By a Crown Heights resident
As some of us Crown Heights residents may be aware, elections for the Jewish Community Council (CHJCC) and Vaad Hakohol are underway. Elections aren’t unique to our community, so we can compare and contrast to other public elections we might be familiar with.
By and large, we are a beacon of light, an אור לגויים, in terms of how a respectful and civilized process could and should take place.
There is, however, one matter in which we can learn from the secular elections, not from how they are held, but from how the Rebbe addressed them.
At the farbrengen of כ’ מר חשון תשל”ה, which was on the day of the United States midterm elections, the Rebbe said:
“Regarding the elections, when there are candidates which we have to vote for, the point (and litmus test) is “אנא נסיב מלכא,” one chooses hashem. Therefore, one has to inspect and consider what is better for shulchan aruch, what is better for Yiddishkeit, what is better for Torah and mitzvos”.
Similarly, when asked who the chassidim in Eretz Yisroel should vote for in the Israeli national elections, the Rebbe replied, “הרשימה החרדית ביותר,” the most frum party.
In this light, I feel the need to share a painful observation.
I read the manifests, watched the open house meeting, and even spoke in person with a number of the candidates for Vaad Hakohol. Yet, not a word has been said about the matter most important; the ruchnius character of our community.
It is no secret that there is a “broad spectrum of standards” in crown heights, yet I fervently hope that as Lubavitcher chassidim, we would be voting for those committing to uphold the highest of standards.
There will be others that will feel (and vote) differently, legitimately so, as this is a democratic system, after all.
But one thing is utterly inexcusable: silence. The fact that these matters have not even been raised, discussed and addressed on the various platforms.
Everyone agrees that snap benefits are essential, community grants are important, housing is a crisis, parking is a disaster, and garbage collection should be handled better.
But what about substance, identity and character?
In the said farbrengen, the Rebbe continued:
“It is irrelevant whether there have been promises about a bigger and more prestigious job, more or less money, much or little glory, for it’s about “אנא נסיב מלכא.” Therefore, if for Hashem’s purposes, one candidate is preferable, even if on a personal level a different candidate is better, one knows for whom to cast a vote, being that he is a פיקח, belonging to the עם חכם ונבון, who declares אנא נסיב מלכא”.
Candidates should say their stance on these matters, because they matter. They should communicate how they will operate in regards to maintaining, strengthening and indeed uplifting the standards of the Rebbe’s shchuna. We should be given the opportunity to be able to assess “what is better for shulchan aruch, what is better for Yiddishkeit, what is better for Torah and mitzvos.”
Perhaps politically, they prefer to avoid these conversations, as these are not topics of consensus, and by stating a position, they might be shrinking their voter base. But that’s what leadership is about: being honest, upfront, and transparent.
The incoming Vaad Hakohol will be making decisions that will affect the ruchniyus character and standards of our community, and we deserve to know their positions on these matters.
It is concerning that they don’t feel compelled to address these issues, but this is really a reflection of ourselves, the voting body of the Crown Heights community.
Do we care?
Does our ruchniyus matter?
Are our community standards relevant?
Some might argue that the Vaad Hakohol are only in charge of gashmius, bringing in and spending community money. But we all know that this is incorrect. There is a Yiddish expression דער בעל המאה איז דער בעל הדעה, the ones with the funds always get to push certain agendas.
They will obviously have to prioritize; what will their priorities be?
At the meeting, several candidates mentioned that they want to encourage higher secular education to enhance the parnosa of members in our community.
The obvious question is, will this be interfering in any way with the ideals of חינוך על טהרת הקודש?
Will they be encouraging our ישיבות and schools to allot (more) hours for לימודי חול at the expense of לימודי קודש?
Many more specific examples can be brought to illustrate this point, but I will suffice with one more:
In all of their activities, will they seek the guidance of rabbonim and Mashpiim?
Are they committed to following their every directive?
What are the names of their rabbonim and mashpiim?
Most importantly, the Vaad Hakohol (unlike the CHJCC) is not just about financial and social services but rather a committee overseeing the needs of our community as a whole. Our needs as a community are ruchnius by nature.
What are their plans on that front?
A number of ideas:
Working with the בית דין to further develop a network of accessible מורי הוראה for all matters pertaining to men and women in our community
Support for the local shuls and caring for those who don’t have a shul to which they belong
Organizing seminars on matters pertinent to our community, e.g., chinuch, shalom bayis, etc.
Arranging farbrengens for all denominations of our community
Facilitating and encouraging local shiurim
Paying local mashpiim and mashpios to provide help and guidance to all
Finally, I conclude with a question:
How should I, a Lubavitcher Chassid, vote in these elections when there have been zero position statements (never mind commitments) made on the one thing that the rebbe says actually matters?
Hoping to hear back from our candidates, and wishing our entire community and their elected officials much hatzlocha.
But also
We can’t vote
Someone who does not put their name behind an op ed, carries zero weight.
The truth is dependant on who says it???
A little integrity wouldn’t hurt
If it’s true, then why do you care to know who wrote it? And even if somehow knowing who it is would change your position on how to react – קבל את האמת ממי שאומרו
Anonymous comments shows on weakness of character.
If you believe do not hide
It’s cowardly
CH is waaay passed this, you’re personal hergashim aren’t everyone’s priorities, what makes your standard the highest standard….
Totally agree
Past what?
The highest standards includes everyone. Low standards excludes many. In a community like Crown Heights the standards that the vaad hakohol should follow should be the standards of the Rabbonim, i.e. the highest standards while taking care of everyone.
However I like the end of this article. Too often people just complain. But at the end when he gives a few examples, i think that is the only good part. Not complaining, but good suggestions,e.g working with the beis din to become more accessible, halacha etc seminars
Thank you for bringing this up!!
The five is a United group of chassidish people who will get the job done begasiyus uberuchniyus
Let’s give the young people a try
A few seem capable, together with some more experienced folk will be a great balance
They did speak about paying the rabbonim better and about updating the website so it’s more clear what and which shuls are in this community.
Thank you for writing this. You made your point clearly and respectfully.
If you have all the ideas and answers why don’t you run?
Maybe he doesn’t want to run, so he’s making (very good) suggestions. After all that’s the whole point of REPRESENTATIVES – people who represent YOU. How can they represent you if they don’t know how YOU feel and what you care about?
She’s a woman
Would be a lot more impactful if you stood behind your opinions without anonymity
Where were you for the last 14 years standing up for the kovod of the Rebbe?
What’s wrong with adults (the ppl actually voting) being taught Limudei Chol to be able to put food in the table?
How did you learn your job to put food in your table?
I had the priviledge of getting the rebbe’s view on limudai chol in yachidus. at the women’s convention women brought letters to the rebbe and he spoke to them individually. To those from chabad families he did not give permission to go to a secular or even a religious college. My friend was very disapointed. To those who were baalei tshuva he allowed a religious college – stern college. I saw that those who were from chabad homes and went to college anyway were affected spiritually. I was told to finish stern college.
My dear If limudei chol was the golden ticket than we wouldn’t need to bail out all the college graduates debt. We do earn more than the average salary through trades but what makes life completely unaffordable is the tuition and out of control housing costs thanks to the mismanaged and stolen tax dollars that are community must pay for. It doesn’t even go to help the black poor but gets laundered and pocketed by massive corruption in gvt. We need universal school choice. We need to delete every gvt run shelter, free housing program and return the social services… Read more »
Please give 1 example how the CHJCC has control of the Ruchniyus of the CH community?
They don’t, they’re here to help with services.
Even if they don’t accomplish anything, members of the Vaad HaKohol should be shining examples of the Hasidic community of Crown Heights. Representing our community they should reflect a sense of pride and confidence in Chabad Hasidic values, and above all, dedication to the Rebbe and his vision for Kan Tziva Hashem es Habrocho. Nothing less.
The elections for Vaad Hakohal (and CHJCC) has NOTHING TO DO with Ruchnius, This is not their responsibility, This is not an election for Mashpiim or Rabbonim, The Ruchnius is their department.
The biggest problem in Crown Heights is housing. People cant afford to buy houses in Crown Heights. Thats why people are forced to move elswere where there is affordable housing. Not sure how the Vaad Hakohol can solve this problem.
The Issue with Ruchnius in Crown Heights is INDEED a big issue – but nothing to do with the Vaad Hakhal.
Agree 100%! Can’t please all people – if the candidates would be involved in ruchnius issues of CH, certainly some CH residents would complain, ‘what are they mixing in their opinions in something that doesn’t concern them’ We have enough gashmius issues for them to deal with – stick to helping in that area’! There are BH more than enough mashpiim and mechanchim In CH to concern themselves with the state of ruchnios of CH – no need for the candidates with their disparate views, to offer their opinions (which no doubt, would lead to more machloykes). Ultimately, the Vaad… Read more »
Instead of bashing, ask the questions in a respectful manner.
These brave men are doing something that most of the community don’t want to, and probably for reasons of people like you. If you’re so brave, go run yourself instead of bringing them down. But you won’t. You won’t even post your name on this op-ed.
Approach them nicely and respectfully and ask the questions instead of anonymously posting. I’m sure they’ll have all the correct answers for you.
Some people just wanna hate on ideas and activity but don’t have the guts to be vulnerable, put a name to an opinion, or take action.
Cheap words
I do not plan on voting in these elections as I do not seem to further our religious needs in any way.
For economic and social matters, I will vote in November.
I just hope these guys don’t do too much religious damage our community.
This is the kinda brains we need.
Why vote for something that you have a say in and that can directly effect you, when you can vote in an election that you likely don’t have a preferred candidate, the results are likely already established, and the chances of any of that effecting you are near zero?!?
With voters like these, we don’t need to wonder why lobbyists are the only people getting what they want, locally and nationally.
I agree that Ruchnius should have been made a topic at the meeting. That said, unlike in past generations, Ruchnius is difficult to achieve when Gashmius is severely lacking. We’re obviously not talking about eating in fancy restaurants or going to exotic Pesach programs – just about basic Gashmiusdike needs. When Totty and Mommy both have to work full time to pay the rent or the mortgage, Ruchnius is difficult. When the Rebbi and the Morah are worried about getting their next check on time, Ruchnius is difficult. We are in an anxiety generation. We need help in both Gashmius… Read more »
Whenever there’s something good happening and Iyh we will see a big change in our community for the good, there will always be those unhappy and negative.
Be happy and have a great day!
Just look at the picture and get to know them!
You have here individuals that live and breathe Rabbi and Chassidus!
To find one person with yiras shamayim. Too many people use the term yiras shamayim when I actually see its more like yiras basar v’dum.
And thats the open honest reality of the situation.
There was a era which when people saw a problem and didnt want to do anything they would say ” Gut vet helfin.” Today they say “when moshiach comes or we need moshiach. ”
I dont mean to dampen your spirits but I doubt something will be done. You can protest but reality is a whole lot different.
To the author: I hear your concerns
The thing is, I don’t think the crown heights community council is responsible for the ruchnius
That is the responsibility of the rabonim
This has really got me thinking. Very valid points.
The amazing candidates have really put themselves out there, I hope they will have an opportunity to respond.
Bullseye! You are so right! Ruchnius must come first,
esp in this day and age. It is
our life preserver always was always will be. It should be on the top tier not a back burner subject! You spoke beautifully and diplomatically- spot on!!!
Thank you for speaking up and for bringing in the Rebbe’s Hora’as. When one has Rebbe on his lips you don’t need to state your name because Rebbe says it all!
We need to focus on gashmiyus
Yaaaaaay! He managed to bash everyone! And anonymously!
This article is a stupid attempt at imposition of somebody’s feelings and nothing practical just typical political buzzwords like “improve,” “arrange,” and “facilitate.” Many other comments make good points as well.
At least he defined what he thinks the purpose of the chjcc is before bashing it accordingly.
How about we have a forum that can actually have suggestions that can be helpful and implemented? Saying homes are too expensive? Why should people who have invested in homes not make a generous return on their money? Parnassa? All in the hands of the Ribono She Olam. What are you doing for God? Are you davening properly? Are you talking during davening and krias hatorah? Are you Kovaya Itim? How are you treating your parents? Are you having proper kibud av va’em? How are you treating your wife? Your neighbors? Are you being honest in business? Before putting the… Read more »
Well written!
What about people who bring small children to shul to disturb others during davening? Shul during davening is not a babysitting service!
These are the minimal basics we need to fix for our neighborhood to move forward in both ruchnius AND gashmius.
If we’re quoting Rebbe snippets to qualify our opinions, here are some others… ״רבינו הזקן אמר: אידישע גשמיות איז רוחניות… (היום יום, כז תבת) “…ענעמס גשמיות איז בא מיר רוחניות” אגרות קודש כרך יג ד’שפ – and in case the Rebbe is only frum enough for you some of the time… “A frum Jew is not one who worries about his fellow man’s soul and his own stomach; a frum Jew worries about his own soul and his fellow man’s stomach.” – Reb Yisroel Salanter PS. Not that it necessarily matters, but out of curiosity, are you employed… Read more »
If we’re quoting Rebbe snippets to qualify your opinion, here’s some others… ״רבינו הזקן אמר: אידישע גשמיות איז רוחניות… (היום יום, כז תבת) “…ענעמס גשמיות איז בא מיר רוחניות” אגרות קודש כרך יג ד’שפ – In case the Rebbe’s only frum enough for you some of the time… “A frum Jew is not one who worries about his fellow man’s soul and his own stomach; a frum Jew worries about his own soul and his fellow man’s stomach.” – Reb Yisroel Salanter PS. Not that it necessarily matters, but out of curiosity, are you employed sir?” If not, I hope… Read more »
For the first time in 14 years, the Crown Heights Jewish Community Council (CHJCC) is hosting elections for a new Va’ad HaKahal / board of directors. Women are not allowed to vote in this election, despite the fact that the outcomes will directly impact their day-to-day lives.
Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote in any election. Period
Why not?
The last sentence above is childish and quite frankly demeaning in the extreme.
if im not mistaken Meir new spoke about ruchniyus, check the video when they all shared their goals and the q&a’s
I would like to know why if someone needs any assistance, we go to Williamsburg. They are so happy to help anyone they can. They are very knowledgeable about many different areas. When there was the food stamps stealing, who do you think knew ALL the answers and filled out forms to retrieve the lost money. You guessed, Williamsburg. When the S Johns project opened up, my friend who was lucky and got an apt there, the manager who is a chasidisha yungerman (by the way, why should someone out of our community manage that bldng?) asked her why there… Read more »
I don’t recall seeing an op-ed when the Rabonim or the Bais Din were elected that you asked them about what jobs, programs and other gashmious they will bring into our community. It is 2 different positions with different interests for the community. That being said, If that is a real concern of yours or anyone, for that matter, then not only should you vote for a candidate based on what they plan on doing for the community, but in addition, they should have Yiras Shomayim, a shem tov and ahavas yisroel. May we all have ahavas yisroel and bring… Read more »
You said the quiet part out loud. Yasher Koach
What a joke – this doesnt take too much time OR resources to develop this….
If this is what we are being promised by ‘the 5’ then the bar is pretty low.
Shechuna app already created this – there are multiple other websites too which have tons of info about our community….we dont need to wait for “funding to come in, and then create a website” if you really care, you would have done it already. It doesnt take too much time or resources…
Don’t say they aren’t doing enough when you aren’t doing anything at all. .
So easy to put others down and criticize. Much harder to inact change
Finally someone who said what needed to be said
Hi, I agree with most/all of what was written in this article. Indeed it’s an important issue. Which leads me to the simple question of, Why don’t you just run? I mean this respectfully, but the best way to actually see a shift in the conversation isn’t by an article, but an actual candidacy. The organizer’s of the vaad hakohal have been pleading with any able candidates in our community to bring themselves forward. It’s a win win. Either you (or a like minded associate) wins, and advocates these issues. Or even you lose, the very fact that your campaign… Read more »
I’ve noticed a pattern. Whenever someone tries to do something positive, comes along a concerned resident in their zeidineh zoopitzeh and points out the flaws. If it’s a really special day, they do so anonymously.
I intend that if voted onto the Board of the CHJCC and Vaad HaKohol this coming Sunday to work diligently and productively towards improving all aspects of the life of the Crown Heights community.
I shall be available to hear everyones concerns and aspirations for themselves and their families.
The Rebbe charged us with awesome responsibilities, both Spiritual and material.
May HaShem Bless us to be worthy servants of the Klal.
A city was looking for a Rov אהבת חינם שנא בצע וכו
Where do you find such a person ?
פאר געלט קנסטו אלץ האבען
While I may not be married or even have a 2 before my age, this community is my home. Besides the obvious fact that women aren’t allowed to vote, why does a very select few get to dictate the direction of a whole community? This community is made up of more than simply married men, there’s their have wives and children, and simply single members. While a married male demographic surely has diversity up to a point, don’t you think it leaves many affected by their decisions without a voice? Doing what the rebbe wants is a good excuse up… Read more »
The discussion about women have the vote is an important one; it will eventually lead to the inclusion of women in some form.
Are you smarter and wiser than the Rebbe?
I prefer to have the men stand up and step up in caring for the community and by extension the women and children for whose well being they are responsible.
When the ladies step in where they shouldn’t the men step back and the ladies ultimately lose out.
Encourage strong protective men.
They really are the best, loving, selfless, hard working, caring human beings!
The women are willing to vote men in. But we need the chance to vote. It’s a small percentage of women that have a spouse voting on their joint behalf. There’s a huge percentage of women who don’t have a spouse to vote in someone who will be good for their family dynamics.
You can have your voice Be tough and all But no complaining when the men assume you don’t trust them enough to take responsibility for you and your future kids. Can’t have it both ways. But I understand that since you’re still young and single you may feel invincible. As you get married and have kids you’ll see how necessary and helpful a proactive, strong and caring husband is. I hope you will be able to trust and respect him enough to let go a little bit of control and allow him to make some decisions for the family based… Read more »
its almost like someone who is trying to bash the torah’s way of running the community, where husbands and father’s typically are most empathetic to their spouse/childrens needs.
i think that becoming more familiar with the torah’s views, would suit this commenter much better than trying to bash.
Rabbonim handle halacha. Mashpium (personally selected) handle ruchnius. Finance/government/political position are just that. Misht nisht di yoitzrois. Ahn och uhn vei if CHJCC made it its business to poke in ruchnius matters. Oy vey if people started judging CHJCC reps based on how they deem a level of chassidishkeit. The writer of this article has his tzitzis in too many knots or her sheitel too tight.
I hear your concerns, but how can you talk about the ruchnius of the shechuna without addressing the fact that women have ZERO REPRESENTATION IN THIS ELECTION? Your mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters are people. With neshamos and opinions that matter. If we are forgotten and our voices are not heard, then the ruchnius of this community is doomed.
i think its important to focus our attention on what is important.
and furthermore,
i think that a torah based community, ought to draw its inspiration from the spiritual leaders.
we need to be led by rabbonim.
yes laymen make a lot of decisions, but true guidance can only come from those who see things from the perspective of Torah.
i think its important that as a community, we treasure these values,
and realize, that the optimum way to move forward,
is through true guidance, and unwavering commitment.
is there a halachic issue with women voting? i don’t think so
(besides for this that there should be different voting stations)