Sunday, 30 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 10, 2024

Bringing Dignity Back to Shiduchim

Newly formed "TheShidduchOffice" is committed to facing the challenge of Shidduchim head on with the goal to "bring back dignity and simplicity" to the process. Full Story

L’Chaim: Kessler – Brafman

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Mrs. Yarmush is one of a kind. thank you for all you do.
March 13, 2016 3:56 pm

I’d just like to say thank you to Mrs. Sarah Yarmush (and I’m including the other woman in this unshadchon group, as im sure they work just as hard as she does..) I’ve gone through many shadchonim… and she was the first one who spent a lot of time with me, getting to know me, trying to understand where I’m coming from and what I’m looking for. She constantly brings up names… she is constantly trying to help. When a shidduch doesn’t work out and she needs to call the other side to let them know, she first sits down… Read more »

Training classes
March 13, 2016 9:57 am

How about training classes for parents – especially mothers of bochurim – for being realistic and more open minded to allow their children to go out with other people. At the moment, we have a lot of ‘no’s being said for very superficial and strange reasons, so even if good ideas are being suggested there is work to be done to get them going out. There is a big red light at the mouth of the parents. Change their brains and the red will turn to green.

March 13, 2016 8:27 am

Sounds like $250. Is a lot of money just for the effort. Are you aware that is costs a boy a fortune just to go out. Flying in to meet the girl, renting a car, paying for parking and the date…. I agree 100% the shadchun should get something for trying, but $250 is way overpriced!!! Another problem is that parents don’t know their kids well, if a boy goes out and specifically says he wants Shlichus and the girls mother is told that, then why on the first date when Shlichus comes up does the girl say, “no way… Read more »

March 13, 2016 6:19 am

to # 11 & 15… posting photos & names of people like that anywhere without their permission is unethical & will frighten many away – wasn’t the Rebbe totally against photos… ?? $250 for each date that goes out… for many where will that moiney come from? $100 maybe…The bochur usually has to hire a car, take the girl to a respectable place or spend something on her … it adds up so fast. If everyone paid the shadchan her dues they would not complain. to # 12 in BP “they are all married” ??? You obviously don’t read Mishpacha… Read more »

Successful shadchanim
March 13, 2016 1:57 am

#12 – Please do post the name of the Shadchan that made 4 shidduchim last week!

Please post names of other shadchanim who made 4 in the past month… Or even in the past three months!

We need the names of the successful shadchanim so folks know who they are.

Thanks in advance!

Excellent Idea $250 Appreciation for each date that goes out
March 13, 2016 12:29 am

I agree 100%

This way noone gets turned off and cant be bothered AGAIN to make another shidduch!

EACH SHIDDUCH MADE (going out on a date)
You pay the shadchan or friend $250 whether it works or not!

just for the effort


Attention Number 29
March 13, 2016 12:15 am

contact the collive office they will give you my (#24) contact details

There Are Indeed Very Dedicated Good Shadchanim Out There !
March 13, 2016 12:12 am

I have (currently) a most exceptional experience with a shadchan that is based in Melbourne Australia (Mrs. Toby Lieder) She stays up sometimes through the nights because of the time differences, with a huge smile, as if it really didn’t matter. She is totally dedicated to her job. I never felt rushed when speaking to her. She treats each shidduch as if its the most important shidduch she is making. When one shidduch doesn’t work, we just move on to the next, as if its the first. I must have nudged her over 100x between phone calls and emails and… Read more »

March 13, 2016 12:03 am

A big problem as someone who really tries with shidduchim is people say no for the wrong reasons. I dont want someone over 20 or she needs to be dressed like someone from Boro park. Give people a fair chance.

time for change
March 13, 2016 12:00 am

What about the shadchan that approaches for you 4 -6 -8 times & gets a no each time.. Don’t you think hakoras hatov should be shown? Instead of *thank you. .any more ideas?” And once a couple gets set up both sides should give the shadchan $$. I can tell you once ii started giving the shadchanim money for approaching & for setting up -they definitely kicked in with more ideas. Totally understandable -MONEY TALKS. Noone ows you anything. You pay the doctor? You pay the plumer? You pay the handyman? You pay the housekeeper? Why are shadchanim taken advantage… Read more »

To #31
March 12, 2016 11:44 pm

Yes $ for appreciation should be given for the time and effort spent.
But you can’t say a number!!! Not everyone is in the same financial situation! !!
And let’s not talk about $3000 total!!@

Nice idea
March 12, 2016 11:25 pm

I offered several shadchanim $250 for any suggestion that will lead to a first date. I’m not picky at all. Yet I still didn’t get any suggestion! Shadchanim who don’t want to be in it as past of feeling good for helping people should find another job or else be in it 100%. I know shadchanim from Bp and Williamsburg. They work hard giving new ideas every week. Calling parents and pushing them etc. yes they deserve to be paid a lot

Part of the solution
March 12, 2016 8:24 pm

If we set up a system that when a person suggest a name a they go out a $250 appreciation should be paid to the Shadchan/friend/ and if the Shiduch works out $1,500 from each side total $3,000 total. MONEY TALKS. More pepole will start making shiduchim.

Which shadchun?
March 12, 2016 8:19 pm

I want to know which shadchun made 4 shiduchim last week. I want to call them!

To 24
March 12, 2016 7:52 pm

How do I contact you?
You’re the shadchan I need for my daughter

# 8
March 12, 2016 5:51 pm

I do agree that kids today are very quick in ruling out a possible shidduch, they want & expect a lot more from prospective dates they go out with.
I can say that from my own experiences of my children & from some of my friends who i have spoken to about their kids.

to # 16
March 12, 2016 5:43 pm

Shadchanim are human beings & so r we regular ppl.
shadchanim have to be appreciated & they are. But shadchanim have to appreciate everyone else too & a lot of them don’t.
Yes I certainly would work for free to make a shidduch & yes i do try to do my bit in every way possible.

More than one way
March 12, 2016 3:11 pm

Shidduch system is failing. You cannot use yesterday’s solutions for today’s problems.

March 12, 2016 7:35 am

Sounds like a worthy venture.

How could I help ?

How often will you update data ?

Will it be a free service ?

Please send more information. I’m not a Shadchan BTW your email address doesn’t work. Please check

March 12, 2016 4:53 am

I am a Shadchan I set up at least 100 or more shidduchim dates this past year spending sometimes 9 hrs in one day back n forth with both sides of the Shidduch ending up with only 10 shidduchim that got actually engaged!!!! In one year!!!! That is 10% So if I added up the actual hours that went in to the 90% that didn’t work out That didn’t get engaged It would amount to 100s of “unpaid” hours of toil!! Do we get paid for the 90% No 5 out of the 90 paid me a consolation fee if… Read more »

March 11, 2016 4:50 pm

oh ya maybe we should just pay shadchanim 9-$10,000 for a shidduch because the $1000 isnt enough(each from both sides). Especially when they just throw profiles your way as if noone else can do the same. Of course a shadchan who really means well and tries from the heart definitely deserves getting something for their work and they most definitely do.

myengel longbeach
March 11, 2016 4:21 pm

any idea and every idea that can make the shidduch process easier is a welcome addition may your organization and anyone else working on shidduchim(shadchanim and otherwise) be matzliach greater than they ever imagined

everyone input is appreciated
March 11, 2016 4:10 pm

Many people have a lot of relatives but unfortunately do not do enough ,each ,one is relaying on the other one,no matter who the shliach is we are greafful

to #10
March 11, 2016 3:23 pm

So who is in charge of preparing people for marriage according to this “parenting” process of which you speak? What is the name of the group that teaches that process and are they available online?

March 11, 2016 2:52 pm

we are not as Wealthy as Boro Park.

Shadchanim or Networking
March 11, 2016 2:32 pm

I don’t think their intention is to eliminate the role of shadchanim. They are opening another avenue for shiduchim – making it easier for people to network.

As a matter of fact, they have made events where they invited shadchanim so that the parents (or friends, etc.) can meet several shadchanim at once.

We all need to try from all angles.

March 11, 2016 2:29 pm

Visit our temporary website to learn more:


(If you are a web designer, we’d so appreciate your assistance.)

March 11, 2016 2:15 pm

shadchanim dont owe you anything
what about showinf some appreciation for their timewhy should they work for free? do you? would you?
a better system should be set up-where they are at least compensated for their time.especially if you get set up.be a mentch and send in$75-$180.most times they set up tons of couples spend so much time and the dating dosent produce a shiduch.

attn #11
March 11, 2016 2:11 pm

well said. but same for the girls.

# 12 you are obvious a Shadchan who is worried
March 11, 2016 2:07 pm

Anyone who tries to help is doing great and dont talk about the shadchen who did 4 last week as most barely do that in a year. Now you talk about 3-5,000 how much did you pay for your kids….. I have married of a few kids and by most of them I was approached by a shadchan and said they said the name first to my Mechutan my father, brother… I should make sure they get paid. Everyone should pay not what you think some one else pays and you dont have to pay what your mechutan paid maybe… Read more »

the time is now
March 11, 2016 1:28 pm

mazol tov great idea how can I help.. I want to be part of the solution will email you
happy chodesh
morah fraidee

Stick to the regular shadchanim
March 11, 2016 1:25 pm

They are doing a good job. Networks never work. I can understand if you make 5 a week but 1 this is terrible. I know a shdachan in CH who make 4 the last week. They work harder and produce more. I think also parents need to pay a minimum of 1500 a side. In BP and Willy they pay 3-5 K why is CH so backwards. Maybe thats why they are all married and we are suffering.

to #4
March 11, 2016 12:54 pm

I think a list would be nice, but it is still too vague. Maybe a list with just 2 details (like family religious background, approximate frumkeit level, something like that).
Also, COL could do their part, by listing the NAMES of bochurim in pictures of smicha graduates, or other functions. Sometimes we see such good, chassidish, leibedik looking bochurim in pictures that accompany articles about different activities, but we cannot identify the boys. Come on COL, do YOUR part to make shidduchim in our community!

To #8
March 11, 2016 12:47 pm

There is a way of preparing young people for the process. It is called “Parenting.”

Kol Hakavod!
March 11, 2016 12:32 pm

Instead of complaining about the situation they are brainstorming how to help solve the problem! Wishing them lots of success!

March 11, 2016 11:58 am

The main thing that is slowing shidduchim is that the potential chassanim and kallos are taking a lot longer to make up their minds and are rejecting many excellent matches for the wrong reasons. If only there was a way of preparing young people for the process!!

March 11, 2016 11:53 am

My question is this:
I have heard so many people complain that they paid over $100 to these shadchonim who do so little. Its not fair, there has to be some halachas with this. It should just not be done. Throwing a few random profiles at a person, does not warrant deserving $100 and more. This sytem you talk about sounds quite ….more than fair…..id say befitting of our people.

another nice idea
March 11, 2016 11:26 am

Building on the successful International Shidduch Group Network!! Do you work together?

Great work!
March 11, 2016 11:17 am

The main thing is for even the people who think they have no “talent” in making a shidduch to get involved — in even the smallest way.

Start with a list
March 11, 2016 11:08 am

the pool of singles is so broad there needs to be a single list so we know these people exist

Great Idea!
March 11, 2016 10:55 am

For promoting achdus!

New to this
March 11, 2016 10:51 am

What’s the difference between this iidea and The Shidduch Network?

March 11, 2016 10:46 am

Will the meetings be publicized?