The grand Lag Baomer Parade of 5747 was preceded by long months of preparation.
During every farbrengen in the weeks leading up to Lag Baomer, the Rebbe urged each and every Jew to join in the celebrations.
On Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar, the Rebbe released two letters to the public; one addressed to the children themselves, and another addressed to their parents and educators.
As the parade approached, the Rebbe wrote notes about what he would speak about. These notes have been discovered and are included below.
This year, JEM has released the entire full-length parade in a new, beautiful release, with subtitles, chapters and titles.
Through the efforts of the Vaad Talmidei Hatmimim, Yeshivos and communities around the world will be viewing the release, accompanied by magnificent booklets which include the sichos in English, Yiddish and Hebrew, along with the Rebbe’s letters and notes.
A full description of this magnificent parade was published in this month’s “A Chassidisher Derher.”
To download the files prepared by the Vaad, click here.
To order booklets for your community viewing email [email protected]
To download a special sign that can be edited with your details click here.