Insights from Toras Reb Levi Yitzchok, a weekly class based on the teachings of Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, chief rabbi of the city of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, during the bloody Bolshevik revolution and the subsequent Communist oppression and father of the Rebbe.
The shiur is presented by Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Director of Chabad of Mercer County in Princeton, New Jersey, and author of Yalkut Levi Yitzchok, an anthology of commentaries collected from the works of Harav Levi Yitzchak, of blessed memory.
Organized by and aired on community news service
From the Rebbe’s Father – Devorim
And as for the Avim who lived in villages as far as Gaza, the Caphtorites כפתורים coming out from Caphtor destroyed them and settled in their place
In our Parsha the Targum & Targum Yionoson Ben Uziel translate כפתורים called קפוטקיא with a ט
However is Parshas Noach (Chapter 10:14), the Targum Yoinoson Ben Uziel translates it קפודקיא, with a letter ד
הערות בראשית ע׳ קכג
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