Community Council Statement on Recent Hate Crime Incident in Crown Heights:
The Community Council expresses deep concern over the recent violent attack that occurred in our neighborhood on Friday night. At approximately 2:00 AM, a visiting yeshiva student was brutally stabbed by an assailant who had been shouting hateful, pro-Palestinian epithets. Thankfully, the victim, who sustained injuries just centimeters from his heart, is expected to make a full recovery, and our thoughts and prayers are with him during his healing process.
The swift intervention of community residents led to the immediate apprehension and arrest of the suspect, who has been arraigned on charges of attempted murder and other hate crime-related offenses. The Community Council acknowledges the bravery of those who intervened, despite the personal risk involved.
This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the ongoing threat of antisemitism and the dangerous consequences of inflammatory rhetoric. We urge all parties to consider the impact of their words, as such language can incite individuals to commit acts of violence.
The Community Council is in close contact with law enforcement agencies and commends their prompt action in bringing the perpetrator to justice. We thank the New York Police Department for the quick apprehension of the attacker and the District Attorney’s office for charging him with attempted murder as a hate crime.
The Mayor’s Office has committed resources to monitor the police response and protect the community. Mayor Eric Adams has emphasized that “Hate has no place in New York City,” and the Community Council echoes this sentiment. We call on all community members, leaders, and public figures to reject hate speech in all its forms and to promote unity and respect.
The Community council is available to assist anyone in need of victim services or counseling.
As our community processes this shocking event, particularly on the eve of Tisha B’Av, we encourage everyone to remain calm and continue to proudly display our Jewish faith. In the spirit of “Ahavas Yisrael,” we must support the victim and his family and strengthen our bonds with one another through acts of goodness and kindness. The Community Council reaffirms our commitment to working towards a future where everyone can live free from fear and violence.
May our community, and communities around the world, experience peace and security.
The Board of Directors of the CHJCC
Berel Hildeshaim – Chairman
Shmuel Rosenstien – Vice Chairman
Meir New – Treasurer
Yitzie Kamman – Secretary
Zalman Friedman
Dovid Halon
I don’t get it. What’s the main point being made here
To huh ! A response.
It’s to make you believe and feel comfortable that the CHJCC has your back on top of things in CC. Letting you be able to walk the streets of CC and have a peaceful nights sleep. Knowing your safe 24/7.
What don’t you get the CHJCC is in charge ! 🥲
We need continuous police presence not for the five days after a crime not during tishrei only and not during cteens and peg Isha only. CONTINUOUS
That’s right, everyone needs to get in better shape, learn krav maga and do your part to protect yourself and everyone else in the schuna.
We need to be carrying
Why do I feel like I’ve heard this in prettier words before. Last week a girl was almost raped. This week a guy was stabbed. Yesterday I was chased by a group of black guys. But we’re hiring vaads so we’re good.
I’m just wondering, was this a case of rape
which girl was almost raped? didnt see that story..
Thank you!!!! Finally someone who gets it! This is so backwards!
What is this??? The va’ad hakol is political. why?? That’s not what we need! We need a va’ad hakol that unites this way too separated community
And where’s the action part
Can we carry pepper spray on shabbos? If not how do we protect ourselves? Maybe rov can grant hetarim?
No, you can’t! But you can take measures like not going for a stroll past 12:00am and not hanging out in the streets at night, and walking drown safer streets, and carrying peper spray (which is useless) during week days
common the security in crownheights is a joke. At this point everyone better just read shaar bitachon and engrave in our hearts that no one can touch us unless Hashem decrees so for our own good. There is a concept of venishmartem es nafshoseichem…so let’s try to put in that effort. Heads of the community – wake up – there are WAAAYYY to many incidents to say that you are doing something. And this mayor oh my – with his empty words ‘there is no place for hate in NYC’ – well i beg to differ and say there is… Read more »
Being that it is the CHJCC that is writing this article, it would probably be the appropriate time for us to demand that in the next elections for Mayor of NYC, before our community council endorses Eric Adam’s, even if it may mean that we get funds for our community, as a result of the CHJCC supporting him, we would be better off going behind a candidate that puts our security first.
Most in the community that need financial help get close to nothing from the community council anyway. Safety first Anyway.
Why are we silent???
If this would happen in other denominations nyc would have been a mess!!!
Why aren’t we going out to make our voices heard???
We need to get our act together.
I encourage the vaad to find a creative waY to get our oilom out to the streets!!!
Swift and severe legal penalties is the very obvious ONLY solution. However everything else but the obvious is under discussion.
CH is way TOO DARK AND CREEPY at night. Dark skin individuals easily hide in btw houses, ive seen it and ive been followed by one that was dofficult to see, standing by a store door on kingston
Plain and poshut add lighting!!!!
May we see the light of the geulah today
There are many “dark skin” Jews and righteous Gentiles, so enough with the racism. Maybe you should sponsor some Noahide flyers/posters to distribute in the neighborhood?
Let me get this straight. Jewish residents of our community are being attacked in our streets by black thugs, politely referred to as “dark skin individuals”. So you are taking offense and you are calling out those who are voicing outrage about this anti-semitic violence for being ‘Racist’? Where do you live? where did you go to school? Being able to distinguish criminals and terrorists who seem to have a consistent and uniform appearance is not a sin. It might seem racist, but that’s reality. Racism is not a sin. When you get a chance read the books that you… Read more »
Inquiring minds want to know!
.” The Community Council acknowledges the bravery of those who intervened, despite the personal risk involved.” I do too, as bachurim we are the guardian angels of the shechuna! Also why did they only put out a a statement now!?? Why didn’t they put it out the second shabbos finished??? I don’t want to chas visholom cause divide but let’s think… Who voted for this community council? A community council that only put out a statement after every single massive news network did… Why not earlier?? It happened Friday night so you can report on shabbos so why not motzei… Read more »
we must thank richie taylor as he always on top of everything.
If your the so called leaders, you need to be screaming at the authorities and let them know, that if there’s isn’t a policy change in the ny criminal ways, the Jewish community will take it into their hands. We aren’t waiting for the holocaust to start . Enough diplomacy, we need ACTION
Just like politicians whose words are all fluff and no action. It would be better to say nothing at all.
•Give actionable (not theoretical) items you are doing right now to increase physical safety.
•Show that you have actually increased Torah and Mitzvos in the community to increase our safety.
We can stand to hear the empty messages from another group of aspiring politicians.
When someone in my family was attacked, we were very impressed with Shomrim and bh the police response was not immediate but was very strong. We had like 12 police officers, members of anti discrimination team at our house and the perpetrator was arrested in Queens within a week or so. But I felt the lack of response from the community. None of the community leaders called us to check in, see how we were, if they could help. Just a tip for our leaders – please reach out to victims of crime in our community. It makes you feel… Read more »
Every Jew a .2