By Devorah Halberstam – NY Daily News
Today is the anniversary of my son’s death. On March 1, 1994, Ari Halberstam traveled to Manhattan with his fellow students to pray for his rabbi, who was undergoing surgery. Afterwards, 15 of them boarded a van to drive back to Brooklyn.
Rashid Baz, a radicalized Lebanese immigrant, followed the boys from the hospital and onto the Brooklyn Bridge. He owned an arsenal, including assault weapons (a Cobray submachine gun and a Streetsweeper shotgun), a Glock and a .380 pistol, as well as magazines and loads of ammunition.
Baz caught up to the van, picked up his submachine gun and fired an initial burst of 18 bullets. In a flash, my beloved Ari was fatally wounded and a friend permanently injured.
The Cobray jammed, so Baz picked up the Glock and continued firing, seriously wounding another two of Ari’s friends. The FBI would later classify Ari’s murder as terrorism.
To me, the debate about gun violence obviously hits very close to home. Baz’s Cobray worked pretty much as intended: not accurate, but deadly in the hands of a terrorist filled with hate. And it is just one of the countless illegal (as all of Baz’s guns were) but lethal weapons that end up on the streets of New York.
In 1998, I sued the maker of Cobray and six other manufacturers of gun parts, alleging that they were responsible for Ari’s murder and the injury to his friends. We lost that battle; but we have to win the war against firearms — and we can. Yet there is a lot of fighting left to do.
While both Gov. Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg have been forceful advocates of stricter gun controls, as has Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, we cannot insulate New York from other states where gun laws are much weaker. For example, investigators traced one of Baz’s guns to a legal sale in Florida: In fact, 85% of all the guns used in New York crimes come from other states.
So while Ari’s Law, sponsored by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and signed by then-Gov. Pataki, prohibits interstate gun trafficking, guns continue to travel up the so-called Iron Pipeline, with weapons from the Carolinas, Virginia, Florida and Georgia relentlessly moving north.
Enough is enough. Some gun dealers outside New York turn a blind eye when straw purchasers buy an armload of guns — for a second, third and fourth time, all with the intention of selling them to aspiring criminals.
Clearly, these weapons will not be used on a hunting trip or to round out a collection. Indeed, federal authorities estimate that 40% of guns used in crimes nationwide were bought via straw purchase. And yet dealers continue to fill their pockets with straw buyers’ money.
Of course, not all gun dealers are helping perpetrate crime. Data show that 60% of the guns used in crimes nationwide come from only 1% of gun dealers. Very simply, they have to be prevented from conducting such sales — which is why Bloomberg has sued rogue gun dealers in the past.
And it’s not just people who sell guns, but those who buy them, too.
Congress should require comprehensive background checks, which presently cover only 60% of purchases. The gun show loophole allows for people to buy guns with minimal scrutiny. In the wake of the murders in Newtown, Conn., Aurora, Colo., and elsewhere, we clearly have to be more careful about whom we sell guns.
Very often, tragedy can be the catalyst for change. My fervent prayer is that I can save even one mother the anguish of learning that her child has been shot. Too many families have lost their children to gun violence; too many have suffered too much heartache and too much misery.
Now is the time to come together and act. I hope that Ari’s memory can help move Congress and leaders across the nation. I’m not asking for a perfect solution; I’m asking only for a solution that will save lives.
–Halberstam is the director of foundation and government services at the Jewish Children’s Museum, which is dedicated to the memory of her son Ari.
Video: NY-1’s The Road to City Hall’s Errol Louis spoke with Devorah Halberstam about the 19th anniversary of her son Ari’s shooting death and her efforts to curb gun violence.
Gun laws have failed in america. Thats a problem with america. Not the law. It works everywhere else. To think otherwise would simply prove a lack of willingness to see the bigger picture
May Ari’s neshama have an aliya and may no other innocent civilians fall victim to evil.
Given the plethora of gun laws on the books, more will not stop the bad guys, More gun laws will serve to make law abiding citizens less able to protect themselves and their loved ones. Evil rejoices as it encounters less or no resistance. What better target than a “gun free” zone?
Anyone thinking otherwise can look back on the success of prohibition.
Let’s educate you. London police don’t carry guns, but they have them in an armory in case they need them. They didn’t feel that the riots warranted their use. The murder rate in England is about the same as the US, and the violent-crime rate is four times as high as that of the US. It’s just that a larger share of the murders are committed with guns in the US. But since citizens here can defend themselves, the overall violent-crime rate here is significantly lower. Remember, it’s the rate that counts – not the raw numbers, because there are… Read more »
Lets educate you….firstly the London police dont carry guns. Gun control doesnt have to mean that police dont have guns. Secondly, if you were to look at statistics comparing UK to USA, you will find that the homicide deaths are barely a fraction compared to the numbers in the US….Lets think….is there maybe a chance it is due to gun control?
just like the crown heights riots
every Jew should have a gun to defend himself
look what happened in london,
they burned down stores and cars, and the police couldn’t control them, we should never rely on the police for our protection
Stop blaming the entertainment industry… Every other western country relies on the american entertainment industry and for some reason fun control works
Why is it that america has the biggest jail system in the world and guns are permitted? does that strike as a little odd according to your logical conclusion. Secondly, Ari Halberstam hy”d should have carried a gun so he could protect himself, right? WRONG. Finally, under the second amendment, i plan on arranging nuclear warfare to protect myself from any invaders. If republicans would finally wake up to the rest of the world and see that the world can exist without civilians with guns, maybe the republicans will get voted in again one day. So long as republicans continue… Read more »
1. Will you carry your ready gun all the time? 2. If not, will the attacker wait for you to get it and get it ready? 3. If you do manage to shoot him, will you end up in court on a homicide charge? 4. How will you prevent your children from trying it out? 5. How can you be sure it won’t be misused in the heat of an argument? 6. Maybe everyone should keep a German Shepherd, instead.
thats so ridiculoous, im cracking up. u want teenagers carrying guns? its not enough that adults carry em. + plus, if we bann guns, our jails will b overun as in our case with heroine additc, im paying enough taxes thank u vrry much
What’s the name of the youtube video?
Criminals will NOT acquire guns if the law is strict and tough enough.
Cause criminals obey the law…
Mr Hoffinger, as you said the government cannot be trusted. and that will never change. therefore, criminals will indeed get guns whenever they want. #53 No one says people shouldn’t get training. The point is, the main reason for the 2nd amendment is to protect us against government tyranny, therefore allowing the government to keep a registry of all the guns is very backwards and defeats the point. I googled the safest large cities in usa and don’t see NYC anywhere.. so not sure what you are talking about. you may wanna check for more accurate crime stats.. also,… Read more »
Who do you call when the police won’t come to save you?
Will criminals break in if word gets around that CH residents “all” have shot guns?
Will they take that risk?
It’s really THAT simple.
Your mixing apples and oranges. 1) Its debatable if the US has or doesn’t have the highest homicide rate in the world. What isn’t debatable is if you minus the metropolitan area’s with strict gun laws i.e NYC,LA,Chicago, you end off with a very low homicide rate, its specifically those cities that have made it almost impossible to own a legal gun that have major gang issues and general sense of lawlessness. Your right Ari having a gun probably wouldn’t have helped and he was only 16 at the time + in a moving vehicle obviously whichever commenter made that… Read more »
Look at countries where guns are illegal! USA has one of highest homicide rates in the world! And you think that makes you free:( sadly, statistics prove that if there is a gun it it is likely to be used against you. A gun would not have helped Ari Halberstam hyd. I heard a survivor of the Munich Olympics, Dan alon speak a week ago. The 3 Israeli athletes who were not captured had several guns and 2 of them were Olympian marksmen, yet they could not shoot the terrorists in their view because of the fact the other terrorists… Read more »
The end of Your comment answers itself.’v’nishmatem… includes having proper training so that you don’t kill yourself or your family, yet in many states you can buy guns like candy.It also includes making sure criminals don’t get guns… As for my statistics about NY,look it up on Google and you will see I am right.The fact that their are many factors involved in lowering crime,only proves that gun ownership is not the only answer. As for your statistics, the reason crime is lower in places with higher gun ownership is also do to many factors,such as they are more religious… Read more »
Criminals will NOT acquire guns if the law is strict and tough enough.
Government in NYC is wimpish.
Remember the riots during ‘The Lindsay Administration…’the Dinkins (YM”S) Administration?’
You CANNOT trust government.
#40The big problem with your solution (besides for the fact that it is severely “infringing” on the people’s rights that are guaranteed in the constitution) is that registration has always been a prelude to confiscation. Nazi Germany and Australia are only 2 of many such examples in recent history. #48 Buying guns should be easy. It is our G-d given right. Not something allowed by our glorious earthly benevolent king… For criminals it will always be easy to acquire guns. Whether they are the kind that was banned or not doesn’t bother them much… The fact that it is so… Read more »
Let this woman go, she will get it it done!
Mrs. Halberstam never said banning guns is the solution, rather to make universal gun laws.Gun control doesn’t mean you cant a own gun, it means it is harder to get one.The fact is in many states it is very easy to buy a gun(sometimes even easier than buying alcohol).,and many time those guns are than sold to criminals on the black market.If we would have universal gun laws it would be a lot harder for that to continue. While it is true that most gun violence is committed by illegal guns,that is because they where bought legally in one state… Read more »
when i went to do my citizenship many moslems were granted citizenship that day, i don’t get it, don’t welcome terrorists to this country!!!!!!!!!
glad you mentioned her:
ok, #4 for sure has a major point, and some others. I just don’t understand WHY ISNT ANYONE ADDRESSING THE VIOLENCE IN THE MEDIA (videos, DVD’s, games of all sorts, etc, etc). WHY?? there have been many articles on how children are affected by media violence. Even to the point where, when they see “bad guy and good guy” programs, a child under a certain age will only understand that its violence, they will not understand that the good guy wins and is “good”. Where are we at with this?? Why are we not advocating that the general public who… Read more »
An entire family was killed 2 years ago in the settlement by an Arrab with knives.
Should we banned knives?
The father of the murdered girl spoke beautifully.
Mrs Halberstam, the way to make NY safer is to have good boys like your son carrying guns, in order to protect themselves.
Disarming the Jewish population is very wrong, and don’t forget that bad people can get guns against any law which can be passed.
You sound very educated… Maybe we gained our right to speak from suzanna hupp, who’s parents where murdered in front of her eyes, while her Legal gun was in her car, since Texas at the time didn’t allow them in restaurants. We aren’t trying to sound callous however what she did has angered us and we are simply expressing our opinions…
Everyone can have thier own opinion but lav Davka over her sons dead body obviously halberstams approach is from her experience no need to scream at her like she’s some sort of crazy no offence .
I consider us friends. We have worked together on many worthy projects & no one is as eloquent, passionate, sincere or determined as you. You are someone I respect & love! However, on this issue you’re wrong. I understand your reasoning, we all do, but greater gun control (i.e. restrictions) is not an answer to gun violence. What is needed are stricter controls on accessibility to ILLEGAL guns. Honest, moral, upright citizens SHOULD be able to own a gun & carry it for personal safety & as a deterrent. Like # 34 says” it’s nearly impossible to get one if… Read more »
carried a gun, when he was under threat from the Poalei Tzion (“umoro lo yaaleh al rosho”)
And what about knives, obesity, abuse, smoking. They all kill and kill others??
Wrong! Most criminals will get a gun whether it is legal or not.
Let me ask you, how was Harbelstom son killed and how are so many other people killed every day in NYC and Chicago? You got it… with ILLEGAL weapons.
Chicago and NYC have the toughest gun laws in america, yet the amount of killings are skyrocketing. Let’s be rationale about this – gun control is not a solution.
In England they don’t allow every tom dick and harry to haveguns and you can count on the fingers of one hand how many gun massacres like sandyhoook occur. Boruch hashem. America is nit anderish. So true, america is the craziest place on earth, allowing every nutter to own a gun, and locking people up fopr 27 years or life with solitary when others have got off lighty for the same crime. People are treated better and safer in Iran!
In NYC it is illegal to carry. It is possible to obtain a license to have a gun at home. And even that is challenging to get. Yet most gun deaths are NOT from people shooting in their own homes, they come from criminals touting their guns around town using them as they wish. Where I grew up, nearly everyone in the Jewish community carries LEGALLY and there is a very low crime rate. My dad carries as well as my siblings all not living in NYC. Now living in NYC, that privilege is no longer available to me. I… Read more »
Please allow me to answer you point by point. – Perhaps it can be changed, but the 2nd amendment certainly will not be, so you have to deal with that reality. – Most of the people you reference don’t own guns because, thanks to people like Mrs. Halberstam, it’s nearly impossible to get one if you live in New York. Also, people who are not concerned with the law will always have “gun freedom,” and therefore taking away the ability to obtain guns legally only hurts law-abiding citizens. – That’s because their rates were always lower! In the UK, since… Read more »
Lubavitchers have guns? Since when.
The USA is the last place I would want to live.
You are all stuck in the stone age.
the animals who killed her beautiful son probably didn’t get their guns legally and that will always be the case,no matter how strict gun control is.
Is that you control guns from those who need to protect themselves, but the criminals will find ways to get them with or
without laws……and that puts us in an even more dangerous
I dont think banning guns will help, i think if its allowed then there will be less crime. ppl like Rasheed (may his name be eraised) would have still gotten his gun even if there were the strictest gun policies!
We are Lubavitchers -CHABADniks – we try to think with our mind and NOT WITH OUR EMOTIONS. Nobody should ever have to go through what the Halberstam family had to go through. That said, we must remember to think with our minds. and logic tells us that criminals won’t start obeying laws just because their are passed by congress. One more point. Of course every Jew should own a weapon (at the very least out of respect for the 6,000,000 Kedoshim). However, even if you don’t actually own a gun, the mere POSSIBILITY that you own a gun will DETER… Read more »
Guns are not dangerous well they can be the main problem with guns is the people who are using them otherwise guns are completely safe and if they are going to make a no gun rule then all the bad people who want guns will get the same way…
Many lubavitchers do in fact own guns in communities outside of NYC
If you think the second amendment was created so we have a right to hunt, you are completely ignorant.
And remember, Germany also banned guns shortly before the Holocaust, OOO that had nothing to do with the war!
that his guns were purchased illegally. It would not have helped in Ari’s HY”D case. If criminals are using straw purchasers, then increased background checks won’t really help; that’s the point of a straw purchase. May we all be zoche to see Ari b’einei bassar b’karov mamosh!
We were all saddened and mourned when your sons life was taken. Your right no mother should have to endure this. Though your pain is real Guns don’t kill people do. Guns will never go away and if you take guns away from law abiding and ethical people who can actually save a life in a terrible situation or stop the evil, you will be left with guns in the hands of criminals only. This is what they did in Nazi Germany so no one could protect themselves. We never want to let this happen again!
When you adjust for demographics, the USA violent crime rate is LOWER than in most other countries. America’s problem isn’t that it has too many guns, but that it has too many criminals; if guns weren’t available for self-defense then the crime rate would only go UP. Criminals don’t need guns; they’d be delighted if there weren’t any because they can use other weapons, or their fists. It’s victims who need guns to equalize the odds against a bigger and stronger attacker.
I’m sorry for her loss, but Mrs Halberstam has set herself up as an enemy of the American people, actively trying to deprive us our rights. There is no difference between the right to arm oneself and the right to free speech or the free exercise of religion, or the right to a fair trial, or the right not to be searched unreasonably. One is not holier than the others, and when you threaten one you threaten them all. Yes, #5, the bill of rights can be changed, and woe is to us if it ever is, because we will… Read more »
So because she got funding for the museum her word is toras moshe??
I feel horrible for any person who loses loved ones to gun violence, but if we start quoting statistics, gun violence is nil in Reno Nevada, where they allow citizens the freedom of our constitution, and the right to bear arms.
COLUMBINE STUDENT’S FATHER 12 YEARS LATER!! Guess our national leaders didn’t expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of …the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee’s subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful. They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, every politician, every sociologist, every psychologist, and every so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott… Read more »
what’s your secret Devorah?
Please share.
i just drove by the 71 pct and hundreds of gang members are turning in their 8 rd magazines and and ak47s mamish givaldig
It is the violent movies and games that promote this. Most shooting is done with a legal, registered gun
Gun control laws cannot prevent crime either…….
To number 5.
How would you know if #1 has a gun or not. Sorry to break it to you but the latest info says 45% of Americans have a gun.
Its a known fact that if you make guns illegal only criminals will have them because frankly they don’t care about the law much.
Besides it’s a basic american principal instituted for the protection of your rights. The first law past against Jews in Germany was that they had to turn in their guns immediately.
Now this changes everything.
#5 – You obviously are clueless to the issues at hand. Gun banning, like any prohibition (e.g. alcohol or drugs) does not work. Why not seek mandatory training and psychological screening on a regular basis.
Being emotional on this issue, or trying to posture a position based on emotion versus the sobering reality helps no one.
Mrs. Halberstam is a formidable personality and has done so much good, however despite the tragedy she suffered, we must all consider long term viable solutions versus short term “feel good” knee jerk reactions.
There were 7,500 deaths by guns lay treat give it take. (FBI crime stats look it up) 450 lawful law enforcement. 450 lawful citizens defending themselves. Activated assault rate in the US is 400 per 100,000. In England which has super gun control it’s 2400 per 100,000. But your are right, how dare we have a right to defend ourselves our live by the constitution. I do agree with your that you should never own a gun. And in the event that you need one, well but a whistle or a broom. the future if you’d care to look up… Read more »
First off many Lubavitchers do own guns just most of them don’t live in the NYC area. Plus how do you know that I don’t own a gun or have the proper training in using one. And all of the statistics you just posted have been proven wrong on countless occasions.
Hitler was a gun control advocate.
Gun control laws cannot prevent terrorism……
if law abiding citizens did not have there constitutional rights infringed by elitists like Como and Bloomberg yms who will never go anywhere for the rest of there life’s without guards armed with real assault weapons we the sheeple would be able to protect ourselves and perhaps some of the corbonos would still be with us today
Yes! to All of the above comments.Mrs. Halberstam’s loss is painful and terrible. She is being emotional, not intellectual. I believe, ‘The Rebbe, MH”M’ spoke about this. If the government is not righteous, and doesn’t enforce laws, as in the past, then criminals will get guns. We are IN A WAR ZONE because of selfish government. # 3 is RIGHT ON! I was a victim of the ‘First Government Supported Murder of Jews in the History of The United States.’ The government, where it concerned with my neighborhood, would give every Jew a free, powerful weapon with FREE training. Government… Read more »
– The constitution of the USA is not Torah. Not sure why you present it that way. It can be changed. – Do you own a gun? Of course not. And that’s what I don’t understand most about so many Lubavitchers. They’re all running around touting gun freedom so we can protect ourselves; but we DON’T have guns and we DON’T protect ourselves! Gun freedom gives guns to the people who shouldn’t have them. – In the USA where there are more guns per capita than the rest of the world 11 in every 100,000 people are killed every year… Read more »
But I feel she is absolutely wrong. Gun’s are not responsible for murder. Rashid Baz ym”sh is.
And, with due respect, what is the relevance if a firearm is used for hunting. Hunting is not a right, self defense is.
I am a Lubavitcher and I am a responsible gun owner.
This is plain politics.
just like the crown heights riots
every Jew should have a gun to defend himself
look what happened in london,
they burned down stores and cars, and the police couldn’t control them, we should never rely on the police for our protection
i truely feel for this mother who lost her son however this is not the answer to the problem and if she or any one else thinks that it is they are mistaken the fact is that in all of the places that guns are banned the crime rates and shooting rates are higher look at chicago baltimore detroit washington dc new york these places have the strictest gun laws but the crime rates are the highest the only way to bring down crime is to make it legal to won a gun of course with a back ground check… Read more »
I will try to be as respectful as possible considering her loss. 1) There’s something called the constitution of the united states. In it includes provisions protecting gun ownership and freedom of interstate commerce i.e right to travel. 2) Sadly she’s the perfect pawn for the extreme left and ultra elitist running NYC, to use for their means while throwing her org the JCM some money. The Ari Halberstam story show’s what works in regards to law enforcement and what doesn’t. 1) Banning guns doesn’t work as he was able to get his hands them easily. 2) However cooperation from… Read more »