Tuesday, 14 Elul, 5784
  |  September 17, 2024

Why a Chosson Gives a Simple Ring to the Kallah

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: How the chinuch of a child begins with the parents, why a chosson gives a simple ring under the chuppah to the kallah, the importance of Sholom Bayis, and why the Mezuzah is placed on a slant. Video

Should We Pay a Jew To Put on Tefillin?

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: The Rebbe's clear response about the suggestion that a Jewish man be paid to put on Tefillin or get compensated for participating in a Chassidus class. Video

‘Rebbe, I’m Ashamed by Things That I’m Doing’

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: The Rebbe’s response to a frum Yid who was feeling ashamed that he wasn’t going to minyan, talking during davening, engaging in loshon hara, and not consistently saying Shema at night. Video

‘Rebbe, Why Did Hashem Make Me Ill?’

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: The Rebbe's practical, medical, and spiritual answer to a woman who has been diagnosed with an illness, and why we make a big deal of birthdays. Video

The Meaning of Being a Chossid

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: What does it mean to be a chossid - continuation from last 2 programs - based on the writing of the Rebbe found in the Mindel Archives. Video

Rabbi Mindel’s Speech to YU Students

Historic Treasures by Rabbi Sholom Ber Schapiro: The speech that Rabbi Dr. Nissan Mindel gave to students at Yeshiva University regarding Rosh Hashana at the invitation of Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm. Video