By Sruly Meyer – COLlive
Photos: Aharon Gellis/COLlive
A special ceremony was held to mark the grand opening of the state-of-the-art Mikvah Hadassah, and Mikvah Shimshon V’meir in the Inner Circle Bungalow Colony, home to over 135 frum families in Loch Sheldrake, NY.
This significant event took place on Sunday, July 2nd, 2023, coinciding with the auspicious day of Yud Gimmul Tammuz 5783. Following the opening, attendees were given a tour of the Mikvah and enjoyed a grand Hakhel carnival.
The project initially originated from the unfortunate passing of Hadassah Lebovic OBM, and eventually evolved into a community endeavor, resulting in the construction of a mikvah for both men and women.
The Mikvah building includes two separate Mikvaos: ‘Mikvah Hadassah,’ named in memory of Hadassah Lebovic A” H, and ‘Mikvah Shimshon v’Meir,’ dedicated by R’ Dovid Fischer and family in memory of his father, Reb Shimshon, and his father-in-law, Rabbi Meir Zarchi.
The esteemed memory of Rabbi and Mrs. Rosenfeld OBM and Rabbi Mottel Chein OBM is honored by donors as well.
The talented Maggie Rogatsky of HCDesignDecor designed the Mikvah, and we express our gratitude to her for dedicating her time and effort to create one of the most magnificent mikvahs.
The community extended their heartfelt appreciation to Mendy and Shaya from CIT Construction, as well as Goldie Loebenstein from Wood and Stone, for their professionalism and excellent service.
The Mikvah was constructed under the rabbinic authority of Rabbi Gershon Grossbaum and Rabbi Sholom Ber Shuchat. As a token of appreciation, all attendees received a copy of the book “A Guide to Family Purity,” authored by Rabbi Yisroel Yosef Hendel.
The entire community is grateful for the numerous families who contributed to the fundraising efforts. If you still wish to contribute to the Mikvah, there is still an opportunity to be part of this significant merit. Dedication opportunities are still available, and for more information, please contact [email protected].
This is so so special!! Im in awe of all of these people who give money for important causes like mikvaos. The zchus is tremendous, you have no idea how far reaching this is, that you spend money on a beautiful mikvah that is mainly only used in the summer, it shows the importance of this mitzvah and really makes women look forward to doing this mitzvah and it has a positive ripple effect. You are bringing tahara to am yisroel.