The Marriott Hotel at the Brooklyn Bridge has once again joined the ranks of the hundreds of venues that sponsor a public Chanukah menorah lighting ceremony.
This year’s event took place on Wednesday evening, the second night of Chanukah in the hotel’s grand lobby. The Marriott Hotel at the Brooklyn Bridge has the distinct honor of being the former home to the International Conference of the Chabad-Lubavitch Shluchim and Shluchos and the current home of the Lay Leadership and workshop/seminars division of the Conference.
Rabbi Lipa Brennan, Coordinator of the conference, introduced the event by explaining the historical significance of the festival of lights. He encouraged the many hotel employees and guests to heed the universal message of Chanukah, and to become proactive in the mission of the day; which is to increase in acts of goodness and kindness. Rabbi Brennan went on to explain that we should add one good deed at a time, just as we increase the daily Chanukah candles. In doing so, we elevate the world to a higher spiritual level to be worthy of the coming of Moshiach.
Rabbi Brennan was joined by Mr. Sam Abraham, the General Manager of the hotel, and a close friend of the Chabad Lubavitch organization.
Mr. Abraham said he was proud, on behalf of the Marriott chain of hotels, to sponsor this yearly event and hopes to sponsor many more events in the years to come.
After the lighting ceremony, all the guests were invited to partake of the Chanukah doughnuts and refreshments.
Levy! t trop celebre! lol
good job, we re proud of you!!