Picture of the Day
4 generations attended a Bris Milah in Los Angeles on Thursday: the great-grandfather R’ Yisroel Shemtov, grandfather R’ Mendel Shemtov, father R’ Zalmi Shemtov and newborn son Yosef Yitzchok Shemtov. Photo
4 generations attended a Bris Milah in Los Angeles on Thursday: the great-grandfather R’ Yisroel Shemtov, grandfather R’ Mendel Shemtov, father R’ Zalmi Shemtov and newborn son Yosef Yitzchok Shemtov. Photo
May you continue to celebrate Simchos together in good health!
Mazal Tov!! Chassidushe Nachas
Mazel tov Mendel and reb yisroel beautiful to asach chasidishe nachas
Ben israel
Reb Yisroel, you should have may more years of gezunt.