In a world often grappling with questions of existence and purpose, a new song titled “Moshiach Now” by “Proud Jew” Yossi Rodal featuring music by the star Izzy D Jay, has emerged as a beacon of hope and direction.
The song, which is accompanied by a compelling video directed and produced by the acclaimed wedding photographer and entrepreneur Eliau Piha, seeks to revitalize the concept of Moshiach in contemporary Jewish thought.
“Moshiach Now” was born out of a unique initiative by Yossi Rodal who asked people to share their questions and fears about Moshiach. The goal was not only to answer these queries but to encapsulate the essence of Moshiach’s promise within the melody and lyrics of a song. The result is a powerful message: Moshiach is not simply a distant dream or a means to alleviate our current sufferings; it embodies the very reason for our existence in this world. This perspective transforms every moment into an opportunity to live with clarity and mission.
The essence of “Moshiach Now” lies in its ability to convey that the anticipation for Moshiach is not merely about waiting for a future redemption to escape the pain of the present. Instead, it underscores the idea that the journey towards Moshiach provides purpose to each aspect of our lives. This transformative notion came to Yossi amidst the personal pain of losing a Father, realizing that the only true change in our reality is through embracing the concept of Moshiach. However, this is not pursued as an escape but as an engagement with our true purpose.
Central to the song and its impactful video is the slight yet profound difference between the Hebrew words for exile (גולה) and redemption (גאולה) — the letter Aleph, symbolizing G-d and purpose. The visuals poignantly depict everyday moments as opportunities to add the “Aleph”, injecting divine purpose into our lives, thereby turning גולה into גאולה.
Moreover, the song concludes with the empowering words of the Rebbe, reinforcing that our capability to bring about Moshiach is innate because that is our very purpose on Earth. This ending not only provides solace but also a call to action, emphasizing that with knowledge and understanding of Moshiach, our fear of the unknown diminishes, and our desire for it intensifies.
As “Moshiach Now” resonates across communities, its core message is clear: the reality of Moshiach is close at hand, waiting for us to recognize and actualize it through every deed and thought. May this song inspire each one of us to complete our unique “Aleph”, revealing the divine purpose in every moment, and may we merit to witness the reality for which we were created, the ultimate reality of Moshiach, right now.
So so beautiful and meaningful and uplifting and fun and creative and geuladik! Congrats for hitting it out of the ballpark!
– A Toronto fan
Totally agree!!!!!
an amazing song!
Wow, amazing again. Wow, I love it.
Izzy D Jay Is the best out there…WOW!!!!