The first activity of the new Achdus group is being kicked off tonight, Sunday, with two shiurim about Ahavas Yisroel between Chassidim, starting an international Lubavitch unity effort.
Rabbi Manis Friedman, for women @ 8:15 pm EST
Rabbi YY Jacobson, for men @ 9:00 pm EST
The classes will be streaming live on – the Lubavitch Community News Service.
8:15 PM Eastern Time: A class for women delivered by Rabbi Manis Friedman, dean of the Bais Chana women’s institute in Minnesota and a veteran author and counselor.
9:00 PM Eastern Time: A class for men delivered by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson, spiritual leader of Congregation Bais Shmuel Chabad in Crown Heights and a world-renowned lecturer.
“The Shiurim will discuss what true Ahavas Yisroel is and how we are able to achieve that feeling towards one another today,” organizers said.
The Achdus group is an ongoing initiative undertaken by a group of Anash and Shluchim. For more information visit
Thank you to the organizes the speakers and COLLIVE i was not able to watch on Sunday but I just watched both speakers and it meant a lot to me.
Isn’t that part of the problem – which community Rav to follow? The rav may have his own agenda. There are oppossing rabbonim, mashpi’im – each claiming that the other side is wrong. THAT’S A BIG PART OF THE PROBLEM. The illness isn’t the solution.
Thank you for this effort. Lets keep the momentum going. We can all learn, farbreng, teach our children by mouth and by example the importance of Achdus of Chasidim. We are Mishpocho!
speaking of the great divide…
are you in the camp of people who treat your family best and outsiders worst ?
are you in the camp of people who treat outsiders best and your family worst?
Think about it…
Is that being dan l’kaf zchus or being dillusional? There is no mitzvah to deceive oneself and to deny reality!
Being dan l’caf zchus implies that there are TWO kafs hanging in the balance on a scale (kaf chova and kaf zchus) and one should favor the kaf zchus (give the benefit of the doubt).
If there is another meaning – please provide a citation.
#16, judging to be dan l’kaf zchus is not just when there’s uncertainty! It’s when you are so SURE, when you’ve “seen it with your own eyes…”! Go reread and relearn about this concept…
This initiative is the first of its kind for a number of reasons and i want to thank those who made this happen. I just hope that this is not a one time thing. This must continue. In recent memory, i do not remember when a group of anash made up of shluchim and anash from different communities who are not shluchim should come together to try to encourage chassidim to just remember that we are chassidim of the same rebbe and the implications of that. I agree with # 18, this is not an initiative to make every one… Read more »
may we be reunited with the rebbe now!!!
why wait till gimmel tamuz , we need moshiach now now now!!
a hugh yshar koach for whoever is involved.. we need this, rather: we must have this
I want to thank everyone for this amazing idea. I think #11 and 12 missed the point. And the point is – we ARE different and our opinions ARE different. But we are not talking about our ideas. We are trying to see past them – we are yiden and chasidim and one family even if you do not like it. What Rebbe really wants from us is peace. I gonna work on myself. I also listernrd to both lectures.
how can I put this shiurim on mine MP3?
Except, THAT was EXACTLY the problem – when one group supported one rav while the other supported the other rav!!
And #2, be “dan l’kaf zchus” – that “pisgam” applies when there is uncertainty and one is in doubt, then, give them the benefit of the doubt. What happens when there is no room for any doubt??
Nice try – building a house of cards can be done, but no one can live in it.
Rabbi friedman is saying look at it from the Rebbe’s perspective.
The problem is everyone is arguing what that perspective is.
What an incredible Shiur!!
Thank you, please keep them coming!
This gimmel tamuz may we be reunited with our rebbe, in the merit of all the good.
Its very nice YYYJ yet you really need to tackle what is the main divide in Chabad ..doddging the Moshiach issue will just leave the issues unresolved
I hope you will put in my comment, sincerely, so that the issues can be considered in order to takeh bring achdus. I grew up on Rabbi Manis he has taught me a lot in life, however this speech was in my opinion very weak. Would the Rebbe defend some of the Chassidim who act in certain ways these days including those in and of the “system”??? Well if you look at the Rebbes own letters the answer is a clear NO. You spoke of a story where someone claimed to be throwing another chossid out of Lubavitch and the… Read more »
i will admit that althought i am a man i listened to BOTH shiurim and i must say thank you to the lecturers and to the anash behind this, why didint u come around earlier?
He makes a great point, I never really thought about it that way, to always keep in mind how would we act in front of the Rebbe
One Shiur is being geared towards women and a second towards men.
If this class is being given online, why is there a separate one for women and men??
Get Rabbi Manis Friedman and Rabbi Yossi Jacobson to give a joint class .That will be real Achdus .
Beware of the “baal dovor”. He is on an RSS feed for anything with the word “achdus” on it.
Oh, and by-the-way: On wich side of the fundamental ideological issues confronting Lubavitcher chassidim today? Which side will win the debate and become the achdus standard?
thanks for organizing!!
they are serious, wow, not just talk
please why not extend this to all bnei israel that are not anash but also want break down the guedarim that are between al the group ashkenaz shefarad messorati ect…