The third stage of the efforts of the Achdus group will take place this Shabbos in Lubavitch communities around the globe.
As a preparation to Gimmel Tammuz, the Rebbe’s 16th yahrzeit, there will be Farbrengens on the topic of Ahavas Yisroel and unity.
Participating communities in North America are receiving a special guest Mashpia joining them for the duration of Shabbos Parshas Korach.
“With these Farbrengens, we hope to take everything we have learned these past few weeks about the need for Ahavas Yisroel, and find a way to implement it into real changes in our day to day lives,” a coordinator told
There will also be Farbrengens at all of the Shuls in Crown Heights. These are being coordinated with the Igud Avreichim (a separate article will be posted.)
The full list of cities and Mashpiim:
Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Mashpia of the Yeshiva Gedolah in London, will be traveling to Chicago.
Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Mashpia in 770, is going to Miami Beach, Florida.
Rabbi Mendel Groner, Shliach and Mashpia in Yeshivas Kiryat Gat, Israel, will be the guest of North Miami Beach, FL.
Rabbi Moshe Feller, Head Shliach in Minnesota, is going to Toronto.
Rabbi Michoel Seligson, a Mashpia in Oholei Torah in Crown Heights, is heading to Baltimore, Maryland.
Rabbi Aharon Dovid Gancz, Menahel and Mashgiach in Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Morristown, NJ, is traveling to Cleveland, Ohio.
Rabbi Zalman Wilschanski, Rosh Yeshiva of Morristown, is also leaving NJ and crossing the border to Montreal, Canada.
Rabbi Sholom Ber Chaikin, Posek and halachic authority is leaving Cleveland for Shabbos for Los Angeles, California.
Rabbi Levi Shemtov, Shliach in Washington, DC, is flying to Atlanta, Georgia.
Rabbi Yossi Lew, head of the Atlanta Smicha program, is headed to Pittsburgh, PA.
The community in Houston, Texas, will be welcoming Rabbi Shais Taub, an author and lecturer from Pittsburgh.
SUCH A CHASSIDISHE YID!!!!!! YOU DA MAN! If any community wants to feel like they are in the room SEEING the Rebbe, listen to Rabbi Lew farbreng, he is simply the best!!!
lets remember part of the problem is re moshiach
as long as we only recognize non meshichiten we will achieve a very limited achdus
Sometimes a change of face is what is needed…
Rabbi Gordon was phenomenal here in Chicago! He left the entire city inspired BH. We learn a tremendous amount from such an amazing mashpia!
you the best.
London Yeshiva was left with an excellent mashpia – Rabbi Zilbershtein.
OY! we could have saved some money.
Rabbi Chaikin could stay in Cleveland. Then Rabbi Gancz could go to LA instead.
Rabbi Taub could stay in Pittsburgh. Then Rabbi Lew could stay in Atlanta. Then Rabbi Shemtov could go to Houston instead of Rabbi Taub.
To #s 1, 3, and 4, I’m certain these Rabbis would not leave their cities and charges in less than perfect hands.
To #2, where’s that?!?!?
Yasher Koach to all of these Rabbanim and Mashpiim for enhancing our communities.
14 cities is a good start. Yasher Koach!
they’re trying!
no mashpi’im travelling outside the usa & canada?
and why was london yeshiva left without a mashpia?
why no one in monsey? over 400 anash here.. and plenty of people who learned in lubavitch or have a connection….
Why not S. Louis?
They should all stay here & preach ACHDUS IN CROWN HEIGHTS!