Three years ago, Baby Moshe, the unforgettable face of Mumbai attacks, escaped the carnage clinging to his nanny not knowing that his parents were killed, but now a four-year-old he knows they have fallen victims to terrorists.
Orphaned by the terrorists who struck Mumbai, Moshe is now a happy and carefree child, though he remembers his parents whenever he sees their photographs, saying good morning or good night to ‘eema’ (mother) and ‘abba’ (father) each day.
Running around or resorting to childish mischief like any five-year-old, he often gives a tough time to his maternal grandparents Shimon and Yehudit Rosenberg with whom he is living presently in Afula along with nanny Sandra Samuel.
Moshe lost his parents – Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his five-month pregnant wife Rivka – along with four others on November 26, 2008 at the Chabad House.
Sandra, along with cook Qazi Zakir Hussain, saved the toddler from the jaws of death while his parents were in the clutches of terrorists.
“He is very clever, very happy. He goes to the school and comes to this place everyday. He knows his mother and father are somewhere in the sky. Moshe knows this. He says his parents are dead because terrorists killed them.
“Every day Moshe wishes his parents before sleeping.
Every night he kisses the picture and says goodnight,” Shimon says.
Have you forgiven the terrorists? “No no, of course not,” replies Moshe’s grandmother Yudith. “We cannot forgive the men who killed my child, can I forgive them? No.”
His nanny says, “it makes me very very sad and angry because at that moment they could have escaped but they did not do it and I could have done something, which in my cowardness I did not do.”
why do people always have to argue about stupid things! if u think its inappropriate contact collive yourself…
we all took this child into our hearts and want to see him happily celebrating his birthday.
we need to be reminded about him in our crazy busy lives and so i am now going to send him a birthday gift.
thank you for posting!
Especially the Charlie bit. How’s he doing?
then people will give money to help the rosenbergs and holtzbergs with his upbringing. these are families of older parents who in 15 years will have to pay for him to go to yeshivah, get married and help him start a family…PR photos help get donations! they need them!
we love him, and want to know.
i will never understand how the human mind works.
Moshele is a public figure of sorts. He became every lubavitchers boy and we all love him and would do anything for him. So to show us one picture every now and then IS FINE. IT’s not fine for everyone to SMUDGE HIM and give him too much attention to use him for fundraising and events and drive him nuts. You see him in 770 one day? Just smile, and think about how much you love him. Don’t bother him. Which by the way should APPLY IN THE SAME WAY FOR MATISYAHU. We are all brothers in 770, there are… Read more »
We all want to be updated. We all care!! We, the Rebbe’s shluchim, Chabad Chassidim, and all of Klall Yisroel are his family.
On one hand, we should allow Moishele to move on and be left alone. On the other hand, we stood together as one family, saying tehillim while the terror was going on inside his house, praying for nissim. So yes, we do still care and it’s nice to know that he is doing well and has turned 5 B”H.
We still say his kapitel every Shabbos after licht bentchen.
May his family see loads of nachas from him.
i agree with 5
oy hashem!! But why do they ask if she forgives them, obviously no! “yes, i fortgive the terrost who killed my child” NO WAY!!!
At least u have some sense and u care coz some other people who have commented do not think so!
its very nice that his nanny still has a bond whith him even though he is not a two yr old anymore. usally u would have a bond with any baby child coz they are cute but since he has grown up a bit then its very moving! its also moving how he says good night to his parents every night! i think people who think negative do not really care!E.G. 1,2,3,4!
i agree with 5
I think its nice that were told he turned 5yrs old! The world still cares!!!
enough with the PR shots.Hes such a young boy whose been through so much already.Allow him some personal space to grow up.
enough is enough everyone have to leave this kid alone i’m sure this grand parents taking care of him well
“Carefree” child???? How can he ever be a carefree normal child if everyone still writes about him….leave him the heck alone!