By COLlive reporter
The anti-Jewish hate continues in Crown Heights.
A young Jewish mother said she was walking on Albany Avenue to pick up her children from school when she became the latest victim of local anti-Semitism on Tuesday.
The mother, who asked not to be named, told she was walking with an empty stroller between President and Carroll streets at 2:30 PM when a black man passed by and spat on her.
The man, who she estimated is in his 20s, then went on to yell an “[expeltive] Jews!” and continued walking up the road. She was quick to snap a photo of him walking away and then saw him do the same to a Jewish woman in her 50s.
“I was literally shocked,” the mother said. “I heard about such attacks and have pictured in my mind what I would do if it happened. When it actually happened, you are so shocked and scared to do anything.”
The mother said she called the local Shmira and Shomrim patrols and is waiting for officers of the NYPD 71st Precinct to interview her and file a complaint.
“I didn’t think this would happen to me,” she said, in reference to the recent string of attacks on Jewish people in Crown Heights and other Brooklyn neighborhoods.
this happened to me today on my way back from school walking with 2 other girls!!! so scary!!! we are traumatized
When our enemies attack us the only answer is unity. Those who seek to harm us do not care what denomination of Jewry you are from or what your beliefs are. All that matters is that you are jewish. Yes, the orthodox are targeted first because they are identified as Jews the easiest but make no mistake just being a Jew is good enough for _________ (fill in anti-Semite of choice).
I do vote on a regular basis, though I don’t believe that’s the ikkur. Too much emphasis is being placed on voting and carrying pepper spray here. Sorry, but I truly believe that to be a mistake. But I wish good luck to you and whoever else thinks that way.
The Rebbe said to teach the sheva mitzvos. Greet and have dialogue with non-Jewish neighbors and treat them with respect. Respecting others may lead to them respecting you.
We’re not putting our faith in politicians, we’re relaying on Hashem who told us to do our השתדלות (i.e. voting). Not doing so is a dereliction of duty.
Antisemitic violence is in rise all over the world.
Perhaps there might be some small town that has not had any antisemitic activity. But that does not mean it won’t soon start there.
Stop forcing out Yeshiva families, and stop renting/selling to rich Yuppies & Goyim who hate Jews. Problem solved. You are renting and selling to the anti-semites, and then have the audacity to cry victim when they attack us??? Wake up!
# 21, 22 & 25, keep putting your faith and trust in politicians and pepper spray, etc., and you’re indeed bringing it all back to 1939, hash v’sholom! Many if not most yidden, were very enlightened and on the cutting edge of every advancement then too. What’s really needed is serious self-introspection, soul searching and teshuva on our part, then I’m sure we will have a yeshua and Geulah scheima too, G-d willing! משיח כאו!
I hate to say it but…
Leave Crown Heights. Mothers and children shouldn’t be subject to this! I would be so scared to walk around with my kids/ by myself! And I grew up and lived in the city till I got married. Move to a place where you and your children feel safe.
Voting = politicians don’t want to lose our votes = they address our problems = safe streets
Not voting = politicians aren’t afraid we’ll vote against them = they ignore our issues = police/DA don’t care = unsafe streets
I called her office. They would not say whether she condemns Omar, only that she voted against antisemitic words or something. Total fail.
Why is the community where this is coming from being given a pass?
Why do they think it’s acceptable to act like SA stormtroopers?
Do we need to start calling it racism instead of anti-semitism?
There are now daily attacks on Jews in Brooklyn. Not weekly. Daily.
Definitely protects! Another idea: increase holiness and take a determined specific deed to not add to klipa. What I am doing so far is to speak in a pleasant tone of voice especially at times I feel pressured overwhelmed and sleep-deprived. Together we can do it
This wouldn’t be happening if elected officials took this seriously and told the police and DA to do the same.
If they already moved on, as lovely as it would be to serve some painful justice, it would not be legal. In such a situation just get the best description you could and notify the proper authorities. Follow and apprehend then if possible, but without excessive force.
My stroller was kicked and i was ‘aggressively jostled” by two teenage girls as I walked up Kingston a couple of days ago. I carry pepper spray. It was in the side pouch of my diaper bag at the time, very easy to access and arm, but even so it would have done me absolutely no good. 1) By the time I had removed and armed it, say 20 seconds, the girls were already behind me. Was I supposed to go chase them down so I could spray them in the face? 2)Which one should I spray first? How should… Read more »
It’s always good to vote but this has nothing to do with voting. Zero. This is an organized assault against the Crown Heights Jews coming from some powerful Jew hating people outside the city who have a particula hatred of Chabad. But anyway, it’s outrageous to have some clueless theory that we’re only entitled to live safe lives in our community free from hate crimes against Jews if we vote, or vote a certain way. The street level thugs who are attacking and spitting on women and kicking baby strollers are animals, but their handlers and the ones above the… Read more »
Pepper spray is legal to carry in NY for those over the age of 18 with no felonies. However it must be purchased legally from a licensed vendor, such as a firearms dealer or a pharmacist. It is not worth it to buy it online even if it is cheaper or more convenient, because in an actual use case, the police will be involved, and you would not want more legal headaches than you would already have (on that note, it’s also encouraged to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations concerning self defense, so as to know when a… Read more »
If we voted, the DA wouldn’t let these thugs back on the streets, and the politicians would make sure the police took this seriously since they wouldn’t want to lose our vote.
Is this so hard for you to understand???
We need the police to fan out with decoys, police women with a backup team and in a couple of days, it will be quiet
It’s time we armed ourselves. Next time we are threatened we introduce the perp to his creator we do that a few times and it will never happen again
Yes, the perps going to spit, curse and attack only non-voting resident, and smoke a peace pipe with the voters.
Pure nonsense.
At the next useless photo op Yvette Clarke will proudly proclaim that she stood up to antisemitic comments even though she never actually denounced Ilhan Omar (or her comments) as antisemitic.
I was brutally attacked in CH a few years ago . And the savage beast was never caught, and it was a hate crime. Since then I carry pepper spray at all times and can’t wait for the opportunity to spray the whole bottle in one of their faces if provoked. It’s a very good weapon to carry and doesn’t require much experience, the ones they make these days have a strong spray like a fire hose and can shoot up to 15 feet.
Evidence, evidence, evidence, flood the place with cameras audio enhancement that’s how hate crime gets attached when they yell ‘Hitla or Jew’ while assault takes place.
Why don’t a few people set up a table with voter registration flyers and register every single yid over 18. Simple.
So I wonder when will the next photo op be with the all important group looking so concernd How many pictures of them will be on line?
Walking down Montgomery in broad daylight pushing my stroller
Why suddenly is there a spike? I wonder if this is all coming from one source???
If they see that all Jews vote, the DA wouldn’t want to lose that vote, and the politicians would make sure the police take our safety seriously.
Please invest in property cameras! If every incident is caught on camera it would be very hard for the city to ignore them. And when perps realize that there is and electronic “eye that sees” they will be less inclined to attack/abuse etc. Protect yourself and the whole community!
Complaining doesn’t change that equation.
Carry pepper spray at all times in your purse or Tefillin bag.
How can we let this happen to the rebbe’s community?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Another mentally sick? Where is walking police patrol?
The DA and politicians don’t care about the safety of communities that don’t vote. And the same applies to non-voting residents.
If you care about the community, DO something!