Sunday, 30 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 10, 2024

Raising the Parenting Bar

Rabbi Michy and Miriam Rav-Noy of Los Angeles write: We all love and care for our children, and what to we often get in return? Disrespect, manipulation, attitudes, entitlement and requests for more...what's wrong with this picture? Full Story

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Week One at YSP Morristown

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Talking on cell while you're with someone
June 26, 2013 12:51 am

Someone brought up the topic and if I may digress a little from the main message of the article- this is not only detrimental to the parent-child relationship. When two friends are spending time together, especially planned time, it is so very disrespectful and insulting for one to be constantly talking, texting and playing with the phone for no urgent reason, while the more polite friend feels somewhat like a canceled stamp.

Mom of teenagers
June 25, 2013 11:26 am

Thank you for posting this information about this parenting seminar. Times are changing, and we all need guidance in this crucial area.
I also recommend Manis Friedman’s recent talks on 11213 on parenting teenagers, which I found immensely practical and Miriam Levi’s book on parenting.
You can really change the atmosphere in your home with a little guidance. Go for it.

Thahk you for the heart felt article
June 24, 2013 11:25 pm

Thank you for opening up in order to help others. I am very encouraged by the article and I am planning to start this course iyH. This truly came from your heart and the readers should just say “THANK YOU.”

To the Ravnoy's
June 24, 2013 8:30 pm

You are very brave to write this. Thanks!

Michy Rav-Noy
June 24, 2013 8:24 pm

Thank you #3 & #11 and #13 for your nice and encouraging comments. Have an easy fast.

June 24, 2013 6:12 pm

Young adult women do need their space.

And, if they are telling other girls what not to listen to from their parents then they are wrong for that.

You pay and this is what you get?!?
June 24, 2013 5:33 pm

When chassidic Seminaries encourage the young adult women the right to have “space”and preach that girls need not hear what parents/ mothers have to say on any odd topic… – what can be expected?

to#9 from #6
June 24, 2013 5:23 pm

Sorry, but unless you work for the NSA or FBI stating my name is irrelevant to this topic. Plus i’m a guy.

June 24, 2013 5:10 pm

Exactly. What about child abuse?
It is clearly talking about bad behavior and better parenting.

I won’t put up with bad behavior that’s all I have to say.

agree with no. 6
June 24, 2013 4:24 pm

It seems that every topic comes back to tznius.. So no 2 since you brought it up one thing to tell you…. The tznius ,as you call problem, is a result not a cause…..Have u stopped to see all the lying and fighting going on ? thats the result

To #6 Totally Agree with number #2
June 24, 2013 3:21 pm

Read the Garden of Education of Shalom Arush if you wnat to really understand that these prorams treat symptoms but no the root, your kids are a stcik on Hashem hands for your own personal corrections. However felt that you can came Home and your kids are wiyh anger and bad tantrum and the father might feel a victim that works hard, but what’s the lesson, why Hashem has these kids behavins this way? Hashem ask the person to personally do chesbon hanefesh as Tanya suggest and guess what, The dad was talking on the middle of krias hatorah or… Read more »

Thank you
June 24, 2013 1:50 pm

Rabbi Michy and Miriam, Thank you for such a heartfelt and personal article. Dvarim hayotzim mehalev, nichnas el halev. Most of us as parents very badly need parenting workshops such as this one. We put so much effort into our children, but many of us simply never had the opportunity to learn the necessary skills. So we struggle and struggle and struggle. And if you are NOT struggling, and think you are perfect, well that is a pretty bad sign. Yes there are exceptions, people who grew up in very stable homes, and had perfect modeling of what good parenting… Read more »

Sounds horrific...
June 24, 2013 1:42 pm

Would never put up with that type if behavior!
I guess that’s why I have 4 fabulous kids ( 3 of them teens) kah who give me so much nachas!

amazing article
June 24, 2013 1:40 pm

not all paremts are perfect and this article is a perfect example tto go by. it seems like simi yellin is an awesome perso

"Proggressive thinking"
June 24, 2013 1:36 pm

I’m not so sure that dividing the gap between parents and children is specifically a progressive idea – i think there may be somewhere where yhe rebbe speaks about this in a positive way / does anyone have ant sources?

Dear # 6 (State your name...
June 24, 2013 1:26 pm

this is part of our problem.)
Quoting: “…teach one when to and when not to use consequences with a stress on getting our children to behave not to avoid a consequence, but from a deeper place where right and wrong are truly felt,”
‘Deeper place?’
Where’s that?
Giving up your desire to dress like ‘non-Jews’ who have little or no conception of modesty.
Perhaps # 6 is one of these ladies?
Difficult to have ‘moser nefesh’ no?
Exercising ‘moser nefesh’ is the ‘road to holiness, goodness, happiness and ‘Moshiach!’
(And fine children — I have six, BA”H)

June 24, 2013 1:23 pm

They are addicted to their phones, it’s mostly texting that distracts people though.

Boruch Nissim Hoffinger HaKohaine... BS"D
June 24, 2013 1:19 pm

# 2 I did ‘stick to the topic.’
When many women in Crown Heights (With the help of their husbands) start to dress ‘tzniousdik’ then many problems will vanish between adults and children.
Children pick up a lot of ‘vibes.’ Un-‘tzniusdik’ dress is just the surface of a lack of ‘kedusha.’ The children sense and know this.
An increase in ‘kedusha’ will elevate the status of the homes and bring in more wisdom, light and joy.
Everything is connected to everything else. Education starts at home.
(All the rabbeim has spoken about this.)

June 24, 2013 12:31 pm

Please stick to the topic of the article. You can write an op-ed piece like so many others.

More Involved Parenting
June 24, 2013 12:08 pm

Much hatzlocha. One very important thing to have in mind is to whom are our children oriented? Do they turn more towards their peers for things or more towards their parents?

Being a very involved parent does take time, sometimes more than we want to put in. That said, when your children associate more with you than their friends it strengthens the bond. Then they will turn to you for advice and instruction instead of using their teenage friends a mashpiim.

with the old breed
June 24, 2013 12:08 pm

ok, why don’t you all spend 15 min of you lifes and look and see how many parents can’t go for a walk with their children without talking on the cell to someone else. what kind of children do you expect. have a nice day.

Parent of large family
June 24, 2013 11:36 am

Bravo! Finally someone says about how we should be treated! rather than how we need to treat our children.! In this generation love means-give them what they want. Torah does NOT advocate that. We love our children, means we care deeply for them, and work hard for their well being but it doesn’t mean we are going to go along with their whims, their pressure etc. WE ARE THE PARENTS AND WE KNOW BETTER!

Boruch Nissim Hoffinger HaKohaine... BS"D
June 24, 2013 11:23 am

One thing I noticed about Crown Heights, is that there’s an unhealthy percentage of mothers who don’t dress ‘tznius.’ Skirts above the knee and tight also. Just a little ‘mussar:’ This neighborhood was started by and supported by ‘The Frediker Rebbe’ and ‘The Lubavitcher Rebbe,’ MH”M. One thing they wanted very much was that ‘Halacha’ shoud be followed, particularly re: ‘tznius.’ So, if certain women (Including the husbands of these ‘untznius’ women) can’t respect the wishes of these two very great leaders, why should they be surprised when their children don’t respect them? These parents shouldn’t have such high expectations… Read more »

Hayom yom
June 24, 2013 10:26 am

30min minimum per day focused on thinking (and thereby detecting problems and solutions re) chinuch the proper way

most issues down the line are preventable with awareness and early intervention with guidance from yedidm mevinim