Tuesday, 16 Adar II, 5784
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Front Lines Vs. Headlines

Op-Ed: We must ask ourselves, what's gained by spending hours to constantly seek updates on the situation in Israel. Full Story

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Oy, this is so true
July 20, 2014 5:51 pm

Even though it’s also so hard to do. But I think the author made it clear that he recognizes that it’s natural and actually a good thing that we stay in the know. He’s addressing the fact that we can become obsessed with following in the news instead of actually doing something about it. Thank you for posting, this is a must read for every single jew!!

July 20, 2014 3:17 am

If your interested in spreading tehillim, there’s a lubavitcher already busying making many cycles. Email her at [email protected] to join in.
Am Yisroel chai!!

July 18, 2014 1:29 pm

Good gezugt. Well said.

July 18, 2014 11:38 am

What is gained by checking COLLive hourly in general!

Agree but...
July 18, 2014 9:36 am

When asking my family in Israel what could I do besides daven to help, they’re response was social media. The soldiers only read negative post or articles all over the media which lowers there moral. Having facebook flooded with the truth about Israel will help soldiers know that their brothers and sisters around the world care. We live in crazy times, when you have liberal jews all the way to neturei karta siding and protesting with the Palestinians. Speaking with relatives who are serving in the IDF it’s disheartening for them to read news articles about Jews on campus protesting… Read more »

Way Off
July 18, 2014 9:25 am

Correction: The end of my comment was directed to #3

Way Off
July 18, 2014 9:24 am

We are dealing here with our own brother and sisters. Their lives are in danger. Every Jew should have the desire to know what their situation is and continuisly want to know updates.

That doesn’t mean one needs to check the news all the time, but it is totally normal and expected for a brother to stay posted on his brothers dangerous situation.

To #7: That is refering to nations fighting against nations, not a war the Yidden are involved in. Such a war, all Yidden should know the latest. Obviously, Torah and Mitzvos are most important for this situation.

I am #7
July 18, 2014 8:55 am

And I just wanted to add that while we aren’t living in the 40km range, we have gotten a fair number (less than Tel Aviv’s, but double Yerushalayim’s and more) of sirens (and every one was for more than one rocket).

My husband says that people in chu”l need to know also, so they know what to daven for.

Janglo.net has a list of things you can do to help out – soldiers, families of soldiers, families practically living in their bomb shelters… Take a look…

Shabbat shalom v’shkeita l’chulanu, amenl

Along the same lines..
July 18, 2014 7:32 am

MK Geulah Cohen once asked the Rebbe frankly, I don’t understand. You’re saying all these things in your public talks, re the govt and the danger inherent of mesirat shetachim. It’s one thing if there’s military or govt people of influence in the crowd. But all these white-bearded chassidim – what do they have to do with it at all??

The Rebbe wisely answered: For them I mean on a spiritual plane: I’d you have any personal “shetachim” which are not yet fully empowered for Torah – give them over to G-d and the land of Israel!!

What do I gain? Easy.
July 18, 2014 7:14 am

It helps us figure out patterns in rocket launching and to know when to expect a siren. It also helps us understand how well they aim and if any improvement in aim has happened, and whether or not the Iron Dome is still working or if there might be a takala. Ah and after a rocket fell, we know how many and how close, and whether it’s okay to update family in chu”l that we had a siren and are okay, or if we should just keep quiet because it’s not on the news…as well as anything in-between. It updates… Read more »

Hinda Schryber - director Orlenefesh, jerusalem Israel
July 18, 2014 5:40 am

Very interesting. Whilst i agree that every person has a part to play in this episode i do not agree that someone who is not here- in the land , experiencing this trauma, can tell someone else what to do. If this article is directed at only chutz laaretz people then very fine. But if people in Israel are reading it – then heres what i have to say. 1. Everyone responds to stress and trauma differently and everyone needs to do what they need to do. If checking the news helps you to know whats going on and stay… Read more »

If YOU lived here.....
July 18, 2014 4:04 am

You would get it. Perhaps it shows people care enough to be care in what we are going through, & as a result, they increase in mitzvot & tefillot for the safety of our soldiers & citizens.

I am happy people in Chutz are scouring the news. You should know what our soldiers and the people in the South are going through. Thank you all for your prayers, keep them coming.

Shabbat Shalom.

July 18, 2014 3:10 am

You’re so right! Thank you Rabbi Lipskier for getting me back to the proper mind set. Ever we, in Israel, tend to forget that minute by minute following what happens south of us is not helping anyone. And it makes ‘tracht gut, will sein gut’ so much more difficult..

repeat of the Rebbe
July 18, 2014 2:22 am

כאשר ישנו בילבול בעולם ומלכויות מתגרות אלו באלו, בכוחו של יהודי להשפיע על המתרחש, (לא ע”י ביטול הזמן בקריאת העיתונים בכדי לדעת את הנעשה, שידיעתו בזה בין כך אינה משנה מאומה. אלא הדרך היא לא לאבד את הזמן ללא תועלת בבירור פרטי הנעשה וגם לא כללות הנעשה) אלא כשמוסיף בתפילה בתורה ובגמ”ח. (יט כ כסלו תשד”מ)

good point
July 18, 2014 1:23 am

Point is well taken. I don’t think I will not check the news often, but I am making a hachlata that every time I check the news for updates, I will also say a kapitl tehillim for our soldiers and Eretz Yisroel

July 18, 2014 1:15 am

משיח now