Ten years ago, Oholei Torah embarked on a new phase, addressing the need for an 8th-grade Yeshiva Kayitz Program, an overnight summer yeshiva set in the country’s fresh air for its own talmidim. A group of friends and dedicated supporters shared this vision and provided generous support, enabling Oholei Torah to open this important and much-needed division.
The success of the program exceeded all expectations, leading to its expansion to include Mesivta-aged students and even a special learning program for Beis Medrash bochurim.
It started with the purchase of a property in Kingston, NY. However, within the first few years, the Board of Directors realized that, despite its size, the property was already too small, and expansion in that area would be very costly. After the summer season affected by Covid -19, during which Oholei Torah hosted a vastly expanded program, spacious grounds were found in Lakewood, PA. This property was available for rent with the intent of future purchase.
These new grounds spanned 230 acres and included 70 buildings, recreation areas, a lakefront, a dining hall, and housing for staff families. Additionally, there were halls suitable for a shul and battai midrashim. This summer season there are three simultaneous programs taking place at the campgrounds with a total of 300 talmidim, 115 staff, and 10 faculty members.
Just before this year’s summer season, Oholei Torah closed on the Lakewood property, making it one of the largest Jewish campgrounds in America. Many needed improvements and upgrades have been made to the grounds and buildings. With the purchase now finalized, Oholei Torah is leading a campaign of dedication, offering opportunities for donors to participate in this remarkable success.
For information on dedication opportunities, please call the Oholei Torah Development Office at 718-778-0734 or email [email protected].
Click here to view Yeshivas Kayitz Program Campus album.
Is this the beginning of ykp opening for younger grades a camp?
Oholei Torah leadership always has such vision ! Wow !
Our boys all loved YKP – Yashar Koach for this great camp.
Hatzlacha Rabba
Who give their life and soul to make the camp experience the very best b’gashmius and B’ruchnius, led by rabbi yisroel levertov for the past 10 years
My son loved his summer at YKP a couple of years ago! Beautiful balance of gashmius and ruchnius!
This is so cool, congrats on the new place!
When I was there on Year one in YKT I had a blast!!!
My son is loving every minute
Yasher Koach to all the dedicated Staff!
Is OT going to be opening a yeshivas kayitz for all grades? Why the need for such huge grounds?
What good is a 23 acre property when they are not treating our boys respectfully.
Docking kids from trips because they did not do well on a test…..