presents Shabbos Night Live, a weekly web class with Torah thought, chassidic stories and timely inspiration.
Presented by Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Executive Director of the Central Lubavitch Youth Organization (Tzach Hamerkazis) and a long-time columnist and radio broadcaster.
This week’s program: Why is Sukkos called the “season of our rejoicing?” Don’t we have to rejoice every single day and all day of every single day?
Also: The “recipe” of Reb Nissan Nemanov, the famed Mashpia to “feel” the Yom Tov Sukkos.
Weekly story: The person who was turned off by a joke the Rebbe made, but reconsidered after hearing the story behind it.
what was the humorous story?
thanks for posting
thank you for making us proud
i remember Der Tatte telling that story.
thanks for the memories.