By Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, LMFT
Are psychedelics a good idea? That’s a question many of my clients who are 30 years or younger often ask me in my office. I understand why. This is a very hot topic that one cannot avoid listening to on countless podcasts and by social media influencers. Psychedelic drugs are also an enticing topic since many of these substances are illegal but are now touted as “cures” for mental illness. The answer to my clients, and one which I will share with you is a bit complicated, so give me a few paragraphs to explain my position.
Around seven years ago before the psychedelic craze began, I was dealing with two different clients, one a 50 year-old w who had suffered depression most of her life and was in a terrible marriage. She did not respond to most of the medication she had tried, including drugs like Lexapro, Abilify, and even Risperdal. These drugs range from “light,” to what I would consider quite “heavy” which are usually reserved for more serious cases.
Unfortunately for her, nothing seemed to work. I consulted a physician who I worked with who suggested that she try a drug called Ketamine. At first, I was suspicious, but I recommended it based on my colleague’s suggestion. The suggestion also came in the backdrop of the FDA allowing Ketamine to be used via a nasal spray as a treatment for depression.
The client could only find one place in New York that would give her the Ketamine. This clinic was run by an anesthesiologist who found a new niche in his practice. She went in for around six treatments, and that was it. During the treatments, she went into a semi-conscious state as the anesthesiologist delivered it to her intravenously.
Around the same time, I was seeing another client of mine who was 40 years old and suffering from what I would deem as long-term resistant depression, had trouble getting married, and also had debilitating social anxiety. I recommended to him to try Ketamine as well. At first he was resistant, but in the end he tried it for four or five treatments that were recommended by the anesthesiologist.
After about one month I was amazed to see that both of these clients started to feel much better, and for the first time, their long-term conditions seemed to improve. Not only that, but both their relationships improved and my male client got engaged. From my perspective, these were therapeutic breakthroughs.
I had been trained that the only real medical treatments for conditions like depression, or PTSD, were SSRIs, or what are commonly known as antidepressants. So, my client’s reported gains truly dispelled my misperception of these types of drugs and over time, I became more willing to recommend drugs like Ketamine to my clients.
Here is the big “however.”
When I speak about the legitimate use of drugs like Ketamine, I’m referring to treating more severe forms of depression or to the levels of trauma that we are seeing in the war in Israel, or someone who experienced significant physical, emotional or sexual abuse. However, what I have seen over the last five or so years is that drugs like Ketamine, mushrooms, LSD, and Ayahuasca have become trendy. They are no longer being suggested just for individuals who truly need, but for those who struggle with problems of less intensity. This would include individuals who struggle with minor anxiety, ADHD, boredom, or what Viktor Frankl would call an existential crisis (not knowing who they are).
What I find most interesting, and the public would not know this, is that over the last few years, there has been a tremendous push for therapists like myself to assist people in administering Ketamine therapy. One such company whose training I attended and certified with was willing to give ketamine lozenges to just about anyone who I felt needed them.
My suspicions arose when I received an email from this company asking me if I would like to try Ketamine! That would be like a cardiologist being asked to just “try” a heart medication that they give to their clients. I don’t think anyone trained in cardiology would ever try drugs they prescribe unless they would need them. From my perspective, traditional pharmaceutical companies that are criticized for caring about their profit margin have just been replaced by new pharmaceutical companies and organizations that see the potential for massive profits from psychedelics.
I’m also concerned that there are many people who may suffer from much less severe forms of depression anxiety that could be helped if they would see the right psychiatrist who knew how to prescribe medication tailored to specific to their needs or a well-trained therapist who could help. There are many powerful treatments that I use that can help conditions like depression, anxiety, or PTSD such as Somatic Experiencing, IFS, or the Logotherapy of Viktor Frankl. I also believe that there are certain spiritual therapies where a person could experience different levels of elation without using any drugs whatsoever.
Finally, readers need to know that there can be serious effects related to the use of psychedelics including:
- Bad trips – Psychedelic drugs can cause users to have terrifying experiences. These bad trips can lead to anxiety, paranoia, and even suicide.
- Flashbacks – Some people who take psychedelic drugs can have flashbacks. This effect means that they will suddenly and unexpectedly experience the effects of the drug again, even if they are not taking it.
- Psychotic episodes – Long-term use of psychedelic drugs can cause psychotic episodes. Psychotic episodes cause users to experience delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.
Before trying any psychedelics, I highly recommend first trying a few rounds of therapy to see if your therapist is your “shliach” for healing. If that is not successful, I would then progress to trying more serious medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, or psychedelics.
– Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch, LMFT, is a licensed therapist and the owner and director of , which offers therapy with frum therapists for the Jewish community. He is the author of several books on therapy, including Think Good and It Will Be Good: Spiritually-Based Therapy Inspired by Viktor Frankl and Jewish Wisdom, which is available on
Elon musk takes ketamine
While Rabbi Schonbuch discusses clients for who. “It is being suggested” that they try mushroooms or other psychedelic drugs. However, there are too many who SELF-prescribe these substances, buying them from illegal drug-pushers (I know of one who claimed he bought from “a guy at shul”: presumably a fellow Yid!). Others grow their own, inside their homes, rationalizing that it is “safer than trusting dealers.” They often lie (or are ignorant enough to say) that they are doing this “for mind expansion” and/or to supposedly “get closer to G-d.” This is a growing issue IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY, among fellow… Read more »
so that someone can stop them
The more we mainstream/”normalize” unprescribed unsupervised use of these illegal drugs, the farther we get from Torah — just like the “normalizing” of other OSSUR behaviors and practices.
Chasidus has all the answers. Learning chasidus is the greatest high a person can ever experience. Chasidus is better then any therapy or any drug available. Learn chasidus, stop worrying about yourself and you will be healed.
. Implementing chassidus is the greatest high
Learning it is recreational …..
Which maamer are you learning?
Chassidus does have all the answers…but only to the extent that one can allow it in. A person can learn Tanya, Imrai Binah, Derech Mitzvosecha, Toras Shmuel, Samech Vuv, Likuetei Dibburim, and Sefer HaMaamarim for 50 years, but if he isn’t oriented experientially to these holy texts, if he feels closed off inside due to negative emotional buildup caused by difficult life experiences of the past and present, the words he is learning cannot fully penetrate his heart. The best of “therapies” are really mirroring the mechanics of what we call “tefillah,” i.e. avodah she’be’lev. Chassidus actually requires us to… Read more »
Do you truly get high on the Borei Oilom?
Mushrooms have helped me to process complex experiences, as well as to sort through my thoughts and gain clarity.
Me too
do not ever do any of them
Can you give more details
The rebbe spoke about it. He didnt encourage psychodelic drugs
Would love to know more
Do a google Search on rebbe and psychodelic drugs and you will get the rebbe’s letters on the subject from chabad org
Letter, just 1
There are also those at “kiddish club” who self medicate with alcohol. They’ll even joke about it. How sad…
Comparing alcohol at a “Kiddush Club” with psychedelic drugs/treatments, is absolutely ridiculous, in every way. It’s a nice weekly social chill, for most.
To each their own. Sad, you’re stuck in judgementalism.
In younger/more modern circles, it has even brought people back to shul attendance!
Gotta live with the times, baby!
So you are saying that many in our community D’ONT medicate with alcohol
You couldn’t be further from the truth.
For a tiny few its a social gathering.
For many more its a start of a drink fest (they call also shabbes)
Binge drinking. Starting with the halachicly challenged “bain” all the way to the end of shabbes.
Alcholol is far worse.
Far, far worse.
(2 wrongs don’t make a right)
But its far worse.
“For a tiny few it’s a social gathering”
What an ignorant exaggeration.
I’ve been going to KC’s for 25 years and have not found your claim to be the case. Anyone can generalize anything, true or false, but there are always “the rules, and the exceptions”.
In many cultures/religions, psychedelics are a rite of passage, a sacrament to be held sacred. Interesting how a therapist who helps people with severe depression would not try the medicine themselves – there is something to be said for having a personal understanding of a medicine’s effects, otherwise the experience is one of abstraction. I want to be clear – when we talk about psychedelics, we are NOT talking about western medicine. We are talking of an integration of indigenous practices into western culture and indeed even applying western medicines in different contexts (e.g. ketamine). Indeed, these flashy ketamine companies… Read more »
You lost me at encouraging the therapist to try it themselves. Do you recommend all doctors try all medicines before prescribing or just when it comes to these alternatives? After reading that, it diminished – for me – your other points that may be more valid.
Professionals need to evaluate things based on what they see works with others (either by experience with their own clients or statistical research in the industry) with similar diseases, not based on their own biases.
it will destroy your life
Yup. Well said.
and are you jewish
Shamanic ritual, is that avoda zara?
We listen to actual doctors, not witch doctors. Sorry
Oh so let’s just encourage ppl to get blacked out on alcohol every week and it’s normal but chas vshalom someone has a good trip on mushrooms ⁉️⁉️
“Blacked out on alcohol” vs “good trip on mushrooms”
Yeah, right, sure. You’ve said it all.
its interesting that the people who have never tried it are so against it, while those who have tried it benefit greatly
where it speaks about the serpent persuading them to eat the apple.
Anyone who tries to persuade someone to do these poisons is being that serpent.
Clearly, you have never eaten the “apple” and that’s why you can dole out such “wise” advice.
So if people need heart surgery they should only go to a surgeons that tried it on themselves…
Like all medications, when used respectfully, and intentionally, Psilocybin Mushrooms are so beneficial for about wellbeing. When taken in micro doses or macro doses, their medicine works wonders for our neuroplasticity. With proper integration, these beautiful creations of hashem can provide much needed medicine.
Plant medicine, like all medicine can be abused and taken in contexts that aren’t medicinal. Psilocybin is powerful, should be respected as such and taken with care.
it is not medicine
Whatever you think is good, just take a chill in life
from irreparable self-destruction
Much more in the medical tradition than what the government agencies are up to. Two more caveats. I knew a guy who got hooked on opiates because it was s a good way to “come down” from LSD. 2. Newevidence suggests a sizable percentage ofadults in ancient Greece had had a psychedelic experience from their Avodart Zora cults.
Not following the Rebbe’s guidance on alcohol has brought us to this new form of using a crutch.
If parents and mashpiim would finally BAN mashke, we would would have healthy yungeleit not dependent on outside stimuli.
The Rebbe was against drinking, even making Kiddish over mashke, and yet we didn’t listen. Now we are dealing with mushrooms.
M’darf fulgen….
It is an important conversation to have.
It’s times like these where you have to ask yourself, what qualifications do you have to speak on this matter. Have you read any of the studies, have you seen patient information. This is a matter that should be left to doctors and rabbonim because like many things the answer isn’t a simple yes or but depends on various factors. Bottom line is you need to have a proper rov and doctor to help guide you through this becuase you should not go about it alone because even the studies that shoe benefits were done in very controlled environments that… Read more »
I personally know hundreds of medical professionals who have tried psychedelics before prescribing them to their patients, so they can actually speak on the experience, what it’s like – it’s benefits and its integration process. The fact that you make all of these claims against psychedelics is ridiculous when you’ve never tried them. The same goes for all Rabbis who have never tried any of it, yet are quick to speak against plant medicines and seem to have all the answers. (Plenty of well-respected shluchim and community leaders have tried plant medicines with tremendous results). We are ALL human, we… Read more »
the serpent in the garden of eden trying to convince everyone to eat the apple
I would never tell anyone to try psychedelics, but I would also never offer advice on something I haven’t experienced.
Obviously, the only reason why someone should not take psychedelics would be the risks associated with them.
But it seems like all the studies are showing that if it is taken in a supportive and comfortabla way, and one is not at risk for major psychologic disorders (which can be determined through examination), that the risk of a negative consequence is near 0%.
they are very dangerous and very risky
Do you have any data to support your comment?
There is nothing wrong with having a bad trip if there are no long term issues as a result.
On the contrary, going through an experience of strong anxiey or paranoia, can really show someone what they really fear or worry about in life.
With that being said, due to the possibility of having an experience that can be overwhelming or that one feels they are not in control, best to do psychedelics with a sober and safe friend, preferably someone who is quite experienced in psychedelics.
They are soft pedaled and touted as an innocuous experiential delight. That’s a lie. Lots of Jews are complicit in the lie. Problem is these trips are addicting and no one talks about that part. My son is addicted and headed toward the abyss. So sad. He isn’t alone. I now know of plenty of folks, one trip too many, one psychotic episode too many, and over the edge of ever returning to normal or sometime even to life. The complicit nature of the drug use cheerleaders is disgusting.
When used for healing they have the opposite effect on addiction. anyone with a history of Schizophrenia should not go near plant medicine. there are some psychedelics and I specifically use the term psychedelics and not plant medicine because there are some that are one and not the other for instance LSD is a psychedelic however it is not a plant medicine. mdma and ketamine are synthetics and not even total classic psychedelics.Drug use cheerleading is very unfortunate however the experience I and many have had has been life changing when done with a professional, most of the experiences I… Read more »
Wishing your son a refuah shleima. It’s not easy and demands a tremendous amount of work but some have recovered from this machla and I hope your son will be amongst those that have come back from the abyss.
before his brain gets permanently damaged
There are sick people peddling this stuff to the public and destroying lives by somehow portraying Ketamine which is a tranquilliser as a solution for issues. So wrong .
to the Rabbi who wrote this please immediately stop administering these poisons to jews
Let me start with the one or two things I agree with, and after I’ll hit on the ones that I don’t. 1st off ketamine is a disassociate and a synthetic, it is not a psychedelic or plant medicine. I would be very paranoid of Big Pharma taking over the ketamine industry as well. I know way to many ppl who are flat out addicted to ketamine. I stay the hell away from that stuff. 2nd I believe that a person should try plant medicine for the first time with a professional, after getting familiar with the space and they… Read more »
you speak about
“Try therapy. If that doesn’t work, drop acid?”
Readers, please don’t follow this advice. It takes a few tries, sometimes, to find an excellent therapist. Drugs are not the answer.
they are never the answer
But, SSRIs are?!
The chances of someone becoming addicted to an Opioid and even to an anti-anxiety med are quite high. Doctors love to push them for this reason. They are designed to promote addiction.
Over time, countless verifiable and well respected halachic opinions have quantified the value of one’s mental/psychological health, in which it is essentially compared to one’a life. Having said that, I do believe that psychedelic medicine, like non-psychedelic medicine would halachically be permitted for use in cases in which one’s mental/psychological health is at stake. If you look into the Rebbe’s letters abt mental health related issues, you will find a letter including “Moreover — and this is of great importance — you should be in constant contact with specialists in this field, to rouse them and question them from time… Read more »
please no one listen to what any of these cheerleaders say. They are all wrong
So if we can save someone’s life with psychedelic assisted therapy, we shouldn’t try it because it makes you uncomfortable?
In possibly the only letter from the Rebbe about the use of psychadelics, the Rebbe says “I am in receipt of your letter of October 18th, which you write in the name of your friends and in your own behalf, and ask my opinion regarding the new drug called L.S.D., which is said to have the property of mental stimulation, etc. Biochemistry is not my field, and I cannot express an opinion on the drug you mention, especially as it is still new. However what I can say is that the claim that the said drug can stimulate mystical insight,… Read more »
google MK ultra
have been intentionally trying to shatter vessels since they started. And they have shattered many vessels. Disgusting
There is a difference between being in just a bad mood
and depression. The former is inconvenient, while the
latter is debilitating!
So, if you want to uplift your mood, Chassidus sure can help.
But if it’s more severe than just a bad mood, may need
to add other interventions ( very likely medicine) in addtion
to Chassidus.
There’s a saying “Do you know what alternative medicine that actually works is called? Medicine.”
I think therapists who haven’t tried psychedelics (natural plant medicine variety) are terrified that their clients will realize that human beings with powerful souls have held the power to heal ourselves all along. They say one trip can offer insight into your inner-most self — an equivalent to 10 years of therapy. And it’s true.
No chasid and no responsible therapist would be terrified of this. Quite the opposite.
And no, what you said about 10 years is hearsay. You cannot quantify. But have you tried the somatic, or other therapies? Before making assertions blaming therapists?
It seems to me that Dr Schobach is right that while some people may need it, psychadelic therapy should not become the new trend for everyone in our community.
This doctor hasn’t tried it, is hiding on his couch with a notepad and a pencil asking his client “so.. how are you feeling today?”. He is afraid. One journey on psychedelic can heal you tremendously faster then dr Schobach can help you. I have not tried synthetic medicines that this Dr subscribe and never will. But I did work with plant medicine. It saved my life! Read that again, it saved my life. I don’t drink at Shul anymore, I quit smoking, my marriage is phenomenal, my relationship with my kids is incredible, my relationship with myself is phenomenal.… Read more »
Flower Essences offer a far safer and well-tested option for treating depression and other emotional conditions.
As a former advocate for recreational and therapeutic use of psychedelic drugs, and with both pharmacological knowledge and personal experiences, I agree fully with Daniel on this one. I would highly discourage basically anyone from trying psychedelics