Photos by Nathan Brisk
L’Chaim: Fellig – Wilhelm
The L'chaim of Nossen Fellig of Crown Heights and Chaya Wilhelm of Portland, Oregon took place in Crown Heights. Photos
The L'chaim of Nossen Fellig of Crown Heights and Chaya Wilhelm of Portland, Oregon took place in Crown Heights. Photos
Go Nossen!!!!!! YLT is jumping up and down. BTW Mazal tov from all your favorite magnets.
mazel tov chaya your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great seeing you!!! – looking good as always!
Chaychi- so sorry we missed it :(. Wishing you many many brachos, simcha, mazal and GEFEN! Love, Shaynee Kroker and fam!
The zivug should be a banyan adei ad and much nachas from them and all the offsprings.
Rabbi & Mrs. S.L. Aisenbach
To the Kallah: I don’t know you, but you must be a great girl if you got Nossen! He’s the best!
those two guys were my counselors a while back… Mazal tov!
a grandson from uncle nuson havli obm ” like he used to say ‘ in the yeshiva 6405 westbury ave
Mazal tov! B’sha’ah tovah!
Long time no see
What a fabulous event it was. Wishing a huge mazel tov to Nosson and kalla.
Mazel tov! -Danny from SD
ure spotted twice
nussi and chaya!!!!
Mazal tov Nossen and Kallah! Wow, what a L’chaim! I can’t remember the last time I was at a L’chaim this Lebedik! Wishing you and your kallah happiness and simcha always!
From your friends in Highland Park, IL! Binyan Adei Ad!
may u have many simchos
Is this Yankys son?? The chossen looks like a very well liked kid!
. mazel tov nussen