Wednesday, 8 Elul, 5784
  |  September 11, 2024

5 of My Children Passed Away But I’m Still Standing

Watch: Los Angeles educator Devorie Kreiman lost 4 of her babies and suffered again when her son Yossi Kreiman drowned just before his wedding. She speaks about the courage to continue on. Video

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August 13, 2024 12:56 pm

What an amazing heartfelt story. The strength and ability to hold on to such true Amuna is absolutely incredible.

I never heard this story. Thanks for sharing it. Sad but so much depth and a lesson to learn.

Personally I don’t know if I have this amount of strength to hold on. So auspicious for Tisha Be’av !!

Thank you Devorie
August 13, 2024 12:57 pm

Thank you for having the courage to open yourself up after your devastating losses to share so much inspiration and joy.

August 13, 2024 2:28 pm

This was incredibly inspiring, sad yet uplifting. Thank you Mrs Kreinmman

Definitely worth reading her book!!!
August 13, 2024 6:41 pm

I came across her book “even if im not” and loved it. Definitely worth the read and i dont usually read a lot. Sad yet inspiring and so well written! She shares her struggles and hope and all that she went thru along the journey.

You are so strong!
August 14, 2024 11:23 pm

I am so moved by your interview , and so impressed by the internal work you have done to move forward.
You are an example of true emunah and bitachon

To Devorie
August 16, 2024 2:54 pm

To Devorie, shetichyeh.
I’m so very appreciative that you summoned the strength to do this. As you say, we were all put here to do something unique to us. What I’m thinking as I watch this interview is that Hashem undoubtedly wants to extend help to people He puts into unspeakably difficult situations. He wants you to share thoughts and hashkofos that will help others navigate their own difficulties. You’re surely doing your shlichus in ways that make Hashem intensely proud of both the neshama and the guhf that comprise the person we know as Devorie Krieman.