In a fiery speech, a respected Brooklyn Rabbi called for an all out war against yeshivos that throw talmidim out of their institutions.
Rabbi Aaron Krausz, a prominent chareidi Rov from Williamsburg, New York, and Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Shaar Hatalmid in Brooklyn, addressed the baalei batim during Shalosh Seudos in his Shul on Shabbos Parshas Lech Licha.
In an explosive speech, which was delivered in Yiddish after the z’man and was recorded, R’ Kraus screamed “Rabosai, there is a fire burning in the Jewish community! All those yeshivos who only take metzuyanim have blood on their hands! We have teens wandering the streets, thrown out because they don’t know a p’shat or a deep Rashba? Stop with the nonsense!” “oh, you wanna build “lomdim.” That’s your goal, right? Look around in shul. Show me all those lomdim you brought up with this system. Show me!!”
Rabbi Krausz continued his stern admonition, urging a financial boycott of all institutions that expel talmidim from their hallowed halls saying, “when they come for you for Tezdokah to support their yeshiva, make it clear to them. Tell them: “I will only support you if you accept everyone, if you care about ALL Talmidim.”
“The Jewish community does tremendous amounts of chesed, but the real chesed of ahavas nefesh yisroel is lacking. NO ONE is doing anything about these children. Everyone sits with closed arms and hands. Rabosai, do you know how many children and teens are in pain? The Jewish community has blood on their hands if we don’t get up and do something.” “If this continues, then Judaism is on the verge of extinction.”
“Yeshivos are not made only for metzuyanim they are made for all Yidden. We need to take to streets and scream of this terrible travesty which is only getting worse. Our hands are guilty for so many teens who are no longer Jewish. We as a community are guilty. We do not do enough.”
Without mentioning any yeshivos by name, R’ Krausz made forceful references to a yeshiva that for years has been known to only accept boys of the highest caliber. “We all know what happened there,” said R’ Krausz cryptically. Without elaborating any further, “I will tell you that they already see the fruits of their labor.”
R’ Krausz concluded by reminding those assembled of the words of “V’haarev na” said every morning in davening, beseeching Hashem to make the words of the Torah sweet in our mouths and that we, our children and ALL the children of K’lal Yisroel should be able to study the heilige Torah.
AUDIO: To hear the speech in Yiddish – click here
one problem that i had wen i was stil in the system was that the only ones that hav any idea wats rong with a skewl is the bochrim and noone ever listened to wat we say. every time they say ”bochrim will complain werever they are”.
another prob is wen the person in charge of accepting teachers and boys is not living in the same realm as teens are now:(
p.s. wen u hav a mashgiach who has major mood swings(i had that in 2 of the yeshivas i was in) u are asking for big trouble
#78 cant expect the new rov to take on schools over issues that arent very clear in the first place
no one is kicked out cuz they cant learn- ONLY WHEN THEY BEGIN PERVERTING OTHER STUDENTS AND DAMAGING THEM is the hanhala forced to so- and we are thankful for that!! also- the schools here are for LUBAVITCHERS, chabad is a way of life- not a genetic inheritance someone who lives in crown heights, or was born to a lubavitch family but has no regard for tznius or the lubavitch lifestyle should not be accepted- u are not lubavitch if you dont act it just because your parents were or you live here-
if the vaad and the rabbonim were on top of chinuch that would ease #61’s concerns
but can Rav Braun stand up to the hanhola of yeshivas?
According to the Alter Rebbe’s Hilchos Talmud Torah, the responsibility of Chinuch is on the entire community. This means that it’s the Halachic Obligation of the Vaad Hakohol of C.H. to take make sure that no student is thrown out of school for any reason, regardless if the reasoning is lack of financial ability by the parents to be able to pay or if the problem is that the child is “not so bright” or has learning difficulty or learning disabilities, or even if he or she is lacking in Yiras Shomayim or in other appropriate behavior. This is Halacha!… Read more »
please explain you 3rd point
though you seem angry about the lack of education
it seems you yourself would rely on spell-check 😉
#61 is right!
when will there be a central leadership looking over the hanhola’s shoulder?
or else they are excused from being responsible to anyone
but #64 took it way out to left field,
a website?
are you asking for trouble?
maybe #64’s idea of responsibility is 75 anonymous comments and complaints.
get real!
I never said that i am 100% innocent, what I meant to say is that the school is 100% worng for the way they deal with things, for exsemple if a kid gets sent to the princble wich is more useaul then other schools becouse they have inexpericed techers (never teachers befure they came to Ohr Menachem) He gets sent home and only could come back after his parents have a meeting with the Teacher and princble Here are the detaled to what I said in comment #60 The complaints they had againced that they didnt let us eat luch… Read more »
You cannot compare sending a bochur on shlichus to accepting a bochur to a yeshiva. Of course the rebbe picked the elite to be shluchim, because it was their duty to have hashpoo on other bochurim, just like we cannot accept any unemployed yong man to become a melamed.
And please do not compare the Frierdiker Rebbe’s handeling the Yeshiva to the Rebbe’s view on the matter 50 years later. Compare apples to apples.
First of all most of the people who run our yeshivas are clueless about chinuch. Also, with the amount of time the boys spend in school they should all be Talmidei Chachamim and they are far from it. Our schools are not being realistic about what our kids are doing and have to face up to it. Wearing chassidishe livush is only an outer garment and sometimes only hides what is really going on inside… Also I was told by a professional that signs of going off the path of Yiddishkeit begin as early as 4th grade so elementary schools… Read more »
You are not going to be able to convince anyone that these are the only reasons. In fact, you are portraying yourself in a poor light, R”L, by your claims here. If that were truly all there were to the story, i.e., that your attitude was truly one of consistent innocent ehrlichkeit, and that these 2 “events” were truly one-time happenings, and that you did not know better, then why are you still eating your heart out over what happened? Any parent would figure out fast that there is more to the story than what you say! The events you… Read more »
Last year we had 10 kids in our class 3 kids left are menachem one of them me, another right is not in any Yeshiva, the rest of my class 6 kids desided that they will go back to Ohr menachem for the following reasens 3 of them becouse there parents have to do with the school PTA 3. were plannig of going to a diffrent school but the princble Rabbi grenberg convinced their parents that the school wont have the any problem’s like last year (happens to be that the yeshiva for some reasen has the same exsect problems… Read more »
i will never forget how a principal of one of our yeshivas said baout a kid that was not up to the level
“i do not need a headache”
1. Most Buchrim know what’s going on in their yeshiva and what the hanhala is doing wrong the point is that someone who wants to go to the Yeshiva should know where he’s going too 2. The point of the website is that Buchrim should shear how they fill about the Yeshiva and that other Buchrim should know if the Yeshiva fits their needs 3. The website I am talking about is too find out how the yeshiva deal with its Buchrim and there is defiantly a need for Buchrim to know about it but what there is no need… Read more »
your rite but every yeshiva dose wrons and theres no need for any bochur to read the bad about theyr hanhala
1. Yes B”H im in a normel school now they dont stop us from eting lunch becouse wre eting on more then on table and they dont kick a kid out of school becouse he was sick and couldent bring the knas in on time
There should be a website that publises the good thing yeshiva’s do and the bad
this will do 2 thing:
1. Yeshiva’s will be afraid to do the worng thing becouse they will get a bad name
2. Buchrim will be able to see wich yeshiva fits their needs
It seems that you are the on lying
Why dont you tell us wich chalek and page to find it???
if yeshivas only accept the best bochurim, why don’t we see yeshivas packed with excellent bochurim? Because they don’t exist! Yeshivas try to be picky so they end up with mediocre bochurim instead of terrible ones.
And to all parents out there: maybe your son isn’t such a tzaddik’l?
this rabbi is questioning the yeshiva hanhola, something that no rabbi here would do publicly.
its scandalous that in lubavitch the hanhola have no public figures looking at what they’re doing, and addressing the public about it
The educational system has problems that are beyond what I think Rabbi Krausz is talking about. His remarks are not meant to address the problem of there being not enough good programs for TRULY behavior-disorder, ADD, ADHD, emotionally disturbed, PDD, dyslexia, and other special educational issues. (I’m not talking about mis-labeled kids here, of which there are some, R”L.) #20 claims that Cheder Ohr Menachem is guilty of “kicking out more kids than the other three”. I’d like to know where he got his statistics; is he a professional statistician who did a survey of the expulsion patterns of all… Read more »
No CHEDER ever threw out a child because (as Rabbi Krausz gives as an example):
“because they don’t know a p’shat or a deep Rashba”
In this case, Rabbi Krausz appears to be talking more about higher levels of education than the cheder level.
It sounds like he’s talking more about mesivta-and-up programs that toss out boys for parents not paying, and for being mediocre learners. This is truly an outrage, of course!
” Our hands are guilty for so many teens who are no longer Jewish”
Oholey Torah Lubavitcher Yeshiva and probably the rest of yeshivas in CH are wonderfull. I happen to have Children in OT and LY in Crown street. I think Poster #51 hit the nail on the head. Whats more you have 2,3,4 classes to a grade and I am sure today if a child and a melamed don’t click or you feel clearly that your son will do better in another class your request will be taken seriously.
Yes I got off my high horse and became realistic…We sent our son to a school that doesn’t cater to top bochurim, but our son is happier and is learning more than he ever did in mesivta- the staff and shluchim care about him and his progress. and BTW the students are good chassidishe boys…so he has good freinds….We made the best choice….Rabbi Schmukler Thanks for opening JETS
Comment 1 and others who decded the Rebbe never allowed a bochur to be kicked out and that this is the only thing the Rebbe fought hanahal for…and other such boich svaros.. open igros and look at the clear letter where the Rebbe wriotes that in halacha we go after rov(majority) and if theis bochur will negatively affect the others around, you MUST kick him out. Yers its painful for a parent. Yes its easy to blame yeshivas and the wicked hanhala But that doesnt change the fact, it takes only one bad bochur with a litle chutzpah or charisma… Read more »
Can’t believe it took fifty comments before someone mentioned that hayom yom. Gevald!
When a boy is “asked to leave” he often becomes an untouchable, no other decent Yeshiva wants him. Today there are, BH, some alternative Yeshivas. Years ago there were none, so a boy was thrown into the streets. One Rosh who tossed my son, gleefully extended Shabbos invites when he was off the derech. Another Mashpia who gave my son trouble, now runs after my husband to give my son regards. Another Rosh has asked my son mechela. Why couldn’t they have seen what a great bocher my son was while they had a chance to work with him and… Read more »
thats when trouble starts
This Rabbi is 100% correct.
But we parents are not of the hook
if every parent would do the homework every day with their child give him a chayos in learning it would do wonders and your child would grow up a metzuyon.
There is a famous Yom Yom Just like there is a mitzvah to put on tefilin likewise there is a mitzvah to think about your child every night for a 1/2 hour.
Yes! Keren Menachem is a tremendous cause. I myself benefitted from it during my Yeshiva years. It has really enabled many boys to be in yeshiva (and girls in sem – Keren Chana).
It is a very worthy cause and I urge all to donate.
A big Yasher Koach Keren Menachem!
looking at 85% of comments we see that anas are discussted with all of are yeshivas.
if a bochur is not such a big masmid so its hard for him to comw on time 5 times a day so o.y. set up this college system with points then the bochur missws his point s so he does not go on so called slichus where should he go? this period alot of bochrim get discusted and look for other places hashem yerachem. shalicus became a very negitive idea .atleast o.t. does not have any more rabbi p. which has a major place in churbon of bochrim.
Bless you Rabbi Krausz!
Not every bochur is suitable for every Yeshivah. However DO NOT throw him out and reject him. REPLACE him. Tell him that it is his interest that you think that he should move to another Yeshivah. Find him the Yeshivah and don’t stop until you have had him accepted in the right Yeshivah. Then he will not feel that he has been rejected.
What you said is utterly ridiculous, the yeshivot don’t reach the smartest kids anyways, so they may as well catch all of the others. The smart kids do one of two things: a) go off the derech, or b) decide to learn on their own because their teachers/yeshivot aren’t teaching them anything. We know – we were two of the smart kids, who chose option b. Special yeshivot should be made for gifted kids, or special programs. But what we have today is mediocre, so rejecting someone who doesn’t have protektzia or meet the “standards” of the yeshiva is just… Read more »
Someone who is clearly there only to argue, someone who is using drugs, someone who is fighting.
Wrong. The yeshiva system is not one of academic advancement. The goal of the cheder/yeshiva system these days is to keep the kids safe and help them to come out as frum, G-d fearing Jews. Therefore, any school should be able to cater to and accommodate all types of kids. Any which way that you categorize your school, be it an academic school, a vocational school or in between institution, any type of kid should be able to blend into your school if the goal is to keep the kids in a safe environment. With this goal in mind, grades,… Read more »
to#11 your preception of the alter rebbes “chadorim” is totaly wrong there was a chasidsher yishivah for the average bochur and then there were the yeshivos for the “metzuyonim” to #17 a yishivah is suposed to be a acedemic instotution but should also be a place were you learne to be a good jew.
Bec. this unfortunately is the truth (I’ve experienced it first hand with my own son), it brought tears to my eyes to read that someone was actually brave enough to speak up about this terrible issue which we have right here in Crown Heights. My son has been home for 2 months now bec. NO school is willing to accept him. Is this how we treat our community members? SHAME ON YOU ALL!!!!!!!
I said there is a range of yeshivas which cater to a range of bochurim. That range isn’t purely based on chasidishkeit, rather it includes an academic range too! A chasidishe bochur who isn’t very academic should be in Brunoy, where he would thrive without unrealistic academic pressure he can’t handle. At the same time, an academic who can’t handle as chasidishly rigorous lifestyle should be in LA. My over generalizations aren’t intended to offend, the point is there is a yeshiva for every personality represented and parents should choose carefully the right yeshiva for their children based on their… Read more »
Are you some troll looking for a fight? How dare you compare Alter Rebbe’s yeshiva or even Lublin to OT?! Get with the times! And don’t try to confude with quotes of chanoch l’naar – which dooes not apply in today’s day and age!
there is a boy who went to a baal tshuvah yeshiva and was asked to leave. He was so degrated from the whole experience of being thrown out that he became totally frei. He may come for shabbos this week so I can turn him around. But who gets kicked out of a baal tshuvah yeshivah i mean c’mon!
shlichus then and now is a reward!!
but to learn in a yeashiva till the age of 20 is a right.
to quote rabbi Aisenstark from BY montreal. Seminaries used to pride themselves in the girls they produced now now they pride themselves in the the girls they accept
You cant compere shlichus to yeshiva SHLICHUS 1. the bucher is on his own, the hanhola does not cere to much what the bochuer is doing and defintly has not controule off therfure if a bochur is not doing good in learnig and not coming on time to sader there is a 99% chance that he will stop showing-up 2. The main thing on shlichus is to set an example to the students thefure if a bochur is not good then he will not be doing the Job 3. If a bochur does not go on shlichus he can learn… Read more »
Every student deserves to be in Yeshiva if he wants to. The community has an obligation to support ONLY those Yeshivot, or groups of Yeshivot, which accept everyone. Those who want exclusive high standards are welcome to pay for these standards with their own money. In the secular world, a student who wants to learn at Harvard or MIT pays for it. The donors who give money to Yeshivot have to make it very clear that they want everyone to have a Yeshiva education, not just the Metzuyanim. Those who give the money make the rules, not those who receive… Read more »
yes there should be SOME yeshivos only for briliant students. but the problem is, MANY yeshivos want to accept only briliant boys!!!
B”H the one who is wise, learns from evreyone!! the man is %100 right, and we have to learn from this rabbi, i went to ohollei torah my whole life, and let me tell you, it may be a good school for %3 of its students because only %3 is half tzadikim that will listen and lern on their own. just wait till you get to mesivta where the teachers dont talk to you at all, or you hear their shiur and than you may have a question to ask, so you will have something to do woith your magid… Read more »
My brother was kicked out of a certain nameless zal in ch bec my father didn’t pay up tuition bec He DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY! my brother is a top boy who is currently on shlichus in a “top” place. It made me sad To think that my grandparents learnt in tomchei tmimim with literal mesoras nefesh, against all odds, and my smart, chassidish brother, who wanted to learn, was sent home due to money!! My grandparents and the rebbe s who invested so much into tomchei tmimim must not be very happy. Some of the ppl who run… Read more »
someone should bring him to all the lubavitch yeshivos bc chabad yeshivos have that major problem, not everything is money money money, stop being greedy all you yeshiva financiers
Are you saying that a Chassidishe, responsible bochur who isn’t as academic shouldn’t be in a top Yeshiva? Where would you dump him? Public school? A Yeshiva for boys who are severely LD or who have behavioral issues?
A bochur’s needs aren’t just academic. They are social as well.
I am glad my sons (all finished with Yeshiva, B”H) didn’t have YOU as a Rebbe. You are incredibly narrow-minded & out of touch.
I have to respectfully disagree with your comment that negatively targets the so called “elite yeshivas.” I personally transferred to such a yeshiva when I was a student some years ago. Were it not for the higher “elite” standards of learning at Chicago, I think that people such as myself would be undeserved by the lubavitch yeshiva system. Thanks to Chicago, I was able to realize my own potential in learning. For a different student, Pittsburgh, Ohlei Torah, or Toronto may provide the environment that challenges them to succeed.
– A yunger man
How about Yeshivas that say they refuse to accept Bochurim who are just Mitzuyon, WE only take mitzuyon +++? That was said to me by a prominent Mashgiach about my son. I cried so hard that erev Shabbos. He really wanted to go there & his friends were accepted…weaker learners…but names.. Fast forward…he went to another highly-rated Yeshiva. He learned well, got an amazing Shlichus, got a top-rate Semicha, & married a wonderful girl from one of the best Lubavitch families. But I’ll NEVER forgive that Mashgiach & I will NEVER support them. When they contact me for money, their… Read more »
finally a rav who has the guts to speak out!!!
where are the lubavitch rabbonim speaking out over our issues!!!
yeshivas today became a big buisness. they tell the parents your son does not belong in our yeshiva. he does not produce however if you will pay full tution then we can keep him. what does money have to do with production.
Yeshivos today are babysitting programs, in the old days yeshiva was just for learning, if you weren’t able to learn you went to work. In todays day that’s not an option, today yeshiva gives less learning but it’s also the place where you get your yiras shomaim etc. Even if a bocher is a gimmel gimmel his place is yeshiva.
Based on what I heared from Rabbi K. From brunoy.
I’m writing today as a shaliach in a Lubavitcher yeshiva. In Lubavitch we seem to have a tremendous range of yeshivas which cater to a tremendous range of bochurim. This range is healthy, what is unhealthy is parents who force their children to be in yeshivas which are not geared for them, creating pain for the child, putting him in a very depressing state. Accurately gauge your sons needs, and find the yeshiva most suitable for him. Before complaining that a yeshiva is wrong for not accepting your son, just make sure your son would have been happiest in such… Read more »
When ever a school asked the rebbe if they should kick a kid out of school the Rebbe was tottly against it. in one such story there was a kid who was making alot of trouble the school wanted to kick him out and the rebbe was tottly against, this time the school listend and the kid grow-up to be big Rov! Its should be noted that by most things the Rebbe want by what the Hanhala wanted, and even by the few things the rebbe did not agree he did not fight it besides this one thing Kicking a… Read more »
all you people quoting the rebbe as if he said one time that you cant kick a bochur out. this is very misleading and untrue. yes the rebbe said not to kick bochurim out but the rebbe also spoke at times about certain circamstances where its best for the yeshiva and bochur involved to ask him to leave.
This Rabbi Is a Tzaddik for saying these things and 100% correct….
The Rebbe was alwes against schools kicking kids out and unfertnley the school in Crown heights that claims they opend ONLY becouse the other three boy scholls (ohelei torah, Lubavitcher yeshiva & darchai Menachem) are not fullfiling what the rebbe and that same small scholl is kciking out more kids then the other three
Some common sense for once
One of the biggest problems facing Chabad today is that many Lubavitchers think that because Chabad is open, caring, and does not judge people, therefore we cannot have any standards, and we have to accept everything and everyone. What lunacy! Where does this mindset come from? We DO have standards! Of course we do! Remember the story of the Frediker Rebbe throwing a bochur out of Tomchei Tmimim simply because his yarmulka fell off while sleeping? He was a good bochur, but his yarmulka falling off was an indication of his yiras shamayim not being 1000%, and he was dismissed.… Read more »
Yeshivos are academic institutions, not glorified babysitting centers for young adults. The hanholo of each Yeshiva are the people which have dedicated their entire lives to building that Yeshiva, and have a right to set whatever standard they so wish, the same way universities are allowed to set their own entry criteria.
Don’t like it? Go ahead and open your own yeshiva, no one is stopping you.
A Mesivta here in Crown Heights has been kicking out kids left and right for the past 15 years.
I agree it’s about time the rich take a stand, that is the only way this nonsense will stop. If you ask me the people in charge should be the ones kicked out.
this guy is 100% on target
Whats about good students whos parents cannot afford tuition?
How many parents received phones calls from hanahla’s in the past that if they dont make a payment by a certain date they better not send their child to school or in a boarding school that their child will be sent home ?
and how many bochurim can’t attend Yeshivos because they cannot afford the fees. I have a fund to help these bochurim but my funds are very low at present. If anyone wishes to help they can send any donations to Keren Menachem, 428, Lefferts Avenue,New York 11225 or to 36, Ashbourne Avenue, London NW11 ODS, England.
i 100% agree with rebbe krauz my son was a victim of this problem they really kiilled my child its the same as anyone killing or stabbing in the streets this is wat my son anf family have to live with crown heights wake up it anit getting better!!!!
Anyone care to remind me what level of metzuyan the Alter Rebbe required for addmission? There is a place for metzuyanim and a place for average or below average standards. To say that a Yeshiva is “one size fits all” is to disconnect from reality. Didn’t the wisest of all men say, “Chanoch l’na’ar al pi darcko” – each child has his individual needs and chinuch methods. A yeshiva cannot cater to ALL students, since a yeshiva that so called caters to all students, in truth, caters to none of the students. So yes there is a place for Chachmei… Read more »
Rabbi Krousz Shlita is In the right direction;;;;;;;;;;;; Long over due
Finally, a Rov who’s not afraid to put it out there! Can he come speak to our Lubavitcher yeshivos? This issue is such a HUGE problem in Lubavitch today….yeshivos that only want to take you if you’re the best. As soon as any issues arise, they don’t want to deal with you anymore….chas v’sholom some effort should be put into the boys (are you listening Chicago? New Haven?)!!
While there must be Yeshivos for everybody, there must also be for those who are a bit more intelligent, so that they can learn at their level and not get bored because of the other students.
There must be Yeshivos that accept everybody and people must give them money as well but if you neglect our smart students and put them together with slower ones THEY will drop out, and there will be no one left to lead future generation Yeshivos.
the rebbe never accepted kicking any1 out of yeshiva.maybe to change classes or set him up in another yeshiva
even children that became totally frei the rebbe didnt want them out of their house!!
the Rebbe RaShaB said when he founded the TTL the there are many Yeshivos where they learn we need to teach Yiras Shamayim
It’s about time someone speaks about this. We can’t continue with the system as it is. It’s obvious that it’s not working with today’s children.
I think he is refering to boys who are not so smart.
But with regards to boys whom are a bad influence.
If i remember correctly there is an answer from the rebbe to only kick out a bochur if keeping him will be a bad effect upon the other bochurim.
Like it or not, he is 100% correct
It is criminal what some moisdos do to our kids only to save their own good name. chinuch is about being mechanech kids who still needs chinuch case in point.
the rebbe alwasy held that you cant ever kicked someone out of yeshiva!!!!!!!!!!