in their life, then Tanya can help him sort it out… Read more »

December 25, 2013 12:23 am

just because they are mashpim doesn’t mean they cant do anything good.
thank you to whoever arranged such a beautiful meeting tonight.

December 25, 2013 12:17 am

Therefore? What are we supposed to take away from this gathering. No one even mentioned Call of the Shofar from what I saw.

I firmly believe that COL created this hysteria to further its own interests.

December 25, 2013 12:16 am

wow, cots seems to be really getting great work done, directly, and apparently, indirectly too. I never heard about cots before all this tumult, but it really raises my curiosity. I have gone through so much crap in my life, I wish someone could just brainwash all the pain away… where do I sign up?

Yitzi C.
December 25, 2013 12:15 am

Wow, through my entire time in yeshiva and 10 years since, hearing speeches attending fargrengens, i have never heard such inspiring words as i did tonight. For the first time i saw practicle examples of how chassidus and the tanya can be applied in our day to day life and in the way we think when we feel down or marginalized in any way. There is no doubt that throught our lives, all of us have been wronged by a parent, friend, teacher, principle, i have been on the recieving end of it many times, but at some ppint you… Read more »

The night of Nittel.
December 25, 2013 12:15 am

Twas the night of Nittel and all through the shteeble, it was quite silent without any people. With chess to play and Chinese to eat, people gathered in the school down the street. No one in memory had seen such an asifa. So many were angry it was beyond belief-a. The wanted to know how they could make ov-ar This weird retreat named call of the shofar. People screamed there was such a tumult. “How can we allow this ridiculous cult?” This outrage had come right out of the blue. What was it about? No one quite knew. People wrote… Read more »

every question answered!
December 25, 2013 12:13 am

i think it would be so beneficial if what was spoken tonight was all put in writing! we would all love it!

Chabad has spoken #71
December 25, 2013 12:10 am

Please speak louder and more frequently! COL, please flood your pages with inspiration from role models so that we don’t have to go searching in strange fields. It is moshiach’s times- and there is a thirst for truth…. when people are thirsty they drink anything….. We want spirituality, and meaning in our life, but we need it packaged nicely and easily. All the wisdom of the Tanya and mamorim are not easily available or accessible. they may be translated, but not easy to understand. Yes, Chabad has spoken, but please speak out language. We are not as knowledgeable as we… Read more »

Rabbi Ginsberg
December 25, 2013 12:08 am

Never heard Rabbi Ginsberg before, “er ret tzum zach”! Well spoken and seems sincere with some very good points. Would love to hear more from him.

I just want to thank everyone...
December 25, 2013 12:07 am

I just want to take the time to thank everyone that has taken their time to write a comment.
You can’t buy entertainment like this!
((Hi Abba and Sarah!!!))

A very special event.
December 25, 2013 12:06 am

Both Reb Yoel and Rabbi Schochet spoke beautiful and very relatable! Thank you for making this event and for posting it on line. There should be many more such events!

Best endorsement of all...
December 24, 2013 11:59 pm

The Tanya itself says we had to serve Hashem with Simcha!

December 24, 2013 11:59 pm



Need this speech in a Dummies version
December 24, 2013 11:52 pm

The reason why people are flocking to these programs becasue they don’t relate to the Tanya as being taught by intellectuals. The simple people need simple inspiration – Perhaps a new series for the new young Lubavitch should be called “Tanya for Dummies”.

Perhaps Kabalah Tunes,Shais Taub, Manis Friedman can enlighten the simple masses. I don’t relate to Reb Yoel Kahan. He is a mashpia’s mashpia- I need something simple.

to 64
December 24, 2013 11:50 pm

Boy are you SO WRONG!!!!
The OUTSIDE shud reflect on the INSIDE??!!

Between a CHITZON, PENIMI and SHAKRAN you are the third.

The true will and pnimius of a yid is to do what hashem wants. and to get in touch with that, only chassidus will teach you how.
You need the true inside reflect also on the outside. That you shud actually feel it see it and act like it.

asifa attendee
December 24, 2013 11:48 pm

The mashpiyim and melamdim that went to cots all regret that they went and realize their mistake. It was the correct thing to let them sit at the dais as this was their statment to all that they want no connection to COTS. This was all done respectfully without any shfichas domim.

December 24, 2013 11:45 pm


December 24, 2013 11:45 pm

to those that dont know what cots is showed up,,,to those who know what cots is didnt show….its like they once made a asifa for tznius who showed up all the tznius guys…i even spotted one guy up font with his top button closed…in short all these asifas are a waste of time…you want to accomplish,,,let the rabbonim and mashpim instead of mixing in politics give quality shiruim keep it intersted up to date mit a sheina maseh ect. the curious chevra are usually the smart ones.

December 24, 2013 11:42 pm


December 24, 2013 11:41 pm

a chosid needs a Rebbe

chabad needs a Rebbe lubavich needs a Rebbe
that is the only solution a Rebbe on this world where we see and feel and fear him.
the younger generation just does not have the memories like the older

#42 responds to #69
December 24, 2013 11:39 pm

It is basic communication skills. If one has a problem with another, the best and most effective way to resolve it is by addressing the issue directly with the man involved. This boosts understanding and clarity. It will increase shalom and ahavas yisroel instead of this sinas chinam and Loshon horo and all of the many isurim and negativity that is caused here.

56, 47, 38 36
December 24, 2013 11:39 pm

not sure if i got the numbers right
are you allthe same person. just wondering how much commision are you getting? what are you worried about exactly? if you feel it is great then go but why influence others to go when you know the rabbonim are asking us not to? WHAT IS YOUR AGENDA????

to # 76
December 24, 2013 11:38 pm

colllive comments, is not the place for charachter assassination.
read the p.s. in the rabbonim’s recent psak din. very important

December 24, 2013 11:36 pm

I just watched and was very inspired by what was spoken. Thank you for sharing this.

December 24, 2013 11:36 pm

Said what I was going to say

To the mashpiyim:
December 24, 2013 11:31 pm

We are waiting for an apology for what you have done and the harm you caused to many of us students
Being on stage at this asifa won’t due

Attn 66
December 24, 2013 11:30 pm

They are truly in touch with reality a real deeper reality. The real you that you have never met.

Life is hard work and they were not addressing the actual shofar factory but rather the deeper issue. Look beyond the surface

Thank you COL
December 24, 2013 11:30 pm

Sounds beautiful.

And now were waiting for pictures and videos of this event.

Thank you COL

To 66
December 24, 2013 11:30 pm

And if they had talked the whole night about call of the shofar you would’ve called it an attack, assassination, with hint, etc.

They addressed the issue quite clearly without stooping to an attack or loshon horah. They deserve a yasher koach.

SHOFAR OUT OF TOUCH WITH TORAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
December 24, 2013 11:30 pm
chabad has spoken
December 24, 2013 11:29 pm

it doesnt matter what the speakers said…. the fact that so many ppl showed it is a sign the public isnt interested in these programs and retreats

28 and 60
December 24, 2013 11:28 pm

wishful thinking whoever had not heard of this before and hadn’t gone – i can assure you will not go. the only ones who will continue to go are those who are not interested in any guidance from our great. I think Rabbi Shochet is explaining Tanya that one mustn’t look at himself as a rasha if it will bring him down , he has to serve Hashemwith Simcha, however that simcha comes from his serving and connecting to Hashem in otherwords from his neshomo and not just elevate his body and make happy his body bec. then he can… Read more »

December 24, 2013 11:26 pm

You agree that our Rabonim and Mashpiem should consult with R Simcha whatever his last name is …and sort things out. Are you out of your mind ??? I wouldn’t give him the time of day. Anyone with a life, job, family, and responsibilities has no time for this garbage. He is an opportunist taking a bunch of ladigayers for a ride. And making a few $$ for the trip. To his credit- one thing he has is a few “chasidim” that are busy typing most of the comments over last few days. (To me it sounds like maybe one… Read more »

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
December 24, 2013 11:24 pm

WOW – that’s all I can say about this!

It was inspiring and moving to see so many chasidim and buchrim listening so quietly to what our rabbonim have to say!

Reb Yoel spoke from the heart and it was clear that he cares and is concerned about what’s going on.

My hachlata is to start learning 3 prokim Rambam every day, beezras hashem.

December 24, 2013 11:24 pm

What is clear is that we don’t go anywhere (any type of retreat or type of “healing” “improvement”) without a clear Hechsher from a competent Rov!!!!

The other clear thing is we need to find our answers in Torah any short-cut is simply foolish and does not have the support from Torah.

Zai Gezunt

What a Waste of Time !
December 24, 2013 11:20 pm

Why did they waste everyones time with this so called “emergency” about nothing at all. The next time they cry wolf, no one will show up. You will be hard pressed to find even one person who will tell you that he heard even one word about why Shofar is either good or bad. Basically they all just hacked a chynik about the stuff we all know anyway. So what else is new? Tanya is great? Did anyone not know that yet, until tonight? It shows how out of touch these old timers are with reality and this IS precisely… Read more »

December 24, 2013 11:15 pm

This generation is getting a hard and painful education about the outside world and how many great thinkers (besides chassidic rebbes…) have very different views about the world and the nature of reality….. On the net this generation is listening to open debates about the authenticity of the torah..(bible.) and even doubting the very existence of hashem himself… If we don’t have the ammunition to tackle these challenges to our faith then we are fighting a loosing battle….The old generations gap just keeps on getting bigger and bigger… Thats where i think COTS fills the void….This generation is conflicted…They don’t… Read more »

Dear rabbis
December 24, 2013 11:12 pm

Dear esteemed rabbis, Has there ever been an “urgent gathering” recently regarding kids going off the derech, community financial issues, shidduchim, kids dealing with molestation from their own community R”l? Where is the Urgent asifa in this?!? Am I the only one confused here? Can someone enlighten me? I have heard silent in the above mentioned issues from the rabbonim and mashpiam, it really hurts me. And now there is an asifa on shofer, a place where people go because they are looking for emotional health? Is there an alternative in crown heights? Rabbonim and mashpiam, do you really care… Read more »

December 24, 2013 11:12 pm

So true

December 24, 2013 11:05 pm

its great to see reb yoel taking a stand and saying the facts the way they are

Please post transcript
December 24, 2013 11:05 pm

for those of us who couldn’t attend, please put a copy of the handout on line, and post a transcript of the speeches, such inspiration should be accessible to all of us who couldn’t attend and are struggling with these issues.

December 24, 2013 11:04 pm

I was looking for clarity…
no true answers.

DA"ch yomi?
December 24, 2013 11:04 pm

Where can we download it?? Sounds good

What Life is All About
December 24, 2013 11:04 pm

We measure success in life by such trivial and irrelevant yardsticks. Rabbi Schochet is making some very crucial points that get right to the root of what’s troubling so many people- existential angst if you must have the lingo- just listen to what he is saying. Just. Listen. These very same points from Tanya about the purpose and holiness of ‘the struggle’ and how to approach apparent damage done to you c”v, help in dealing with- the past, bad moods, sense of failure, hurt- and empower you in a big way. If you are prepared to listen, then go over… Read more »

to 47
December 24, 2013 11:00 pm

its not only about against cots, its about raising the spirit of dor hashvi’i that we still have a moto of life and we dont have to go search for ourselevs in the far east etc,

so what was said???
December 24, 2013 11:00 pm

i listened to the whole “Asifah” and got nothing out of it?
please can someone enlighten me?
I did not get a better perspective about “call of the shofar?
yes or no?
if anything I think “lubavitch” should create their own “call of the Rebbe”

I agree with 36, 38, and 47.
December 24, 2013 11:00 pm

I agree with 36, 38 and 47 I think you are right on!!!

Amazing inspiration
December 24, 2013 10:57 pm

Thank you to the organizers and the choshuve speakers!

thanks to the MC rabbi ginsburg
December 24, 2013 10:57 pm

he was the most inspiring speaker….

December 24, 2013 10:51 pm

i agree with you!!!

Just listened to Rabbi Schochet's speech
December 24, 2013 10:49 pm

And I have to say that although I was skeptical about the purpose of this event, I was very inspired by his speech.
I think this should be a monthly event, erev Rosh Chodesh. Perhaps for different ages, different speakers
I found Rabbi Schochet’s message to resonate with me and the struggles that I face in my life

I also found no trace of judgement or arrogance whatsoever, which I was worried about. What I found at this Asifa was pure Chabad, love, concern, Jewish pride and actual answers.

Thank you!

For smoother viewing
December 24, 2013 10:47 pm

One can go backwards a few min back and it will be smoother viewing.

December 24, 2013 10:43 pm

All the mashpiem and melamdem that went to cots are at the asifa to make a statement that they erred by going to cots

Just left
December 24, 2013 10:40 pm

There was at least 2000 K ah people there

December 24, 2013 10:31 pm

Looks like it hit a raw nerve of COTS. Look how many posts they write!! I guess the truth hurts….

this is the strangest thing i've seen
December 24, 2013 10:21 pm

hardly anyone has heard of this thing anyway and all of the sudden its become some massive agenda to boot this guy out of business?
PLEASE! just because its weird doesnt mean its a Sakkana- and all these paranoid people who associate retreat with cult are just uneducated and stupid!!!
i cant even believe hundreds of rabbis are even wasting time discussing such a NON issue, publicly.

Time to learn?
December 24, 2013 10:17 pm

Tonight? Nitul?

To # 36
December 24, 2013 10:11 pm

Puste kaile
Go learn chassidus
You could benefit

why dont u report??
December 24, 2013 10:10 pm

2000 people are here!~
everyone showed up with minimum prior notice
this shows we still care about whats true and right!!

Generation Gap!
December 24, 2013 10:10 pm

without listening as its way to choppy – I can say, they are preaching to the choir. the younger generation does not relate to the old one, there is no connect. until we understand that in a real way and deal with 20 years after 3 tammuz and find a way to relate in a real way these asifas are a waste of time.

Real issues!
December 24, 2013 10:07 pm

COTS or not COTS, I think there is another and perhaps BIGGER issue here that is not being addressed. Unfortunately, we live in a very dark moment of Golus. It is so dark that we do not even feel the darkness. We have such major issues in our circles: 1) OUR kinderlach are dropping like flies off Darkei HaChasidus. Our Chinuch system needs major help, instead of Mechanchim being motivated, being trained and mentored to help improve the situation, they are underpaid, not paid on time, our Mosdos are struggling etc… 2) There is very little guidance for young couples… Read more »

If only.....
December 24, 2013 10:02 pm

If only the Rabbaim would come together- in unity- for an emergency gathering regarding the lack of tznius and derec eretz in Crown Heights!!!!

December 24, 2013 10:02 pm

it’s nittel, such great personalities will obviously not be able to talk anything other than torah!

December 24, 2013 9:51 pm

Dafka in nitel? This is not giving power to the sitra achata?

A shliach question!


Listen to this!
December 24, 2013 9:51 pm

All of these rabbi here are talking great and wonderful and inspiring holy things. What all of you people need to understand is the reality that’s going on in our communities, especially crown heights. There are great rabbis that you know personally that have alcohol addictions. There are people you look up to who suffer from low self esteem and look to fill the hole with explicit addicitions, drug addictions, and lots of other things. The point is that from the lowest to the highest of people, there are many who suffer from issues and warped ways of thinking due… Read more »

December 24, 2013 9:48 pm

Why is Rabbi Schapiro there?
Is he speaking about the virtues of COTS?
Giving the other side of the story?

December 24, 2013 9:47 pm

Seems that folks who are scared of another groups’ ideology and efforts, are insecure with their own. If one has a solid foundation and building, one isn’t scared of a breeze. If one’s position is of solid logic, why would a dog’s bark rattle anyone?

Must be, that those who rally against listening to others, are simply scared of the strength of what they have to say and how it might unravel some flimsy barrier they have for themselves. Hmmm.

torah on nitel nacht??
December 24, 2013 9:43 pm

How can the speakers share words of torah on nitel nacht? ?
They couldn’t wait till tomorrow night?

its nittel nacht
December 24, 2013 9:37 pm

u cant learn gives energy to klipah.

December 24, 2013 9:35 pm

BS”D On a more serious note from my last comment ( if its published). I have no opinion of this organization all I know with certainty is that they are not the cause of people being attracted to them Maybe there solution is wrong but how come no one woke up to the problem our children are having until now. Our leaders, educator etc address the cause so there is no need for controversial groups

Get real
December 24, 2013 9:33 pm

We need a gathering like this to protest the tsnius & drug problems in Crown Heights!

In case of emergency dial 911
December 24, 2013 9:29 pm

Be a chasid!!!! Need medical help from the neck up!! Call a doctor!!! Have a medical emergency call 911.

To # 8
December 24, 2013 9:22 pm

Whoa! I think you are the one completely out of touch if you don’t realize that our rabbanim know about these things so much better than us. They know what’s okay and what’s not, maybe not like the Rebbe but still have more knowledge and expertise than everyone else. I was really not impressed with ur comment- such disrespect! Such comments should not be posted.

December 24, 2013 9:22 pm

BS”D The most therapeutic thing that has come down in ages is reading these comments-they are hilarious-haven’t felt this good in a long time

Controversy Increases sales
December 24, 2013 9:21 pm

This is the best way to get more publicity to the Call Of The Shofar. Because of this Asifa, everyone is talking about it and it gives them much more free publicity and more and more people will be talking about the positive results and the truth will come out that they bashers are full of …. Not everyone in CH knew about it and now thanks to the organisers more positive awareness and much more people will attend. Even those who knew about it, they didn’t know taht so many prominent lubavitchers went and now that they know, thanks… Read more »

To # 11
December 24, 2013 9:20 pm

Actually number six is right. I think maybe YOU are misinformed.

Yeah Right
December 24, 2013 9:19 pm

Sorry but all the serious people were pushed away from working in high places because of their temimus,

more damaging
December 24, 2013 9:17 pm

this gathering should be to protest CAY as well

vos iz doz
December 24, 2013 9:10 pm

Most people going to COTS speaks in English
is the message only for the mashpiim?

Trying to be positive but..
December 24, 2013 9:07 pm

Why do I fear this is going to be a wasted opportunity like the internet asifa was?

Pleaese post a complete recording
December 24, 2013 9:05 pm

This is very choppy. COL please post a recording so we can hear this properly. Thanks

to #3
December 24, 2013 8:53 pm

when you become a rebbe, you can go too

# 3
December 24, 2013 8:51 pm

THANKYOU #3, YOU MAKE THE MOST SENSE. I agree. What about the psychotic people who are taking imaginary dollars…..

One thing is certain
December 24, 2013 8:46 pm

I don’t see even one normal Lubavitcher ever going back to a COTS retreat. These guys are toast. Find you’re income elsewhere

Yeah whatever
December 24, 2013 8:46 pm

I guess it’s nittul nacht so to keep people busy…
Suddenly there is such an uproar about a beautiful program. Cots is an amazing workshop that helps people become more aware of what’s going in in their present life. People say chasiddus has the answers to everything. So when one needs exercise, he should pass and say, I will learn chasiddus instead??? seriously?

Was Johnny Walker Invited?
December 24, 2013 8:41 pm

I feel like he needs to be there.

P.S. If you see this on COL that is proof that funny comments get posted too.


to # 3
December 24, 2013 8:38 pm

R you Satmer?

December 24, 2013 8:38 pm

Most of the people that I know never even heard about Call of the Shofar until about two weeks ago when every Chabad-affiliated website started publicizing it. Now the rabbanim and mashpi’im are demanding that all of us know about it.

There’s a saying that “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Call of the Shofar couldn’t have paid to receive this much interest and notoriety. I predict that they’ll have more participants than ever from this point onwards thanks to all the attention they’re getting.

December 24, 2013 8:31 pm

The topic was NOT COTS.
The topic was The Matzav of Anash.
So, please stop bashing these choshover talmidai chachamin and show a minimum derech eretz with all these negative comments. Some people only know to criticize Rabbonim and never have an open mind that perhaps they actually have something of value to say.

Soooooooo curious
December 24, 2013 8:30 pm

Listening in from Chicago. Since I heard about the Call of the Shofar a number of months ago, my first impression was -CULT! Danger! So happy it’s finally being addressed. I hope it will start on time, I’m so restless to hear already…

To #2
December 24, 2013 8:27 pm

Will there be herring?

to 6
December 24, 2013 8:22 pm

you are sadly misinformed.
you statement “COTS isnt help” reeks of bigotry and ignorance.
money? thats whats bothering you?

December 24, 2013 8:18 pm

All should attend. to 3, and 7, this is a very imp. topic. sorry that u dont realize it!

Where is Rabbi Shea Hecht?
December 24, 2013 8:14 pm

He’s the real deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

blah blah blah,,
December 24, 2013 8:10 pm

another opportunity to show the community how OUT OF TOUCH our rabbis and mashpiim are 🙁

to 2
December 24, 2013 8:08 pm

they hardly serve food at cots since ‘starving’ is also very healing, and that managed to draw thousands. so no need to worry.

to 3
December 24, 2013 8:07 pm

Professional medical help isn’t “foreign sources”. Rabbis Schwei and Braun actually encouraged people in their letter that those who need it, SHOULD seek help.

But not such help. COTS isn’t help. Its a group of people who figured out how to make a buck without getting an academic degree or any professional credits.

Fun fun
December 24, 2013 8:00 pm

Can’t wait for this to begin

It's really getting out of hand.
December 24, 2013 7:42 pm

I know you won’t publish this, but making this thing to be “against call of shofar” is inaccurate

December 24, 2013 7:41 pm

participants are not asked to recruit.
“our own” have been going to foreign sources for decades…
the rebbe rashab went to see dr freud.

So we have a foreign source that is questionable… big deal.

No was is forced to go, there are no perks to recruit…

if only all the effort to “expose” this and arrange this event was used for something that would actually affect the tzoros we have in CH…

what a waste of resources

No food, Big mistake,
December 24, 2013 7:38 pm

If they would serve food, there would be a 150% increase of participants

Yossi A
December 24, 2013 7:35 pm

Thank you Y. S. for the broadcast.