By: Anonymous
I started off this past year as a new Rebbi in an out of town Cheder.
We were excited to embark on our new Shlichus in Chinuch and fill the need of dedicated Mechanchim.
I consulted with my Mashpia took a Teachers training course and we packed all our belongings and moved to the unknown.
The cost of moving… we hadn’t expected that.
Estimating our future earnings as a teacher we used our credit card to fund our move and all that comes along with it.
The year began…
Throwing myself into the teaching and learning, preparation, principals, parents, paras, therapists, it was all new to me.
But there was something else that was new to me…
The school was in financial distress.
Our salary was delayed and paid in parts and we watched as our credit card debt grew… and so did the interest.
I finally understood the words of Rashi of why it is called נשך.
Months later we maxed two credit cards and one Thursday evening had no money to buy food for Shabbos.
My father is far from wealthy and so is my Shver.
I had never had to ask for money before in my life and it’s totally not my nature.
But the main point of my writing this is not to unload the Agmas Nefesh etc.
Unfortunately a young shliach passed away just after the siyum Horambam and I heard that his father was asking for people to take on three Prakim of Rambam in the merit of his neshama.
I had been learning פרק אחד and was struggling to keep it up daily, as school and my family responsibilities take alot of time, learning three Perokim was not on my radar.
That Shabbos, I turned to a friend (also in Chinuch) next to me by the farbrengen and told him I would take on 3 Prakim Rambam L’ilui Nishmoso and Hashem should take away all my debts
עשה למען תינוקות של בית רבן.
I started learning it daily, it was hard.
A week and a half later in a totally unexpected way half of our debt was covered.
Now a few months later I keep up with the daily Rambam and the school Still owes over 10 thousand but our credit card debt which we thought would take years to go has been fully paid off. Gone in a most unexpected turn of events
I’m so thankful to Hashem for his Nissim and I’m sharing this with the public perhaps someone will be inspired to increase in learning and receive a ישועה which everyone can in some way.
And I’m not the only Melamed who has experienced the agmas nefesh of not having food and basics for his family and having to rely on loans and credit cards.
It’s really the precious children in Cheder that lose out, as the financial stress takes its toll on the teacher.
Now I’m fully aware that tuition is a struggle for parents and I don’t claim to have the solution to the problem, but perhaps Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch can set up some kind of loan system where teachers that are behind in pay can borrow from directly (not everyone has a wealthy family member that can lend them money).
It is so important now more then ever that a melamed should be able to give his best into raising the next generation of the Rebbes soldiers with a Chayus and passion in Yiddishkeit.
May this issue – along with all other issues which we have in Golus- disappear with coming of משיח צדקינו ממש נאו.
About two years ago Gimmel Tammu time I got inspired to not miss a day of Rambam and I was doing three perakim a day and BH i haven’t missed a day since( if I did I made sure to catch up the next day). I’m not Chas vsholom bashing it and I’ve heard of people getting receiving Brochos from it but in my experience I’ve yet to see the brochos revealed. If anyone has any respectful ideas or advice ( I don’t care for or have patience for rude comments) that they care to share please leave a comment… Read more »
You probably see brachos from other good things you do becuase everyone has different things their neshama needs to do here.
So maybe for you, Rambam is the gift of kabolas ol of hiskashrus
Sorry for your disillusionment. It must hurt to make the keli and not see the revealed peiros…
Hoping it comes very soon for you!
Maybe try to understand it better (one Halacha beiyun etc).
I have the same experience and feelings like you.
My way of seeing it is, at least things didn’t get worse. Which according to the way things where progressing it should have gotten worse. Iyh the best its yet to come for you.
The Rebbe encouraged me to do chitas and I saw the brachos right away revealed. The Rebbe encouraged me to take a Hachlata upon myself which I did and I would get married ( 14 years ago) and I’m still single. Certain brochos happen right away and we see it and others take time. The main key is: not to lose faith for the Rebbe mentioned this many times G-d pays back measure for measure. In this generation when most want to see on the spot results, this concept to have faith dissolved. Yet I’ll encourage have faith. Our Rebbe… Read more »
Recently, I’ve been learning, seeing, and internalizing that Hashem is constantly giving us brachos, and we just have to live with Moshiach, meaning open our eyes to seeing the brachos. Your comment about how you took on more learning, and STILL kept at it even though Hashem didn’t send you revealed and tangible good, that really inspires me. You’re a true chossid who understands that all we want in life is to hold onto Hashem! That in itself is a HUGE bracha, and that you have that motivation! And maybe another bracha from the learning was to show you that… Read more »
good things come for those who wait. Sometimes it can take longer to see the brachos. but they are definitely there!
If we paid teachers what we pay wedding planners, or l’chaim events, or shaitel machers, or gourmet eateries….maybe if teachers were worth some of that….eh…?
Teachers have the hardest job
That is very commendable! Perhaps all the things in your life that are going smoothly that you may not see as revealed brochos – health, having what you need, and the stuff that *could be* cv happening that is not. Maybe your learning is upholding all the regular good in your life which can really be perceived as brochos.
have you tried meticulously washing netilas yadayim with a lot of water each time
wow that’s a big Hachlata to take on and you’ve been keeping it since! that shows that you are a sincere and committed individual, and that’s not to be taken lightly yes, we sometimes don’t see the Brochos we want to have right away but as a yid we don’t despair we say in Davening קוה אל ה’ חזק ויאמץ לבך וקוה אל ה’ and one explanation is that even if something we are asking of hashem is not being fulfilled, strengthen your heart and hope again to Hashem and don’t give up Maybe because of your learning you have… Read more »
I have received incredible glimmers for some of my issues and am awaiting something bigger to happen, G-d willing soon. If I may add that we need to find ways to retrain our perspective so here’s some practical advice: 1. There are numerous sichos that can help with bitachon like the first Purim sicha in likutei sichos vol 31 and the first sicha in likutei sichos vol. 36. Incredible sichos! I know there are many more but these two have especially Inspired me. 2. Shaar Habitachon has been eye opening! Rabbi Shais Taub has shiurim on it. Each class is… Read more »
I commend you for your honesty and perseverance. May the revealed brochos come speedily.
There are constant and endless nisyonos that the beis din shel maala gzar oleinu and maybe your three perakim of rambam is posing as a shield and protecting you from gzeiros and hardships that you have no idea you were supposed to face because you are being protected instead!
I have 0 doubt that the rambam is helping you more than ever…the sheila is if you have the zechus to see how…maybe that should be your new tefilla…!
So I went to the Ohel and complained… came out and it was either the video or a letter that spoke about learning lishma.
I stopped learning for a while and finally a few months ago at the siyum I got into the achdus factor and started wondering what it is my people were learning, so kinda lishma.. I’m at least seeing light at the end of the tunnel financially but hey at least now I’m connected to chassidim in this way too (disclaimer 1 Perek)
Shame on us that we can not get the funds together and pay the teachers what they deserve!! The teachers and their families should be looked up to and respected! Not the Nebach and poor.
What can be done?
Make go fund me like shluchim
Karen Levi Yitzchok was established by the Rebbe, in Chof Av 5724, the 20th Yohrtzeit, specifically for this purpose, to provide short-term loans to Mechanchim whose payroll was delayed, or got post-dated checks.
The days of the gelt is blotte attitude are gone .. financial situation takes up headspace that could be put to better use in avodas Hashem … bitachon is the only answer .. keep the conversation open and don’t let stigma be attached to this .. keep up the good attitude
The lesson isn’t that someone needs to make a fund.
The lesson is that everyone should learn 3 Prakim rambam every day, and that the Rebbe bleibt nisht kein ba’al chov
There are many lessons from this article and I will break it down for you: Hachlatas make a kli Teachers in certain places are not getting paid on time, or at all, which is devastating to their finances, mental health and plenty other things. They are borrowing money monthly to pay for their rent or mortgage. A fund/free loan fund should be set up to help teachers via Menachem Foundation, Merkos Chinuch office or other school organization’s. The teachers can not afford to attend the kinus mechanchim or buy prizes for their students at this point. If you know a… Read more »
Something unexpected is on the horizon.
Perhaps your patience is a sign of your Bitachoin.
As a Rebbi in a Lubavitch Cheder, I was inspired by your article and have shared your pain.
The comment that we constantly hear over and over again from everyone “Teachers should get paid more” is nice but cheap. Teachers really need the help and as parents or friends, if you have Maaser or Tzidaka, give it to your local Melamdim. We don’t have the platform to fundrais.
But, back to the article- ty for Sharing and it was great.
There is a fund for teachers… set up by our Rebbe…
Unfortunately so many mechanchim are struggling with paying rent and buying food due to not getting payment from the skl for months at a time.
Never mind the schools responsibility to the teachers (failed miserably), If any organization can come forward to help out teachers it would be amazing.
These are shluchim too but they do not get access to all shluchim get access to and they can’t even afford food for their kids.
HaShem does help!
Berl Solomon, asserts that pushing oneself in giving tzeddaka has “worked” for him and also for his friends, who done likewise
How did your cc debt get paid off?
There are blessings all around you
“i opened two gifts today
my eyes”
I want to thank all of you who have responded, I appreciate the respectful and encouraging comments.
(I read the whole article, but I didn’t get a chance to read all the comments) Year’s ago I was forced to quit a job, due to cutting back my hours hours. I finally left that job, without knowing my next step. I went to Mikvah the very next morning, and prayed HARD, with after Dovening, Chitas and Rambam, I wrote a Letter to the Rebbe, and went to Ohel that same day, I found an income that early evening, and then went to interviews the very next day after. I got the job within a few days after interview…….… Read more »
But having a job is the point
I am a big fan of Rabbi Resnick’s daily lesson. Anyone who’s having a hard time doing three chapters will do very well to look into this. He gives a concise shiur, just saying the English and you can follow along and say the words inside as he is speaking. You can listen at 2X easily and learn all three chapters in a very short amount of time. Most days 15 minutes or less.
That’s my guy, daily!
May it be in a Continues mannerושבתי… לאורך ימים
& may hashem guide & protect all of us to be ‘Oyver’ on V ’na all taztrichenu…
Idea: if schools cant afford to pay a decent wage to melamdim, they should cut back on some supportive staff such as many principals, assistant principals, administrators, curriculum directors, secretaries ( for every admin etc), and all non essential staff. Instead offer melamdim to kick in for those jobs for more salary. The pay is not nearly enough!
melamdim need to get paid properly for what they are already doing, not be forced to take on more (as so many already are) at the expense of their teaching, families etc.
Excellent piece. You sound like a devoted Mechanech!
Training & paying teachers – properly, should be #1 priority for continuity of Lubavitch.
What was that phrase the Frierdiker Rebbe said? ‘If there are no kids, there will be no goats “.
Learn this on a regular basis, I haven’t had the opportunity to see revealed financial miracles from this, but it has helped me with my bitachon.
Can someone enlighten me, would it be terrible to suggest if one is struggling to feed his family he seriously should consider transitioning to different line of work??? Why does no one even mention that as an option.
Of course learn Rambam but this waiting seems very sad approach. I understand not everyone has options but there must be paths to explore