The following update is particularly important, as it contains updated recommendations for the community.
Although NYC as a whole continues to see more and more cases, our community here in Crown Heights has its own local trajectory. Upon analyzing the data from the thousands of responses to our survey and the hundreds of phone calls made throughout Crown Heights, it appears as expected that new cases are few. However it must be brought to everyone’s attention that there are still sporadic cases occurring daily, and it is these new cases that are now the most concerning, as a source of infection for others.
In an attempt to prevent these cases from rekindling the flames, we need to actively identify new cases, test them for the virus, and quarantine them. This represents a change of policy, from the time when there was massive community spread and widespread assumed exposure/infection.
Patients presenting with new onset fever, chills, cough, headache, muscle aches and weakness, should attempt to see their doctor and get tested for Coronavirus at this time. They should NOT wait for results before isolating themselves.
If they are COVID positive, we will ask them and their close contacts (if they have not yet been ill with the virus) to quarantine for 14 days from when the newly ill person first showed symptoms. It is our fervent hope that this process will shut down any further transmission within the neighborhood. Please do not assume that everyone else has already had the disease, and that you cannot infect others; this may be a lethal mistake.
(If these new guidelines cause hardship with respect to Mikvah, please call the hotline for guidance.)
Given the significant percentage of those above 65 who have not had symptoms yet (approximately 40% by our last estimation), there still exists a very real danger. The fact that this sizable portion of the community remains well at this time is likely due to our strict social distancing and isolation, and it is imperative that we continue these behaviors.
As a community, please continue social distancing and wear a mask if you must go out. For those above 65 or immunocompromised/underlying health issues, or those who are ill, please continue to isolate at home.
In conclusion, those with new symptoms suspicious of COVID, ISOLATE YOURSELF, and contact your primary care doctor and try to get tested for COVID. If you test positive, please inform those with whom you have close contact to quarantine for 14 days from when you first showed symptoms. By every member of the community actively involved, and responsible one for another, perhaps we can shut the door on this virus for good!
The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Eli Rosen
If someone has corona symptoms and goes to thier doctor for a test they expose everyone in the waiting room to catching the disease. Why not do as in israel and have someone come to thier home to do the corona test so others arent exposed?
They call their doctor and get instructed to do the needful.
There are no walk-ins for flu like symptoms r’l.
Thanks for providing it.
“Test and trace” is the way to go. Maybe on a local level we could accomplish what has been impossible on a larger scale so far. Hatzlacha raba, and thank you for your leadership.
What is also concerning is that NY is expected to peak in the next 2 weeks so if there are new cases in the community it is very scary to think of heading to a hospital at that time when they might not have the necessary equipment to help…
please please stay inside and follow the social distancing guidelines
If they are presenting symptoms, why bring it anywhere?
And what happened to people being asymptomatic carriers?
We still have elderly to worry about who might be getting a false sense of safety from this which already would make this as dangerous choice. Everyone should just stay home until the whole thing blows over
How will this ever end?? Even if 100% of all cases in CH are quarantined, all it takes is one person to catch it from someone (a store worker who lives in another neighborhood, a neighbor who works out of CH, the postman anyone really!) and that will restart the virus in CH. What’s the plan?
there are many crown heights who are disregarding the guidelines and who definitely plan to have pesach as usual with multiple people…so why look to blame someone else – we must as a community do much better
Epidemics burn out. This is not the first epidemic the world has seen although please G-d it should be the last. The virus is presently spreading from one infected person to another. If one person infects more than one other person (on average) then the epidemic continues to spread. If they infect less than one person (on average) it will die out. This is why social distancing is important. It doesn’t just protect you and the people you meet, it reduces the number of people who can be infected R”L. From our experience with other epidemics we can expect that… Read more »
Wish I could know if I am immune via having maybe had a case so mild I hardly noticed.
Someone in my household had the virus, so the rest of us at home are really wondering since only this one person was sick with corona virus.
did you not ready the last update….everyone can potentially get the virus…even those who have already had it….they don’t know enough about it yet to say that there is any immunity…there are also already 3 mutations of the virus for which no one is immune…
Crown heights is not a closed system, and perhaps even if someone has recovered they could still transmit the disease. Even if our community had 0 new cases,as long as there is still a crisis in NYC we would all need to continue to keep social distancing to prevent spread from outside the community. It is very impressive how the doctors in CH are tracking the virus and spreading good info. It is also very good that new cases are going down!
there are many in the community that will not follow the clear guidelines for pesach and plan on hosting sedorim and meals with not only extended family but also guests….what will happen after pesach? will we have a repeat of post purim???
Definitely call your doctor if you feel very ill. The availability of tests is still very limited. Your doctor will most probably tell you to stay home, isolate, and take care of yourself by drinking plenty of fluids, resting, and taking fever reducer if necessary.