Rabbi Abba Perelmuter is a world-renowned speaker, historian, comedian, and teacher. Rabbi Perelmuter is founder and spiritual leader of Shul by the Shore in Long Beach, CA, a shul noted for its warm and inclusive atmosphere.
“Time has this way of slipping away too quickly. Take advantage of it now to do the things you know you should be doing. Don’t wait until too much of it has passed. No one ever laid on their deathbed and said “I wish I would have spent more time in the office” or “If only I could have completed that business deal”. Don’t live in fear, allow yourself to soar.”
So glad you shared this I really needed to hear that!!!
And should always love and care about their child. But part of that loving parenting is teaching your children to be independent and not feel entitled. This is one of the most important things a parent can do for their child
Chas v’shalom to think that a Jewish father would cut them off at adulthood. Lighten up and chill and don’t read your own rigid concepts into what others say/write. Unless you have extensive real estate holdings (which I unfortunately do not) it’s hard to support 10 plus children and (do the math ) for a number of grandchildren!
BS”D He rightly emphasises that one should use their time wisely with family and friends but I wonder why no mention of time spent learning Torah
I learned that just like Avrohom took financial responsibility for Yitchok, which is evident from the Parsha when trying to find him a wife so are we responsible for our children until marriage. This idea of cutting off a child financially by adulthood is a western concept. It’s interesting to see how other secular cultures parents take care of their children well into adulthood and even care for their grandchildren and when the time comes those children take care of their parents in their senior years.
May we all take this approach with our children!
and not too heavy! unique talent
LOL. Well I’m10 years beyond you so (by your definition) I must have just reached middle age!! And my youngest just turned 20 and SHE wants ME to pay for her driving lessons!!
I appreciate your video and agree with you100%.
I guess I’ll pay happily!!
Plain & simple, basic advice. Schoyach!