Every Monday night the Morristown Zal was host to a beautiful sight.
Students of Tiferes Yeshiva would join Tomchei Temimim for half an hour chavrusahs initiated in the spirit of Hakhel 5783.
It was an opportunity for both Tomchei and Tiferes to learn the Rebbe’s Sichos, and inspire each other.
This weekly event was celebrated this Monday with a final learning session, after which Rabbi Hecht from Tiferes shared a few words.
The night was wrapped up by Tzemach Shemtov, co-director alongside Mendel Susskind, who honored 2 sets of chavrusas for their dedication across the entire year, Srolik Shemtov, Orel Benisti, Mendel Pinson and Eli Lieberman. Mementos of the night were given out in the form of English editions of the book עוד אבינו חי.