Sunday, 30 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 10, 2024

Do Security Cameras Permit Yichud

Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm of Online Smicha: Do the laws of Yichud‎ apply if there is a surveillance camera in the room. Video

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It is imperative...
June 29, 2015 11:54 am

For the benefit of the visitors here to include a summary of the ‘extensive’ discussion in the over 10 minute video in text.

If you want visitors to learn the inyonim contained herein, do so.

With the summary in text one who will not spend 10 minutes listening to a shpiel (which for many would be a waste of time, and more time than they spend on this website in a week), such a person can glean the tachlis in 15 seconds.

Thank You. Meichayil el Choyil.

What is the psak?
June 25, 2015 10:40 pm

i can’t be bothered to watch the entire video… What is the final ruling?

Thank you.
June 25, 2015 8:18 pm

Very important.

June 25, 2015 7:11 pm

Dear Rav Wilhelm, I listened Very intently to your Shiur, and I must say that I am confused and somewhat perplexed with the logic that you use to negate the effectiveness of surveillance cameras etc. Let me make myself clear at the onset, that I am not a Rov, not even a Rabbi, rather I am a Poshute Balebos, and therefore I have no standing to argue with your P’sak, however I do take issue with your reasoning. I am a business person, and travel fairly often, and have many meetings etc. and this issue of Yichud comes up almost… Read more »