Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

Don’t Fire Well-Meaning Teachers

News about schools firing teachers over participation in Call of the Shofar prompted this letter to principals and parents. Full Story

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Steve Klingman, 54, OBM

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December 31, 2013 2:37 pm


still in shock
December 31, 2013 2:36 pm

Rabbi Goldstein? Rabbi Goldstein? Does anyone even know how he stretches himself for every single student? Do you know? He really really cares. Ot had a top notch principal. I guess no good deed goes unpunishef

TAINTED and would you trust them with chinuch
December 31, 2013 11:44 am

the cots program has the potential of long term residual damage
speaking to a professional pshycologist I understood that just one weekend can change the person in a damaging way specificaly empowerement of oneself to the detriment of others. When those who attended seek professional help and can certify they have been deprogramed then maybe we can trust them with chinuch of inocent children.

Thank you Yanky Blachman 104
December 31, 2013 2:12 am

I agree with everything you wrote. It is a double-faced lynch mob.

Kudos to you for signing your name! It is a dangerous thing in this atmosphere.

It is clear their position should not be in chinuch
December 31, 2013 12:43 am

People who take risks, like this should not be in chinuch. This was no step in the right direction. the right direction is and always has been tanya and chassidus. to feel the need to modernise and show clearly these mechanchims inability to find meaning in torah shows, they are not adequate mashpi’im. It’s a shame for anyone to get fired. true. But thousands of bochurim are relying on teachers who have the ability to really teach them. I fear they may not be replaced by much better mashpiim, but at least the new ones won’t be b’chezkas failed mashpiim.… Read more »

i think the problem is
December 30, 2013 10:23 pm

that these two individuals with their innocent mistake got brain tainted, again , they are victims, helpless victims which renders them unfit for being educators of yiddisheh kinderlech until they get professional help. I don’t blame these ibbergegebene individuals but we can’t have them in a moisad of chinuch right now when they are convinced(bec. their mind is controlled by frishling) that this cots is still in fact a great thing.

December 30, 2013 7:05 pm

I was asked by several friends to go to a COTS brainwashing event in Morristown. I refused to go and what I heard about it was frightening and reminesent of what I heard about cults in the 1970s. During the retreats participants are asked to do emotional “regressions” in public which create a hypnotic state. Then, Steven Frischling, who is trained according to his own sources in mind control and Buddhism then starts teaching about “oneness” and “staying present.” Afterwards, the counselors are instructed to “watch over” the participants and look out for deviation from the groupthink. Rabbi Rosenfeld did… Read more »

December 30, 2013 6:51 pm


Good Point
December 30, 2013 6:50 pm

I am not a fan of COTS,

I am wondering if this was a very well thought out decision. It sounds somewhat impulsive to me. and sad that people who committed the same “crime” but had connections were not fired (if that is true)
and sad that well meaning individuals, looking to improve their skills and middos, but perhaps misguided, receive such treatment.

is there any such thing as teshuva?

Good Point!!
December 30, 2013 6:44 pm

this is all very distressing.

i think
December 30, 2013 6:30 pm

it’s crazy to fire a person from trying to help himself.
imagine a person went to psychologist who ppl later found was a thief. would u throw the person into jail 4 going to such a person? no! give these teachers another chance!
i’m sure they see now it’s wrong, and make a rule for the future. let the past have a chance to improve.

Education or Mind Control?
December 30, 2013 6:20 pm

If you read the COTS booklet, what is immediately apparent is that this is mind control masquerading as education and dressed in Jewish garb. The exercises are meant to get recruits to eliminate critical thinking and heighten emotion. Once that has been accomplished, “education” begins. This is mind control. The retreats are meant to be an intro that hooks you. You cannot truly become self-realized unless you sign on for more workshops. The pre-requisite is to eliminate critical thinking which they term “old patterns of thought.” Don’t think! Don’t analyze! Just sit there and listen as if “you are listening… Read more »

Don't Fire
December 30, 2013 6:08 pm

That is riddiculous to fire good teachers of the past who realize now it was not the correct thing to do. Where do you intend to get replacements? From the younger generation that has no bittul at all?

not fired
December 30, 2013 6:08 pm

Step down for a while is not the same as being fired They are going to be ,IYH reinstated at the proper time They need to deprogram, the damage is there, specially if they went many times it is like someone who says “I stop smoking today”, you need a while for your lungs clear out Other teachers should be also take a vacation cleaning process They are affected, this doesn’t go away in 1 day They need to replace the auto suggestions for chassidus auto suggestions that are exactly . the opposite, bittul, ahavas Ysrael, wellbeing of other jews… Read more »

Totally Agree
December 30, 2013 6:02 pm

I think there will be a lot of self recrimination when all the hullaba dies down! And all the hullaba has been ignited by fear, rather than proper research. The article is very to the point! And Comment l8 is really a MUST READT Thank you for posting it and it behooves all to read it. Its the first piece of writing since the beginning of the fire that is informed, intelligent and to the point. Written fairly and from someone who obviously truly knows about COS.

how terribly sad
December 30, 2013 6:00 pm

no one seems to realize the sadness of this whole thing. I learned in several yeshivos and had connections with various mashpiim over time. all i can say is shame on ot for sending someone away like rabbi sternberg who is from the INDIVIDUALS today who can relate to bochurim and HELP them with the issues they have. ITS THEIR LOSS AND THE LOSS OF ALL THE BOCHURIM THAT COULD HAVE BEEN HELPED BY HIM!

ה ירחם
December 30, 2013 5:52 pm

וואס איז געשען מיט אהלי תורה וואו האט איר פארלוירן אייערע שכל ר שלמה שטרנברג’ס השפעה אויף בוחרים איז שלא בערך מעהר ווי אלע אנדרע משפיעים און ער האט געראטוועט צענדליקע חסידישע בוחרים פון פארשידינע מחלות ברוחניות ובנפש……………………………………………………איר שיסט זיך אליין!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Teshuva = Making it right
December 30, 2013 5:52 pm

Those that went, and now agree to be ‘deprogrammed’, are making it right, and should not lose their job.
Those that sent others there, particularly innocent young impressionable bochurim, must make it right by guiding each and every bochur that they ‘ruined’ back to the derech. (Talmid shegoloh megalin rabbo imo.) Until they can say that they’ve eradicated the damage that they’ve wrought in others, they are rightfully to be dismissed from their position of influence on youth!

thank you!
December 30, 2013 5:48 pm

Thanks you for this letter that explains the situation very well. I support the teachers, the mashpia and principal. they had good intentions and should not be penalized for something that was only made clear to be questionable recently. If they continue to support COTS after the psak then termination of their job is understood. If they did not continue to go or support COTS the termination of the jobs is just so OT administration can save face. It seems to be motivated by their desire to “save face” and save their reputation – that’s all. Not about truth or… Read more »

To 129
December 30, 2013 5:46 pm

OT by far was the moised afflicted by this the most.

OT has allowed many extremities into our system (some have even spawned more extreme moisdos). Kudos to the Director and Board for finally putting a stop to it. I hope this will bring OT back to the center and perhaps become a light to Lubavitch worldwide again.

Only oholei torah?
December 30, 2013 5:21 pm

Bravo to Rabbi Rosenfeld for taking a stand and I am sure lots of flack. My question is why is everyone singling out oholei torah when many heads and teachers from other schools are just as guilty or perhaps more yet there’s no mention of protest against them.
I guess it’s because everyone recognizes that oholei torah is the light to the world, as eretz Yisrael is and gets critisized for everything.

תלמיד אהלי תורה מהעבר
December 30, 2013 5:12 pm

תפסיקו לקנאת ולשנאות אני למדתי אצל ר שלום חריטונוב אבל מאוד נהנתי מר שלמה שטרנברג הוא עזר לי הרבה בגשמיות וברוחניות התועדתי איתו הרבה וגם אחרי שעזבתי הישיבה אני מתיעץ עמו ואני יודע עוד הרבה הרבה תלמידים כך

Don't Blame the Vicitims!
December 30, 2013 5:12 pm

Yes, any person innocently went to improve themselves are thus considered to be a ‘shoigeg’ (vs maizid) and cannot or should not be fired from their parnossah. Have we stooped so low that we can’t forgive innocent errors! A little compassion and understanding is needed here! With all due respect, have the Rabbonim been asked whether the Yeshivah is allowed to fire these rebbeim and destroy their livelihood. I don’t think so, our beloved Torah is compassionate and forgiving! What would the Rebbe zatzal advise on this, to fire the rebbeim and destroy their parnossah , again I highly doubt… Read more »

attention Oholei Torah administration:
December 30, 2013 4:48 pm

Please do not act impulsively. Please take into consideration the tremendous amount of care and effort that has been put into the school and into individual students by these educators. We are told to judge others favorably. is this reserved for when someone is otherwise irreligious or on a different page completely? Surely, this must be applied to when someone just like us, who cares about the same things as we do, makes a misjudgment. It behooves us to consider for a moment, whether we truly believe there was any malicious intent involved or whether we are comforting ourselves and… Read more »

BRAVO to Oholei Torah and R. Rosenfeld!
December 30, 2013 3:51 pm

Finally, OT did the right thing to protect our children! It took several years for our communities to react to molestation and abuse. COTS is a money making venture that uses mind control to manipulate participants and have them promote COTS among their friends. There is no way OT could keep staff who are so involved in this CULT to stay in their positions at OT. One person who was let go attended at least 9 COTS programming weekends! He is fully programmed by them and need significant exit counseling – BUT NOT WHILE HE IS TEACHING OUR CHILDREN. R.… Read more »

I totally support OT's decision to let these teachers go
December 30, 2013 3:42 pm

Oholei Torah made the right decision! They acted, as any rational school would, to let go people who were doing dangerous things to other teachers and children. A teacher, and especially a principal, has tremendous power over their students. Parents have trust in the school to monitor their power and if abuse is done act swiftly to protect children. In many schools if there is molestation or even inappropriate touch accusations against a teacher, the teacher is removed immediately from the classroom (without question) In this case, when a teacher abuses power, misleads others, manipulates others to go and exposes… Read more »

they are only firing the stubborn ones
December 30, 2013 3:33 pm

they are not firing anyone who just went- although they wil need deprogramming.
they are firing those that aren’t regretting and trying to change. please feel bad for the kids more than the teachers.


a teacher who believes in COTS, cannot be in oholei torah! may ALL believers there please leave till you “cleaned up”!


Gunning for the wrong people
December 30, 2013 3:04 pm

Don’t let the “little guys” take the hit on this one. It is the people on the top that HIRED then, the HANHOLA and DEAN is where the buck stops. Out with the old, in with the new. When a corporation messes up, heads roll from the top – it is the CEO, President, top manager that gets replaced. Don’t let the poor melamed take the blame for doing what was APPROVED and with FULL KNOWLEDGE and SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT of the people on top!!

Others also sent
December 30, 2013 3:00 pm

I know first hand that other schools sent bochurim too

December 30, 2013 2:44 pm

Thank you for posting! Please don’t make such a serious mistake to fire such well meaning teachers. I know firsthand that many Rabbonim were consulted before individuals went and they were told clearly that it was OK.

to 101 and others opposed
December 30, 2013 2:20 pm

schools have EVERY right to have standards from their staff! if staff members arent on the level they should be then they have NO RIGHT KEEPING THEM! remember: SCHOOLS PRIORITY IS THE CHILDREN. the staff need to be the right ones to fill the job. we dont KEEP staff because we feel bad for them-if they are harming the children. bottom line is maybe these did not sincerely regret and continued to spread their new Torah!?! that would have to disqualify them because we are chassidim of the Rebbe, not of Simcha chas vshalom. but hey- they can start their… Read more »

not so simple
December 30, 2013 1:50 pm

Before I became frum, I was involved with a group similar to cots. That was in the 1970s. Today I can honestly say it isnt totally out of my system. Not that i believe or practice anything from then. Just stuck in the recesses of memory, emotions, etc. Like erasing something, but a faint impression remains. Therefore I believe the cots alumni will need some work to scrub clean what they allowed into their machshava, dibbur and maaseh.

chassidus for dummies
December 30, 2013 1:45 pm

I feel just like 108
We need more “down to earth” mashpiim, at least for guys like myself.

Simple math
December 30, 2013 1:42 pm

Sinas Chinom = Golus
Ahavas Yisroel = Geula

So let’s play this “game” nicely with respect etc…

like 109
December 30, 2013 1:41 pm

OT sould discuss this with Rabonim before making such a move.
It can also have a serious negative Chinuch message as pointed out

CHILD ABUSE - we understanding more now. Same thing here.
December 30, 2013 1:39 pm

There are many things in life we do not understand until, chas v’sahlom we stand in their shoes – OR the matter is brought to our attention in a way that we understand what we didn’t “chap” before – what’s the effects etc.
Same thing here – mechanchim tried to help, they didn’t realize – but NOW they realize. Don’t break a good thng.
Don’t provide a VOID in an essential institution. Is that what the Rebbe would want????????

crazy to fire them
December 30, 2013 1:19 pm

I highly doubt the Rebbe would agree with firing these mashpiim because they went to the retreat

Genug Shoin!!!!!!!!
December 30, 2013 1:14 pm

Torahs Hashem Temimma!!!!!!!!
Besser alle lern torah iz der beste schoire!!

Where's your chinuch skills?
December 30, 2013 1:10 pm

Think about the negitive Chinuch effect this will have on our children when they see their teachers and respected role-models being thrown around like that?

Where’s the Chinuch skills in that?

Think about the negative messages our kids will get if they are fired!

December 30, 2013 1:06 pm

Great article!

DOWN with the schools who give into the pressure of rich parents,
UP with the schools who are objective

the Rebbe's approach is highly applicable here
December 30, 2013 12:52 pm

The Rebbe’s appraoch is that any important decission made bya chossid leshem shomayim, will have sayaata dshmaya Provided he dicussed and followed the guidence of “aseh lecha-Rav” If a teacher or staff member has participated in Cots following the above outlined REBBE’S APPROACH, then A) the outcome surely had sayyata dshmayal al derech the hayoim yoim of chazakah letaamulah…. B) as soon as shaalois were raised he/she paused further promotion of the questioned endevour and sought out the guidence of a Rav Remember brider: The kluginker comes in all forms and diguises! His bottomline agenda is always motivated by sina… Read more »

Agree with 75
December 30, 2013 12:51 pm

We need MORE mashpiim like sternberg, not less!
All those who are putting him down, don’t know him from close.
He helped ME tremendously in areas that no “Amuliker” Mashpiim have ANY experience, v’dal

They should be accountable for their actions
December 30, 2013 12:50 pm

What bothers me the most is, how can they be so stupid? They went, saw what was happening there and didn’t realize on their own it’s not our derech? And sent others there? And people here think this people are capable of teaching our children? Absurd

Idea that maybe will help the teachers that attended COTS
December 30, 2013 12:48 pm

We are parents of children that goes to Ohalei Torah
It will be very helpful for the rabbis that attended COTS to have few month of vacation and learned sihots of the Rebbe ,Maamarim with educators that will help them transform the influence they got by their experience at COTS
I feel right now that the ALEPH that goes in my children head is not the ALEPH of the Rebbe but the ALEPH of COTS
Mikhael and Esther Cohen

To 36 and 77
December 30, 2013 12:39 pm

The reason OT is getting all the backslash is because ONLY OT needed this op-ed, ULY had their heads screwed on straight to begin with!

Shame on us for acting like a lynch mob
December 30, 2013 12:34 pm

Former white house chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once said don’t let a good crisis go to waste. So now it has become the new “in” thing to bash COTS and some people are using this new crisis to settle old scores. The young people whom we are all protecting so much so, that we call an emergency meeting, care so very much for that we now have lynch mobs going after their perpetrators job are watching the reaction of rabbi’s, heads of schools and the general public. They are not fooled by the message of the 90’s and 2000’s:… Read more »

COTS makes MILLIONS: Frischling flees to Australia
December 30, 2013 12:29 pm

I was about to go on a COTS retreat, but now I finally get it!.

Frischling and his partners in Crown Heights are making MILLIONS off poor and unsuspecting Lubavitchers!

In these desperate financial times, Frischling found a way to take millions from the community by using mind control techniques while teaching Buddhism!.


Where are the millions going to?

To 79
December 30, 2013 12:28 pm

Thank you for bringing up halacha. You want to know the mekoros in halacha that say that a mosad cannot fire a rebbi without a psak from a Beis Din. Are we really concerned with mekoros in halacha now? Take a look at the psak din that says that we aren’t allowed to go to COTS. Do you see any mekoros in halacha there? You won’t find any, because there are none. The letter from Rabbi Schwei and Rabbi Braun that came out before the psak din doesn’t give any mekoros in halacha either. Can we get the sources from… Read more »

December 30, 2013 12:28 pm

It’s official. A mashpia and a Menahel were fired.

Oholei Torah has no right to fire them!

Which Rabonim were consulted before firing these two individuals?

not enough sadness in this world?
December 30, 2013 12:04 pm

I definitely agree with this article so thank you to whoever wrote it.
I just think that it’s so sad that there are such separations in this world that if theres not enough hatred from the rest of the world, jews have to fight jews! and above all, for the dumbest reasons!
I now understand why people are scared to do things because other people are so judgmental. SO MUCH SO FOR LUBAVITCH BEING ALL ACCEPTING AND OPEN TO EVERYONE!

to #67
December 30, 2013 12:01 pm

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots…
I am not saying anything about you because I don’t know you, but take it as it is, maybe don’t believe everything you hear, Hevey Dan Es Kol Adam Lekaf Zchus

definitely an innocent mistake
December 30, 2013 11:58 am

however it does question their competence in their field if even the laymen smelled a rat in the very first introduction article about cots.
agree with the author , they stay on the jobs however must be treated and evaluated if in fact they are back to their good old self.

to #17
December 30, 2013 11:53 am

1. OT goes to the Ohel once a month!!! 2. when did the Rebbe ever spend Shabbos on the Ohel? (little hint the word to that answer is Never) 3. a little story to illustrate the point. when Rabbi Hendel Ob”m got a Visa to finally come and visit America he came to 770 and waited for a chance to see the Frierdiker Rebbe but being that the the Frierdiker Rebbe was sick at the time he was waiting for days without the chance of seeing him, so he sent in a letter saying that he is going to go… Read more »

December 30, 2013 11:49 am

With number 25

some comments.
December 30, 2013 11:48 am

To the writer: the issue is not the mechanchim that went, rather those that encouraged and pressured others to go. This is actually a halachakic discussion. Whether in regard’s to teaching, or in regard’s to shechito, the question however is, if in the first place, they realized, that what they were doing was wrong. But this is also discussed in the books black and white. So instead of writing articles let us open up the books and see what it states. Re. teshuva, in halacha there is a real black and white distincition between bein adam la’chaveiro and bein adam… Read more »

December 30, 2013 11:46 am

no this is different because their minds were controlled – so this is not their minds talking, someone else’

December 30, 2013 11:46 am

A mashpiah that felt that he needs to go to such program for his own needs shows that chasidus is not effective on him (or better he did not succeed in his avoide) and by sending his mushpoyim there he shows that chasides is not sufficient and that he’s not capable to have an hashpoeh on them and he is not a dugmo chayoh for them. If he is an honest person he should resign before he is fired.

December 30, 2013 11:45 am

Don’t fire them and move on

December 30, 2013 11:43 am

i feel horrible for these mashpiim but i do question their expetise if they didn’t realize.. how can one full of learning not know.
thy shouldn’t be fired however assessed if brain damaged and treated if indeed.

Sorry but you jeopardize your job...
December 30, 2013 11:37 am

and you’re out!
You are welcome back when you have been deprogrammed.
No COTS near our kids!

author is 100% correct!
December 30, 2013 11:24 am

Nothing more needs to be said.

December 30, 2013 11:17 am






Don't Fire - Correct
December 30, 2013 11:16 am

The problem started before COTS. It is the Yeshivahs themselves who are at fault for encouraging their milamdim to attend workshops and seminars taught by “foreign” educators. The Menachem Education Foundation runs classes and seminars all the time that are presented and received from non Torah sources. I strongly feel that this has affected our Milamdim who are totally caught up in being professionals and are forgetting the most important thing – being a chasidishe dugma chaya to their students. The lesson for michanchim has to be that chinuch (any part of it) should only come from Chasidishe sources. Firing… Read more »

i agree
December 30, 2013 11:14 am

although it obviously does depend on what else they are doing besides having gone to this program
There’s a much bigger picture here
Generally, one does not just go about firing a melamed
Ultimately one should see what he does on a day to day basis with his students & of course his own hashkofos and lifestyle
there is a lot of truth in the fact that someone who went to try to get help should be commended for that alone

purely confused
December 30, 2013 11:08 am

Our so called education systym is in a state of denial

Read NY Tmes article on CULT manipulation and lasting effects
December 30, 2013 11:05 am

The same story makes the headlines again and again. An anguished family is trying to ”rescue” its child, who has, the parents charge, been ”stolen” by a cult, sometimes after only a single weekend of involvement. The parents describe the child as a humorless ”zombie” – where formerly he or she was self-possessed, intelligent and completely ”normal.” And, as family members begin to consult the clergy, lawyers and deprogrammers, they keep expressing confusion about exactly what has happened, and why. A new understanding of the psychology of the cult experience is emerging from the work of researchers and clinicians who… Read more »

Difficult decision
December 30, 2013 11:03 am

You can be assured that the Hanholah lost nights of sleep and spent many hours deliberating as to the correct course of action. Either way their decision will go, there will be people who think and feel it is wrong. I do not envy their position at this difficult juncture. Hatzlocha Rabbah!

firing is only for the unrepenting teachers
December 30, 2013 11:02 am

any teacher who is willing to be deprogrammed should be invited back

December 30, 2013 11:02 am

If OT fires all the Melamdim that partcipated, there’s no school tomorrow!
(and as the author points out, it was the better Mechanchim that went, the same ones who take the effort and money to attend any other good Chinuch conference when they can)

TO 18
December 30, 2013 11:01 am

if you are not a respected Rav, you have no right saying its ok, even for some- and ESPECIALLY if you went_ even if you a respected rav- your opinion is no longer respected since you drank the poison too and it tasted good to you.

to comment #1
December 30, 2013 10:53 am

Speaking of Halacha,
According to Halacha, a Mosad is NOT ALLOWED to fire a Rebbi without a Psak from a Beis Din.
Our Beis Din did NOT give any basis in their letter to allow firing, and on the contrary, v’dal.

Those who know the Mekoirois in Halacha for what I just wrote, please provide. I know it exists

To 57
December 30, 2013 10:50 am

I’d like to first know how you would know COTS is comparable to Buddhism? The only way you can possibly know this is to have studied Buddhism (true genuine avodah zorah), so you already made yourself pasul l’edus Second, follow what money? You really are as simple-minded as you come off in your comment. Even assuming that it “GROSSED” $1,500,000 (which is untrue because initially (10 years ago) it charged far less than that, only recently did it increase its price), 50% goes right out the door to the host (Baltimore or Morristown or wherever). Thereafter, he pays a staff… Read more »

December 30, 2013 10:43 am

i was told that lubavitch yeshiva had many more rebbeim participate in the cots than ohlei torah. why is ohlei torah getting such flack and not uly and ohr menachem whom by the way also has teachers and principle attended

Oholei Torah Alumni
December 30, 2013 10:42 am

I don’t know if OT was thinking of firing Rabbi Sternberg, but one thing is for sure, he is the best mashpia out there.
All my (healthy) friends agree with me.
For myself and those who know him from close up, know that he’s AMAZING on a 1 and 1 level.
I felt that he was the first “in touch” Mashpia that can understand the Bochurim from today.
We need more young Mashpiim, who teach Chassidus in PRACTICAL ENGLISH.

Oholei Torah is making a big mistake on this one.

Let's not get carried away! part 2
December 30, 2013 10:34 am

A Rebbi who is regularly reading all the Goyishe news, isn’t HE perhaps giving over Wordly Hanochos and mindsets??

Perhaps the children with TVs at home should be “fired” (expelled) because of the Shmutz that they pass on? (And this one is proven observation, as opposed to these Rebbis who were only observed to be better than before)

Shouldn’t all the kids with iPhones and iTouchs be fired (expelled)? I am ripping out my hair from the negative effect they are having on my son.

December 30, 2013 10:29 am

boys and girls- please define if you are a

Cots-nik OR Chabad-nik

(remember- you gotta choose one, you cant be both!)

agree with author and 32
December 30, 2013 10:23 am

To work in chinuch is to take on a life of relative poverty, long hours, difficlt conditions…… and then to be thrown out for an honest mistake….. how many more of our children will be embittered and alienated and run to the nearest exit if they see this ruthless cruelty towards dedicated mechanchim?

Ahavas Yisroel
December 30, 2013 10:09 am

Who knows, maybe the Eibeshter is putting us through, all of this uncertainty, simply to test our level of Ahavas Yisroel?! isn’t that the reason we went to this golus in the first place?

Let us show him ,we his children have a high level of tolerance, patience, for each other. [until Rabo
nim say otherwise]

stop attacking
December 30, 2013 10:08 am

stop the sinas chinam

Don't fire
December 30, 2013 10:05 am

I agree all the way

FIRE THEM? - Do you want to break our systems?
December 30, 2013 10:05 am

If something goes wrong, you don’t just discard chas v”shalom.
These are mechanchim who know their job – they may have had an imperfect idea – but now they are NOT thinking that way. The air has been CLARIFIED for averybody – including the mashpiim.
For such reasons – break a system – do you have been mechancim standing on the sidelines. Use your seichel – grow up – and have gratitude for everything that has been done for the students for now – besides this mistake. We are ALL HUMAN. Forget the over – righteousness, people!!!!

teachers with other issues
December 30, 2013 9:53 am

There are plenty of teachers who have done one thing or another that should have had them removed immediately from the school system (with handcuffs). yet, they were not, because of the 2nd chance thing.
Why now do we all of a sudden go crazy?

He deserves this!
December 30, 2013 9:42 am

This so called Mashpia has been doing the creepiest things i have ever heard of a Mashpia doing ever. Besides for going to COTS and sending countless Bochurim to go there as well, he thinks he is a psychologist who can give therapy to Bochurim etc. Creepiest of all… Rumor has it that he has decided to implement many COTS tactics into his Shiurim and extra curricular activities such as his infamous “Tanya Anonymous” where he takes a small group of Bochurim to a dark room, lights some candles and learns parts of Tanya while the Bochurim are encouraged to… Read more »

December 30, 2013 9:39 am

these men took a stand, the deserve the consequences, to set an example for others, which is also important. they will get other jobs, and there are plenty of other qualisfied teachers to fill their positions after they move on. it is important that we learn from this, and we do not really learn unless something like they are “punished” occurs, and not just the embarrasment, but lose their jobs, and others who are qualified get their jobs; others who conform to the standards expected, etc.

December 30, 2013 9:35 am

oy, your article is way too long as an article never mind as a comment! However from just a sentence here and there, no this is not good for anyone no matter the glowing results. it is not whether this make s you a beter person or not because this is shimon hakofer disguised. this is tainted with avoda zoro adn mind controlling period so those that need help have to verify kosher treatment, PERIOD

December 30, 2013 9:33 am

The parents that are upset are the parents who are frustrated that someone else can help/relate to their child and not them.I know for a fact that the mashpiim help bachurim with very inmtimate issues that they do not feel open discussing with their parents.Hats off to those mentors that actually care about our children.

December 30, 2013 9:33 am

Please read Reb Yoel Kahn’s adress to 2000 anash last week. For a Lubavitcher chosid there is “ONLY” chabad chasidus. PERIOD…..

statement please?????!
December 30, 2013 9:28 am

I agree very strongly that some teachers are being treated wrongly, but why didn’t those few mashpi’im/teachers come out and make an open public statement how they are now fully against COTS -which has been labeled “bad” by the rabonim as well as a lot of highly respected individuals- and they regret it, therefor abolishing all connections with it from here forth!

just inform the public!!!

Where are the letters from those who went explaining what was wrong?
December 30, 2013 9:28 am

No where. Because Rabbi S and S still thinks it’s okay. They are brainwashed. Until they don’t go through a wake up process the realize how bad what they did to others by sending them to such dangerous program, they CAN’T stay and SHOULD be fired. Of course if one realizes their mistake, and apologize, a second chance should be given. YOU, mister writer, are a COTS member as well. You still don’t understand what was wrong with what you did, even though enough experts say that you were brainwashed. So you come in support of your fellow participants who… Read more »

Still problem
December 30, 2013 9:28 am

Go to cost But don’t go to the ohel? Some of these mashpiim unfortunately they are a also accountable for other damages that are Instiling in our kids brainwashing about being a Meshichist Rebbe Alive rebbe G d and so on dollars on Sunday ok shvil etc etc These ideas are damaging tremendously our kids mental reality. Then they go to COTS Iow. They are not fit for the role of.mashpia To know chassidus is great but this doesn’t quAlify you to be a mashpia Keep teaching. Don’t be mashpia. Farbrengens have to be videotaped and recorded COTS is damaging… Read more »

Shofar Book
December 30, 2013 9:25 am
December 30, 2013 9:18 am


COTS is a brainwashing CULT: Now, follow the money
December 30, 2013 9:17 am

Steven Frishling is the head of “Call of the Shofar” a brain-washing CULT who inculcates participants with Buddhism.

The goal of Frischling and his Crown Heights business partners is to make money.

Frischling recently fled the US and is now residing in Australia.

Now its time to follow the MONEY.

If, as reported, almost 2000 Lubavtichers have attended COTS brain-washing weekends, at $750 per person, they should have made around $1500000.

However, according to their tax forms, they are made: $241,981.

So, I ask you the question, WHERE IS THE MONEY?

It is time for a full IRS investigation.

#18 WOW
December 30, 2013 9:16 am

Comment #18 -everyone read it!

agree with 24
December 30, 2013 9:16 am

don’t fire the staff HOWEVER each one must go to a professional(while on the job) and evaluated if his mind is his or the guru’s. he must be assessed and treated or deprogrammed accordingly. he cannot extend these tainted techniques onto innocent children of parents who think this is all al pi taharas hakodesh. these techniques of avoda zoro might still be continuing. UNINTENTINALLY. we don’t know who se mind got damaged!!! must be treated accordingly. this article is out of line. no one undermines that they went innocently, a mistake etc. agree with Rabbi Pikarski, this is horrible not… Read more »

December 30, 2013 9:15 am

they are not firing those who realized they erred
but those who continue to spread their new way of life which is hepech hatorah. thank you Oholei Tora if you did!!

TO 18
December 30, 2013 9:13 am

as someone who went, your oipinion is now worthless.
also, in history no one was ever given permission to do avoda zara since he really needs it. its ossur period. no exceptions.

Wise words
December 30, 2013 9:12 am

Finally some wise words on col!

December 30, 2013 9:11 am

I think that there is a big misunderstanding about cots it is not an alternative to chassidus. Reb yoel said that if you have any problems turn to chassidus well what about those students that did just that they got a good mashpia and learned tania but they still had for example an internet addiction sometimes the mashpia doesnt know how do deal with it a lot of rabbonim are just that they are well versed in torah but how versed are they in teaching if you walk into oholei torah and watch what goes on over there you will… Read more »

o t bachure
December 30, 2013 9:08 am

their being throne out because they sent bacuriem to the program with out permission from the hanhala

THe people who harrased others to go must be fired
December 30, 2013 9:02 am

If they want a zal again next year they better get rid of these guys who sent bochurim to a place where you curse your parents in public and put your creepy hands on someone elses heart? Sounds like the twilight zone.

Sternberg not only went himself more than 4 times for help he also became a recruiter… time to change and trust me their are better mashpiyim than him out there.

dont fire
December 30, 2013 8:59 am

they went on good intentions…its our children, and as a father growing up in ot 35 years ago it was a disaster the melamdim werent qualified to say the least,…its beautiful to see todays teachers are qualified excellent menchanchim…due to ot open up to professional teaching workshops our menchanchim attend ect….to fire these teachers is a shame and a disgrace. if there is a issue or a concern based on rabonim or senior mashpim like reb yoel…them they should cease to attend…just because they attended is not a good reason to fire them….shame on ot leadership, it s a disgrace… Read more »

To 28
December 30, 2013 8:55 am

Very well written, totally agree!!! Call of the Shofar is a dangerous cult, end of story. If somehow the teachers were led astray by fellow lubavitchers who just wanted to make money and got more and more well meaning fathers, shluchim and teachers to attend this obviously harmful retreat, they should be the ones to pay the price. Find out who got this all started in Chabad. It shouldnt be too hard to trace. Still, any teacher who sent students there should also be held accountable. They have a bigger responsibility for due diligence on what is being recommended to… Read more »

December 30, 2013 8:53 am

They ment well and now that they realize its not from a good source am sure they will do there internal work to change them self. I have been thinking this all along

December 30, 2013 8:43 am

עריפת ראשים לא יעזור מאומה!

אכן היה בעיה גדולה מאוד
אך מי שעשו את זה התכוונו לטובה

הם רצו באמת לאמיתו לעזור
לפטר אותם זה שגיאה גדולה

צריכים לתקן מה שקרה
ולראות שלא יקרה עוד

אך מה שהיה היה
ואילו שהלכו ידעו להזהר בעתיד
וזהו זה לא צריכים יותר

what hashgach was on the food at kol hashofar?
December 30, 2013 8:42 am

i read many of the comments on this saga, but have not come across these questions:

1) what hashgacha was the food?

2) this occured in a lubavitcher’s home in morristown nj where was the rabbi/shliach in this community when this was happening?

December 30, 2013 8:39 am

TO THE AUTHOR as a staunch fighter against COTS, and since i as a parent am not in “chinuch” i can only suggest that the following should be taken 1) first all teacher involved should be immediately removed from contact with children 2) every teacher should be seperatly evaluated by a psychologist or psychologist, and then by a rov or mashpia that has understanding in these things. and if certified ok should be allowed back in classroom 3) after allowed in classroom should be monitored by psychologist or psychologist. for a period of a year all the above of course… Read more »

Not Sure
December 30, 2013 8:36 am

I was under the impression that only teachers who will, in the future, encourage or suggest to a student to attend, without getting prior authorization from their dean/principle, would face consequences.

In such a case that person should be fired. That is exactly what COTS does, it’s final goal is not “for the purpose of improving their ability to connect with their staff/talmidim”, as the author suggests, rather to empower the individual to realize that they alone are important, and they alone are the ones to decide how to act.

December 30, 2013 8:31 am

Unless the school takes serious action i.e. fire teachers who were under the influence of COTS, I cannot trust this Mossad to be mechanech my children.

I would agree, but
December 30, 2013 8:27 am

This a well thought out piece and I commend the author… but the one responsible for taking things in to his own hands should be held responsible. If a mashpiah (namely SS) has demonstrated that he is incompetent in the direction in his mentoring of his students, he has shown that he is not fit to serve in his role. While a teacher can make a mistake, a person who’s whole job description is mentorship and having his head on straight does not have that liberty. By not himself discussing with those in the know about cults and mental health… Read more »

December 30, 2013 8:24 am

You have a point but the fact that you are side-swiping at the psak questions your objectivity saying that the rabonim made an uneducated psak shows how much you care about actual jewish values and where you are coming from (COTS)

Nicely said
December 30, 2013 8:18 am

Schools are way to quick to fire teachers they look for any excuse to save $$$

well said
December 30, 2013 8:17 am

Thank you for posting

Why only OT? What about ULY?
December 30, 2013 8:17 am

Why is only Oholei Torah having all the backlash? I happen to know that many teachers and prinicipals in Lubavitch Yeshiva of Crown Street also attended COTS! Why aren’t they getting fired too?

Fatithful and Fortified
December 30, 2013 8:17 am

hi yes that teacher was looking desperately to change the matzav but where was his mashpia? where was his rav? did he discus and research before embarking on this.? was his decision one of shlit al helev? where was HIs chinuch? i am sorry we have institutions and teachers dafkah trained to battle the darkness out there not to join or enhance it. it shows once again our system which has been in crisis for years has got to do some real heavy work on itself and not have principals making speeches saying ” if it has worked for 3,0000… Read more »

December 30, 2013 8:16 am

The staff went because they were pressured from the Principal :.who has yet done anything positive besides punishing our children.Please explain why my tuition goes to his salary, or better yet tell me what he has accomplished.

December 30, 2013 8:14 am

Yet again if you have the right last name you can expect to be treated differently.

Finally... A voice of reason
December 30, 2013 8:14 am

Fact: it is yet to be proven that the COTS is “avodah zarah” or even avak avoda zara

Fact: there are many very reputable, well respected members of the community that have also participated in COTS

Fact: firing mechanchim who dedicate their lives to the well being of the kinderlach because they have participated or sent others to COTS especcially after they have signed the recent letters is a horrible message to the children!

Are you serious?
December 30, 2013 8:04 am

Mechanchim were fired over it? I strongly believe COTS is a cult and I said so here in previous threads. However, i agree with your editorial just as strongly. It’s not right to fire someone for something he did in the past when it was done (for wanthh of a better description) l’shem shamayim, to help students. Better the schools should get some kind of therapy/intervention for the students to counteract any effects. And the teachers should be offered it as well.

Lets see how many posts agree with this op ed and demand teachers be reinstated. Speak up!

December 30, 2013 7:59 am

someone that understands! Mechanichim work full time with very little appreciation. When people finally decide to take some initiative in education, you parents go crazy! did you ever once call your sons mashpia/teacher to thank him for th hours that he thinks about your son? did you ever send him some extra money as a token of appreciation? would you rather your son’s mashpia, be like many of the other burned-out people that are still teaching? Do you think any of the rabbi’s that went to COTS, went to hurt your son? Have you ever made decisions that have damaged… Read more »

December 30, 2013 7:55 am

I was one of those parents who asked to fire. I was trying to be sensationalist. Is this really true???

December 30, 2013 7:55 am

I agree that the mechanchim were most probably sincere when they thought they were doing something that might ultimately benefit their talmidim. But I strongly disagree with your statement that COTS methods being derived from questionable sources is “a fact that has not yet been established by any independent party.” While the Rabbonim did not mention this group by name, as they did not want to turn the gathering into a bashing event, the entire asifa was largely about just this point, i.e., other’s “gardens.” That is a euphemism for avodah zara. Raphael Aron has weighed in on this as… Read more »

December 30, 2013 7:49 am

Crying from the unfairness of it all

well u are kind of nogaya badover
December 30, 2013 7:45 am

WHEN Someone does things on their own without asking which is putting the chinuchbos an entire mosad at risk he lost his chance to teach bye

December 30, 2013 7:36 am

shouldnt all the schools get together with rabonim and professionals and decide how to proceed?
why is one school going on its own and thus creating unnecessary pressure on other schools?
Isn’t there a levelheaded way to settle all this?

December 30, 2013 7:35 am

they meant well, but at this point if they continue to integrate their new ideas, they dont belong in the system. no one is blaming them for going as the principal forced them too, but if one drank poison, even by mistake, he needs to be treated in order to be healthy again and not spread it-!

December 30, 2013 7:33 am

I know for a fact that there is another menahel in the school who went and encouraged others to go and is still holding his position.
the only reason this is so is because he is related to the one doing the firing!

IF they admit !!!
December 30, 2013 7:32 am

problem is most of them are boasting to fellow cots-members that they are really STILL cots believers but in order to hold their job they gotta “regret”. OF COURSE a machanech that was made to go, now regrets and understands whats wrong, we want them to stay. BUT there are many who are very devoted, brainwashed cots members who are CONTINUING to implement cots techniques in the classroom without school or parental awareness or consent. PARENTS AND SCHOOLS please make an honest assesments of each teachers relation to cots and if there are still ties, he gotta go! otherwise we… Read more »

December 30, 2013 7:16 am

We have lost our true values. Melmdim have been known to hit children,yet have been left in the classroom. Melamdim texting and emailing all day long are in the classroom. Those eating on the street without a hat and jacket are esteemed melamdim. A melamid going to college after hours is ok. Yet a chassidishe melamid who meant well but made a mistake is not given a chance to do teshuva.

Vet your sources
December 30, 2013 6:53 am

It’s absolutely wonderful for teachers to go for professional development. But it is naive to go a program without having the “kashrut” of the program (and its appropriateness for Chabad Chasidim particularly) being inspected by qualified individuals.
We don’t want our childrens teachers to be swayed by the latest trends while we have timeless truths that are our own.

Questionable ??
December 30, 2013 6:31 am

1.Seems even you still have a some reservations about the shofar being completely wrong.
2.the teachers that went and THEN encouraged friends and students to attend, show them to be extremely naive and have very poor judgement.
Would you want them around to influence your children ???
They should publicly aknowlge their mistake, and recuperate.

Must read -it's worth it ,
December 30, 2013 6:28 am

I came across this letter below. It was on the Achdus forum: Michoel Green, Westborough, MA Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:34 am Post subject: Call of The Shofar Rabbis —– and —— shlit”a, (& anyone else who is interested in this topic) Sholom aleichem. Hope you are both well. I would like to share my thoughts regarding what should be Chabad’s yachas to COS, and then a bit about COS in general. Please forgive my arichus. we haven’t spoken in years so it’s making up for lost time 😉 Disclosures: 1) I attended COS in Morristown twice (first time… Read more »

Epraim Piekarsky wrote
December 30, 2013 6:18 am

For the past 20 years Meshichistim have been brainwashing our children that we don’t go to the Rebbe/Ohel R”L. Thousands of Jews all around the world visit the holy grave sites of Tzadikim to pray for all their needs and to pure out their hearts. Even Chabad Chassidim travel [yearly] to Russia to visit the grave-sites of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe’s ob”m. Many spending days on end, including Shabbos at the Rebbayims Ohelim. At every grave-site of a Tzadik you will find a full fledged Shul/Beth Medresh, and in many places you will find a full time operating kitchen for… Read more »

December 30, 2013 5:52 am

No matter what his intensions are when it comes to chinych its playing with fire, so you are right that you should judge him by his good intentions but does he still have a place in the chinuch department? No one is saying there is anything wrong with him but he messed up.

who cares about COTS
December 30, 2013 5:50 am

this makes a very good point

December 30, 2013 5:39 am

You failed to tell us your name

Why don't these 'mashpim' send bochurim to the Ohel
December 30, 2013 5:38 am

We have a Rebbe, we have our Rebbe’s example of going to his Rebbe’s Ohel – why don’t these mashpim send bochurim to the Ohel and not a cult????????? Gevalt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont Allow The Teachers To Take The Fall
December 30, 2013 5:04 am

The Teachers are not the problem they where mislead by the Principal(s) If anyone whould be stood down it is obvious to the Yeshivas Hanhola. But again….

Thank You for Writing This
December 30, 2013 5:03 am

I totally agree, I would much rather have proactive mechanchim that are capable of making mistakes, than uncaring, apathetic robots, who do not care about my children, and would never help them outside the classroom.

In agreement 100%
December 30, 2013 4:21 am

It would be absurd to think that the young mashpia in particular (not aware of any other teachers getting the boot, yet) had an ulterior motive by talking to bochurim about COTS. As almost every “expert” “guru” or “maven” has explained on these boards til now, if needed and used properly the COTS weekend could actually be quite good for a persons well being. I believe what he was trying to accomplish by talking to these bochurim about COTS (which to begin with is only about 5-10 every scholastic year) is; 1) to show that it had a positive effect… Read more »

This is ridiculous!!??!!
December 30, 2013 4:18 am

Did I get that? Firing a teacher because he went to a retreat that had support from Rabbonim?!? Even if it was found not in the spirit of chassidus or whatever, so what?

Have we lost our minds!? Seriously, is there nothing better that the community needs to be dealing with?

I am just baffled.

Mechanchim are supposed to be securing our future, not destroying it.
December 30, 2013 4:07 am

Our mechanchim are supposed to be individuals of the highest caliber, and a sensitivity to pure yiddishkeit and chassidishkeit , in order to teach the pure minds of the Tashba”r “Hevel She’ein Bahem Chet” It therefore seems very logical to me that a mechanchim who was not able to “see through this” and what’s more went multiple times and aggressively pushed other mechanchim to go is lacking a good dose of “chassidus b’pshitus v’hamochas haolam b’hischadshus” a helmark of a chasidishe mechanchim. Having that said I wish all these people all the best and hope they find a source of… Read more »

Consider This
December 30, 2013 4:04 am

Pirkei Avos 1:1 “Be careful/deliberate/slow in judgement”. See Rashi on Devorim 13:15 concerning how much careful investigation must be done before a decision is rendered. see Kli Yakar on Devorim 17:11- Most things are not black or white, but rather various shades of grey, yet when a Beis Din renders a decision it must be followed completely. “Nothing stands in the way of Teshuva” “Where a Baal Teshuva stands, even a complete Tzaddik cannot stand” It stands to reason that any teacher who participated in the seminars, not knowing that they were problematic, and now accepts the psak of the… Read more »

December 30, 2013 4:03 am

Couldn’t agree more with this article. If you act in haste, you will repent in leisure. Hevai don es kol haodom lekaf zechus. Do not be your own worst enemies, as yours and your children’s future lives are at stake. Do not chas vesholom destroy your Mechanchim’s lives and ultimately the whole community’s. Have hakoras tov and help bring Moshiach Now

December 30, 2013 3:52 am

I could not agree more! There was over 1000 comments when it came to the numerous COTS articles. But this one takes the cake. COTS we have all come to learn is a mistake. DO NOT compound the tragedy by denying people their parnasah because they went. If you learnt a teacher was going to the cinema or taking drugs, I get it. His behavior is not in keeping with his required image and roll. But what if he was smoking cigarettes which are later determined to be drugs, though he was oblivious to the fact, would you still fire… Read more »

Very well said
December 30, 2013 3:47 am

As a parent of a few boys in yeshivah, I couldn’t agree more.
Thank for posting.

Tainted forever
December 30, 2013 3:39 am

These mechanchim went with sincerity, without knowing it was against halacha, so they arent wrong.

yossi A
December 30, 2013 3:34 am

You are off base
1) as Reb Yoel said. You are a chossid, you turn to chassidus PERIOD…
2) There are mechanchim that went more than just once…
3) After going to such a place you MUST get reprogrammed. Cots is not just,another seminar.

please clarity
December 30, 2013 3:34 am

How does your view fit, with the ruling in halacha, that a teacher that made a mistake, gets no warning and is thrown out immediately. Cuz there’s no 2nd chance in education. You disordered the kid, it’s irreversible!.
Not attacking just asking for clarification. There’s no stipulation in halacha That if the educator had good intention patur