In the spirit of unity and in honor of 3 Tammuz, Cheder Lubavitch of Morristown and Cheder Chabad of Monsey gathered together for an “Achdus farbrengen.”
The girls from Cheder Chabad of Monsey traveled to Morristown, and were welcomed warmly by the students.
Together, they watched a inspiring clip of the Rebbe talking about the purpose of gathering together – in order to accomplish the ultimate goal of true peace – the coming of Moshiach.
A fun ice-breaker game was played to get to know one another.
Mrs. Baila Piekarski spoke about our role as chassidim and how we connect to our Rebbe, sharing many stories that expressed those points.
Chef Dovid Solomon prepared a delicious meal.
Niggunim, 12 pesukim, performances, and an art project were all a part of this Inspiring farbrengen of achdus.
Morah Cheve was thanked for organizing the program.
A big Yasher koach to MRS CHANIE GOLDBERG for making Cheder what it is!
I spy Kayla and Mendel Neiman:)
Thank You Cheder Monsey for always creating a Chassidishe environment for our einiklach.
Chana Leah and Baila I found you all and miss you TONS!!!!
A BIG thank you to Thomes for all he does to make our the great place it is!
from a bunk yud’er, cgi detroit!
miss you tons!!!!!
luv, guess who!!!
A BIG thank you to Rabbi Yossi Spalter for all he does to make our the great place it is!
so nice to see achdus amongst the schools….Hi, Aliza leverton, I see you! kudos Cheder Chadad Monsey
i was there !!!!!!!
hey i see mushka labkowski and mushka teitlbaum 🙂
Shoutout to Sossie and Mushky Shain! And Sossi Rosenberg! And all of Monsey Cheder Chabad and MBCM!
I spy with my little eye FRUMIE BRONSTEIN:)):):)):):):)