The Chabad community in London has experienced significant growth, prompting the need for more diverse educational offerings. Responding to this demand, a student-led initiative, spearheaded by former student Meir Levin, was established in Hasmonean High School (affectionately known as ‘Hasmo’), London’s largest Orthodox boys’ school. With a student body of over 1000 from various backgrounds, Hasmo has embraced Chabad students, facilitating the creation of their own unofficial group known as Chabad at Hasmo.
The group is now headed by Shua Levin, alongside a dedicated team of students including Ari Rosha, Yossi Sufrin, David Sykes and Yisrolik Wallenberg and offers a range of programs designed to enrich the educational experience of its students and foster a sense of pride around being a Lubavitcher Chosid. Attending a non-Lubavitch school means that students need to actively choose a chassidishe way of life and genuinely think and choose to do so – rather than just following the crowd.
Rochel L, a proud parent of students at Hasmonean, shares her perspective: “The goal is to infuse these students with Chassidishe energy and inspire them to become leaders and lamplighters themselves. These committed students stand daily, offering young teenagers and teachers the opportunity to lay Tefillin. Tirelessly and with great enthusiasm, they organize special farbrengens, Tanya Shiurim, extra learning opportunities, Mivtzoyim, JEM videos, lunch n’ learns, trips, and Shabbatons.”
Another parent highlights the group’s long-standing impact: “This group has been a cornerstone for Chabad students at the school for over seven years, offering weekly learning sessions and various extracurricular activities. It provides these students with a unique opportunity to connect within the wider school environment, fostering a sense of belonging and identity.”
A mega Tanya printing event on the school premises spearheaded by alum Tzviki Levine, encouraged students from the school to engage in a weekly lunchtime Tanya shiur. Another highlight this year was a shabbaton with the Tomchei Tmimim in Brunoy. This visit allowed Chabad boys at Hasmo to experience an unforgettable and eye-opening encounter at the world-renowned Chabad yeshiva. The group of 12 Hasmonean students, selected from school years 10-12, began their trip with visits to iconic Parisian landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower Plaza and the Arc de Triomphe. Their packed itinerary also included stops at kosher patisseries and the main shopping district before they arrived at the yeshiva for an enriching shabbos experience.
Their time at the yeshiva was filled with meaningful activities, starting with Shacharis alongside the entire yeshiva and a French-style breakfast. They participated in a specially tailored Seder Iyun, partnered with the bochrim for mivtzoyim—wrapping tefillin and distributing neshek to Jewish residents throughout Paris. The day concluded with a meal at the renowned L’As du Fallafel and a powerful seder niggunim in the Rebbe’s shul. Shabbos was a highlight with an inspiring all-night farbrengen.
Dovid Zajac, a student on the trip, shared his experience, saying, “Attending the Shabbaton at Brunoy Yeshiva and immersing myself in the yeshiva has profoundly strengthened my Chabad identity. The warmth and dedication of the bochurim, coupled with the Friday Mivtzoyim and inspirational davening, has deepened my connection to our rich chasidic traditions and teachings. The highlight of this transformative journey for me was my personal hachloto to incorporate the values of Chabad in my daily life.”