By COLlive reporter
Photos: A.KATNOV
When Daniella Golan, founder and director of Ohr Chaya Institute, left a private meeting with the Lubavitcher Rebbe almost 33 years ago, she left with a blessing: a blessing to transform the lives of Jewish women across the globe through the light of Torah.
In a time when Torah learning amongst women was virtually unheard of in the Orthodox community, the Rebbe tasked Golan with a revolutionary mission, one that she holds close to her heart still today. Golan had met one too many religious women burnt out by the strains of daily life, overwhelmed with the constant juggle of work, home and family, and slowly losing their deep spiritual connection to God; and she was committed to combating their spiritual lethargy.
In 1989, Ohr Chaya came to life, nestled into the winding streets of the City of Gold, surrounded by Jerusalem stone. What began as an intimate study group for women quickly became a center for women worldwide to gather, connect, and learn. Named in loving memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, Golan continues to carry her legacy each and every day.
Today, Ohr Chaya is home to thousands of women each year, discovering the gifts of Chassidus and revealing the light of Torah. Since those early years, Ohr Chaya has expanded beyond imagination, becoming the largest worldwide educational center for Jewish women, with four renowned programs: Chaya Mushka Seminary for post-high school students; a Russian speaking program for young women from Ukraine, Russia, and former Soviet Union countries seeking guidance and Jewish inspiration; Machon Ohr Chaya, a program for young Israeli women; and Ohr Chaya, a center for Torah and Chassidus classes for women of all ages to enjoy weekly learning.
“The learning here is intense,” describes Golan, who serves not only as the present-day director of Ohr Chaya, but is a full-time teacher in the women’s learning program as well. In recent years, she’s even developed an in-depth program teaching the Rebbe’s renowned Likutei Sichos. “There is serious Torah learning at Ohr Chaya- Chassidus, Parsha, Chazal, and halacha, in addition to an environment tailor-made for deep growth and self-development. The women love coming. Ohr Chaya is a place of serious learning, and yet is also a place of joy, connection and family.”
Yoella Koton, director of Machon Ohr Chaya for Israeli returnees, feels the sense of purpose her students take with them out into the world. “Our purpose is to expose these young women to Torah and Chassidus, and to give them a sense of shlichus, a mission, in life. We build shlichus. We guide them from the very day they enter our school- through marriage, raising families, and all the way through old age!” Ohr Chaya is undoubtedly more than just a school for the women who walk through its doors; it is a home.
For the young women coming to Israel from Russia, Ukraine, and the former Soviet Union, Ohr Chaya is a safe haven, supporting them as they acclimate to a new country, language and society, and develop themselves spiritually and socially.
Avigayil, who immigrated to Israel on her own from Belarus as a teenager, is one of the many young women who fortunately found herself at Ohr Chaya. “The change was really tough,” she shares, “Everything was so new, challenging, unfamiliar. But at Ohr Chaya, they gave me all that I was missing—a home, friends, family, and knowledge about Torah. I was given the tools to build a family and run a healthy home, and given guidance on finding the right spouse.”
The principal of the seminary believes in instilling in her students lasting values for life, “to live right, and to live well.” The seminary, in particular, offers high school graduates an opportunity to pursue high-level Jewish studies in a warm and inspirational environment, rich in the spiritually-uplifting teachings of Chabad, while simultaneously pursuing an academic degree. Seminary students begin each year fresh with a blessing for the students. We bless each and every one of them with an internal revolution- a transformation in their very soul. And they inevitably do.”
Now, 33 years after it all began, the Jerusalem Municipality is acknowledging Ohr Chaya’s tremendous contribution to Jewish women around the world, and to the revolution of women’s education and culture in Jerusalem. Mayor Moshe Lion awarded Mrs. the citizenship award “Yakir Yerushalaim 2022.”
Yakir Yerushalayim (Worthy Citizen of Jerusalem), and honored citizenship prize awarded annually by the municipality of Jerusalem, is given to residents who have contributed to the cultural and educational life of the holy city in an outstanding way.
Retired President of the Jerusalem District Court, Judge David Cheshin, chaired the selection committee. The Yakir Yerushalayim dedication has been awarded annually by Jerusalem’s mayor each year since 1967, and requires the approval of the Jerusalem City Council.
“This is not my personal triumph, but a triumph for the entire Chabad community.” Golan excitedly shares, “Ohr Chaya was founded with the blessing of the Rebbe. It’s a serious place- a prestigious place built upon the Rebbe’s precise instructions and orders, down to its name, departments, syllabus of study and location. Ohr Chaya has spearheaded a revolution in Torah studies for women, and thousands of women have gained from it.”
Golan was deeply moved to discover that she was nominated for the prize by her beloved students and alumni at Ohr Chaya, and shares the honor with each and every one of them.
“This is an award that we are all proud to share,” she exclaims. “It’s a collective victory. It is the triumph of Torah study that has caused thousands of women to achieve new spiritual heights in life.”
The Rebbe tru the power of Torah, showing the value of one and each individual collectively in our global society .
Bracha V”Hatzlacha
Chodesh Tov