Friday, 18 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 26, 2024

Jewish Man Shot in N Miami Beach

A Jewish man was shot at 6 times outside Young Israel of North Miami Beach on Sunday evening in what appears to be a drive-by shooting. Full Story

Is the Wall Mural of the Alter Rebbe Appropriate

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Rabbi Returns to Country That Banished Him

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Failed Government
July 29, 2019 8:09 am

Lousy, weak governments are to blame for most crimes.
Pirke Avis 3,2: Rabbi Chanina, deputy to the kohanim, would say: Pray for the integrity of the government; for were it not for the fear of its authority, a man would swallow his neighbor alive.
Boruch Hoffinger

July 30, 2019 9:14 am

A few years ago there was a fatal shooting of a crown heights yid visiting his family for shabbos on same block. That area is the center of a few shuls. I don’t understand why they don’t have good cameras throughout that area. Cameras are not that expensive today and can help identify criminals or even make some criminals think twice in committing a crime. Put up cameras. Register to vote. And of course we must renew and increase our Torah study on a daily bases.