“The Moshiach Seudah on Acharon shel Pesach is a time we look forward to our perfect, redemptive future and the practical things we can do now to make it a reality- this is a perfect time to gather our community’s women together,” says Simcha Baez, a new resident of the neighborhood.
Brownsville has a unique story, as it was once known as “Little Jerusalem” because of its huge Jewish population. In the 1980’s the whole neighborhood was revamped by Faith-based leaders who formed a non-profit and built hundreds of affordable houses and sold them at cost. The name of the development is “Nehemiah Houses’ a reference to the rebuilding of Jerusalem in the pre-second temple era. Many families thrive in these houses today.
When the previous Rebbe moved to Crown Heights in the 1940s, the bulk of the Lubavitcher community in Brooklyn, a small contingency of a few dozen survivor families, lived in Brownsville. They would walk the 20-odd minute walk to 770 for the Shabbos Mevorchim Farbrengen. However, in the 60’s and 70’s the Lubavitchers moved out.
Today, many residents of neighboring Crown Heights may be surprised to learn that there are 19 Lubavitcher families that have recently moved in, with more and more taking up the opportunity every year.
The Moshiach Seudah, which is usually celebrated in shul with men and kids in attendance, is the perfect time to initiate a women’s gathering, taking the budding community to the next level formation.
“We will be hosting the ‘Festival of the Future’ program, popular in many shuls and Chabad Houses across the country.” says Ms. Baez. “This year’s theme of Peace by Peace is so pertinent with all of the wars and conflicts happening around the world. We need to refocus on the real remedy to strife and that is a Moshiach-like world with its ideals that are relevant to us even before he comes. Our members are really looking forward to the program!”
The event is open to all women who would like to join. Email RSVP: [email protected] for the venue. To Learn more about Brownsville visit https://www.brownsvilleanash.org/.
It is incredible to see the continued growth of the Brownsville community. You should have a lot of hatzlacha. The revitalization and spreading of Chassidim is truly Moshiach times! Moshiach now!
Amazing!!! Should always Grow!!!
Mazal Tov!!!
Wishing all the best!!!