By COLlive reporter
Rabbi Moshe Greenberg, long time director of Chabad activities in Bnei Brak and patriarch of one of the largest Chabad families in the world, passed away Tuesday, 10 Tammuz 5773.
He was 86.
Born in Kishinev in Moldova, he secretly learned Torah with his father until the age of 14 when he was sent to the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshiva in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
In Yeshiva, while studying with passion, he first heard about the Frierdiker Rebbe and his heroic self-sacrifice to sustain Judaism in Russia under Communist rule.
“I was captured by it and turned into a Chabad chossid with all my heart,” he said. The same spirit helped him head the Lubavitch Youth Organization (Tzach) in Bnei Brak while being subject to criticism and harassment from Chabad opposers.
At the end of the Second World War, he and a few friend were caught smuggling into Poland and were sentenced to 25 years in prison. He was constantly sent to solitary confinement for not working on Shabbos.
After 2 years of suffering and eating the very little available kosher food (bread, sugar and herring), he became ill and was hospitalized. Local Jews bribed the commanding officer to leave him be on Shabbos.
He spent 6 and a half years in prison and was freed thanks to general amnesty following the death of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. He went on to marry the daughter of Rabbi Aaron Chazan OBM, a legendary chassid and activist in Russia.
Miraculously he was able to emigrate to Israel and settled in the frum city of Bnei Brak where he and his wife raised 17 children in a simple apartment, while running the large Chabad center on Rashi Street and its many activities.
His family, one of the largest in Chabad today, is often the subject of media coverage for its size and scope as many of his children serve as Shluchim and community leaders across the U.S., Europe, Asia and Israel.
Soft-spoken, yet sharp-minded with an affable demeanor, he was dedicated to the Rebbe’s directives and religiously came to 770 Eastern Parkway, even in his later years.
He is survived by his wife Mrs. Devora Greenberg, their children Rabbi Naftali Greenberg – Lod, Israel; Mrs. Rochel Levertov – Austin, TX; Rabbi Yisroel Greenberg – El Paso, TX; Mrs. Esther Sheikevitz – Kfar Chabad, Israel; Rabbi Yosef Greenberg – Anchorage, AK; Rabbi Zusha Greenberg – Cleveland, OH; Rabbi Chaim Greenberg – Beitar Illit, Israel; Mrs. Bassie Shemtov – Crown Heights; Rabbi Sholom Greenberg – Shanghai, China; Mrs. Chaya Wolf – Odessa, Ukraine; Mrs. Rivka Azimov – Paris, France; Rabbi Schneur Greenberg – Commerce, MI; Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg – Clark County, WA; Mrs. Shterni Wolff – Hannover, Germany; Rabbi Baruch Greenberg – Vista, CA; Rabbi Avraham Greenberg – Shanghai, China; Mrs. Chava Kastel – Bnei Brak, Israel; grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Baruch dayan haemes.
So sorry to hear about the passing of your father Obm : ,He left a beautiful and a shtoltse ‘ chabad’ family that is L’shaim u’ltiferres’..May he be a gute betterrn for all of you.
i dont think so… he lived in israel his whole life
Is this the same Rabbi Greenberg who was a Rebbe I Cheder Lubavitch in Chicago about 20 years ago?
ברוך דין האמת
I was told by Rabbi Moshe Greenberg children at a recent wedding, of the extraordinary Mesiras Nefesh Rabbi Moshe Greenberg had through his life time, i encourage his family to write a complete book on his extraordinary life that he lived, i am certain that who ever will hear his story they will be inspired to add in Torah and Mitzvos.
Hamukom Yinachem Asschem Bsoch Shaar Availah Tzion Berushalaim.
Mordechai Shlomah Palace
‘Deep in the russian’ night features Rabbi Aaron Chazan – his father in law, so you can get a glimpse of the lives they led.
Uncle Moshe came religiously to crown heights for tishrei and was truly devoted to the Rebbe.
Signed, zaidy chazans granddaugter and feter moshe’s neice.
check out the link from #9…unbelievable mesiras nefesh. very inspiring.
הי’ חסיד בכל המובן
as solid as a rock when it came to Yiddishkeit matters he wouldn’t budge an iota yet the softest heart of gold when it came to listening and helping a fellow yid . Please advise where to call for menachem Avel. Oif Simchos.
When I learnt in Eretz Yisroel I went on Mivtzoim on Rechov Chaim Ozer in Petach Tikvah and rabbi Greenberg together with other Eltere Chasiddim would stand by a booth doing Mivtzion. He would also assist Rabbi Altein every Tishrie selling Esrogim in CH.
When the Besht asked Moshiach, “When will the Master arrive?” he was given this answer: “In the time when your teaching will become public and revealed in the world, and your wellsprings will burst forth to the farthest extremes, …” Rabbi Moshe Greenberg, z’l, through his amazing legacy, is hastening the day, may it come speedily in our time!
Such sad news, but what an amazing legacy he created!
dearest rochel and family sheyichye
jake and i would like to wish all of you simchas always.
der tatte zal zain a gooter baiter far unz alleh
hamokem yinachem eschem b’soch availaly tzion v’yerushalayim
We feel your pain!
Baruch dein Hames!
big family bh
One of thme was Reb Meir Junik O.B.M.
A real chosid totally given over to the Rebbe
He will be truly missed
Condolences to the entire Greenberg family from the entire Chabad of Oceanside/Vista community.
Besides his accomplishments already noted, he was very very strict in kashrus. When he came to n.y. He wouldn’t eat chicken or meat as he personally didn,t rely on heresay. As far as food in russia everyone mknows what variety and poverty he grew up on. Yet he lived b.h. A long fruitful life,
what a legacy?! yehei zichro boruch
i am fortunate to have contact with one of his children who is an amazing shlucha.
thank you for sharing the information and allowing us to see the great impact he has made on the WORLD!
I would love to be part of a holy family like that….
raising a holy family with many children with love and self sacrifice is the greatest avodah….
I once made the ‘mistake’ of accepting to spend a shabbos in the 80s in bnei brak…I hated it friday night and only when I entered the Chabad yeshiva to daven Shabbos morning did I feel at home, mostly thanks to this great tzaddik….BD”H
What amazing life accomplishments. Is there a book about his life?
Passing these chassidim onto the next generation is vital.
Chabad of Poway